Things change

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The year 2000 came round in the blink of an eye. Me and Noel had celebrated Elton's 2nd birthday and the birth of our 2nd child together Jamie Reagan Gallagher, a daughter.
Oasis had released 'Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants', their 4th album. Liam and patsy had a baby named Lennon Francis Gallagher in 1999 however patsy and Liam split and Liam had recently met Nicole Appleton from all saints.

I stood at the large patio doors, gazing at the view of fields and farmland of our country estate. I cradled Jamie in my arms and wiped her mouth for the formula from earlier was still gathered around her lips. Interrupting my train of thought, the doorbell at the gates rang. I walked over to the buzzer to see who it was.
"Hello, Lyla Gallagher." I said
"Y'alright Lyla, it's Liam" he said
"Hi Liam, Noel's not here at the moment" I replied.
In a serious voice Liam said "I know, it's you I'm here to see"
Confused I buzzed for the gates to open to let him in. A minute later, he knocked on the door.

"What do you want then?" I asked him getting straight to the point.
Liam shuffled his weight from either leg and looked at me with pity in his eyes as I held my two children.
"I need to talk to you about Noel. It's serious." He said.
Confused and concerned I said "well you better sit down then. What could be so important that you come to my house to speak to me?"
He sat on the chair opposite me, making himself at home and he twiddled his thumbs.
"Noel is cheating on you Lyla." He said, his voice flat and emotionless, serious and concerned.
Unable to fathom what Liam had just told me I didn't reply. I just sat and stared at him, not knowing what to think.
"And how do you know this?" I asked after a few minutes of silence.
"He told us. He said he told her that he'll leave you for her" Liam replied.
Tears rushed to my eyes. I couldn't believe it.

"I'm telling you in advance Lyla because you've become a member of our family and I won't let his dicking around leave you and the kids in shit" Liam said.
I shook my head still unable to comprehend it "I can't believe this Liam, what am I meant to do?" I said, my voice cracking from the tears that kept flooding to my eyes.
Liam shook his head and shrugged, "I'm sorry Lyla, I'm here for you if you need me, she's only with him for his money anyway and he can't see it, you need to fight Lyla, I know you have it in you. Don't let him do this to you and the kids" he said motivating me.
I wasn't about to let some random woman steal my husband and the father of my babies away from me.

I saw Liam out, trying to hold back my tears for until he left. As I closed the door behind him, I sunk to the floor. How could Noel do this to us??? Why would he do it?? I wondered as I silently cried trying to not wake the baby.

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