An uninvited guest

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Over the next few days I didn't know what to do with myself. I felt like I didn't have a purpose without my children.

I went about my day, trying not to think about Noel or the kids. Damon was away so I had the house to myself meaning that I had my thoughts to myself too. My mind had a tendency to run away with me.

I sat on the old armchair next to the front window. It was a big bay window which gave a clear view of the street. The clouds were a murky grey colour, concealing the cobalt blue of the sky above. I sat on the chair with my cup of tea steaming into my face like a warm hug. The street seemed quieter than usual, the road was lined with tall trees which were beginning to spring into blossom, it was kept neat and tidy by the residents. I looked further down and saw a man striding down the pavement. His floppy brown hair bounced around due to his unusual gait. He wore comically large clothes which hung from his body like blankets. I laughed to myself at the unusual man but took no notice. I returned my attention back to the television while getting comfortable on the chair. I was wearing a tight brown button down shirt which was slightly cropped and had a cut out at the bag with a pair of low rise jeans and fluffy socks. Jeans probably weren't the most suitable choice for sitting down all day but I chose them nevertheless. Just as I had settled into my seat. The doorbell rang.

"For fuck's sake" I said to myself as I got up out of my chair, which I'd just gotten comfy and warm in, to answer the door. I fumbled with my keys trying to unlock it. The panes of glass in the door were frosted so I was unable to make out who was on the other side, only the outline of the uninvited guest. Eventually, I managed to get the door open. The person on the other side made my heart sink.

"May I come in" he said while he hung his head shamefully.
I stepped aside for him to enter the house.
I cut in front of him to go back into the living room and sit back down. He took a seat on the sofa opposite me, throwing himself down like a sack of potatoes, I rolled my eyes as he did so.
"So why are you here" I said.
"I want to talk, you've made everything so difficult lyla "
"Stop trying to project the blame onto me Noel, it's not fair, I haven't done anything wrong" I said scornfully.
He nodded taking in what I had said,
"I'm sorry but please can we just try and talk" he pleaded
"About?" I questioned
"Oh wait I have a few topics in mind" I continued,
"How about how you cheated on me for god knows how long? How about how you've taken the kids away from their mother? How about how you're acting like the victim in all of this when you're the fucking villain? How about how I think you're a disgusting piece of Manchester scum that should crawl back into the hole where he was born? You don't fucking deserve what you've got Noel." I hissed at him. I was furious.
He sat opposite me unable to say a word. Speechless. He just looked at his hands and twiddled with his thumbs while picking at his nails.

"Exactly" I said, proving my point.
"You know I'm sorry lyla. I can't change the past, I regret it but I can't change it. I'm nothing without you" he said.
I stared at the television, emotionless.
He continued, "my eyes will always follow you around the room, I'm just waiting for the moment for my heart to be unbroken, so that I can make you mine and I can be your husband again."
"Poetic" I said sarcastically, "did you write that for her?"
He rolled his eyes and put his head in his hands.
"Don't be a bitch Ly, it doesn't suit you" he said condescendingly. This enraged me.

"Having a scummy, mancunian cheater of a husband didn't suit me either, that's why I left. Now get the fuck out of my house" I said calmly.

He got up and made his way to the door before turning around. He pointed his fat finger at me and said, "you're never seeing my kids again. Fuck you" he sneered.
Hot tears sat on my water line. I got up and screamed "get out of my fucking house" my temper had been well and truly lost. I picked up the vase that was sat on the table in the hall and lobbed it at him. I watched as it smashed on his head. He turned around with his hand on the wound, he had a guilt ridden look across his face. He slowly took his hand off of his head and it was covered in bright red blood. The blood trickled from his head and dripped onto the black and white tiled floor leaving puddles as he tried to walk away.

He turned pale as he saw the amount of blood that he was losing. His legs buckled underneath him, he was in trouble. What had I done? I stood away and panicked. I paced around with my hands on my head, my anxiety was through the roof. I ran to the phone and called for an ambulance while checking on Noel. His pulse was weak and his eyes were closed. I held his hand tightly while we waited for the ambulance to arrive.

I started to cry, "I can't lose you noel" I said to him over and over again. He squeezed my hand and cracked open his bright blue eyes which were still as vibrant as always despite his situation. He looked me deep in the eyes and said "I love you lyla". Before closing them again. I burst into tears, "no no no, Noel, stay with me please" I cried as he slipped in and out of consciousness. "I love you too" I trembled in a tsunami of tears. Please be okay...

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