Everything's Electric

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The hospital kept me and Elton in overnight to monitor us, Noel went home to get everything ready for when we came back.

I woke up in the hospital, the bright sun shone through the window, I was taking my baby home today. I went to get changed and the midwife brought my baby in.
"He's just woken up and he's hungry!" She said passing me my son,
"Are you ready to try breastfeeding??" She said.
I wasn't too sure about breastfeeding, but it didn't hurt to give it a try.
I unbuttoned my blouse and held Elton near my chest. He was doing it!
I laughed to the midwife "god this feels so weird!"
She smiled and said "it's wonderful isn't it!?"
I nodded and looked at him. I felt so proud.

I stood next to the window and watched the street outside. A familiar car pulled up and Noel jumped out. I dressed Elton in a fluffy bear baby grow and held him waiting for Noel to come up and get me.

A few minutes later, Noel came in and said "ready to go home?"
"Obviously" I laughed
I grabbed my bag and swung it over my shoulder and Noel put the car seat on the bed ready for me to clip Elton into it.
We walked down and out of the hospital holding hands and were greeted by a swarm of paparazzi taking pictures of us and our baby. They shouted out questions.
"Is it a girl or a boy mr gallagher?" One called
"What's its name Noel???" Another shouted.

We ignored all the questions and climbed into the rolls Royce as fast as possible. I was so happy to be going home.

We pulled up outside supernova heights to see Liam stood at the door with the rest of the family. Me and Noel got out the car, Noel unclipped the car seat with the baby in it and walked up the steps to greet Liam, Peggie and Paul. I grabbed my bag out of the boot and carried it to the house.
"Congratulations!!" The three of them said to us "what did ya call him then?" Liam asked Noel.
"This is Elton James Gallagher" Noel said to everyone proudly.
Peggie studied him, "goodness me he's precious" she said in her thick Irish accent.

He was precious, I had to agree with her. His little nose scrunched when he yawned, he had the biggest blue eyes that sparkled like the ocean. I've never loved anything so much, he was my baby, our baby. Me and Noel had created this perfect little bundle of happiness and joy, every time I looked at him my heart burst with pride. Everything was electric.

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