She's So High

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*Noel's POV*

"Have you seen Ly?" I shouted across the table to the others
"I saw her go off with Damon" Gem answered back.
"For fucks sake" I mumbled.

Damon was a bad influence. Lyla was already as high as a kite and he'd just keep giving her the lines. I got up to try and find her.
"Rkid 'ere" I called to Liam.
He got up reluctantly and came with me to help find my wife.

"Lyla!" I called, the loud music and hum of conversation caused my shouts to get lost in the noise. I made my way over to the gorillaz's table.
"Y'alright Jamie" I said gaining his attention.
"Hello mate!" He slurred drunkenly.
"Have you seen Damon and Lyla? We're heading out now"
Jamie nodded enthusiastically as I spoke,
"Oh ah I've seen damo but I ain't seen your precious lyla" he sniggered finding himself hilarious.
I nodded and tried to laugh along and said, "well where's Damon then?" Trying to prompt him to tell me where they were
"He's in the bog, I doubt you'll find your wifey there" he said waving me off
I rolled my eyes and started walking to the toilets.

I swung the door open.
"Damon?" I called trying to see if he was in there
"Noel?" He said back from inside one of the cubicles.
"D'yer know where Lyla is?" I asked
"I ain't seen her for a while" he said sounding breathless.
"Alright thanks mate, if ya see her tell her I'm leaving in a bit so meet me at the bar" I explained and he hummed in agreement.

I burst back out of the toilets running my hands through my hair. I went over to the bar and ordered a pint of lager to calm myself down. My mind kept wondering if something bad had happened to her. I tried to shove those thoughts to the side. I'm sure she's fine. I sat at the bar with my head in my hands.
Startling me, a pair of hands were placed on my shoulders.
"Boo!" She exclaimed.
"Fucking hell Ly, I've been looking for ya for hours" I exaggerated, rubbing my temples.
Her pupils were insanely dilated, I could hardly see the green of her eyes for the size of them.
"I found you!!!!" She laughed hysterically.
"God, you're off your tits" I said to her trying to calm her down.
"Am not" she whispered in my ear like a toddler.
I got up to steady her, she was like Bambi, swaying around all over the place.

I wrapped my arm around her waist tightly with to hold her up. She turned to look at me, even when she was off her face she was beautiful. Sometimes I have to pinch myself that she's my wife. She stared into my eyes and examined my face.
"You're so pretty noelie" she slurred.
"Let's go home" I laughed and picked her up to take her to the car. She held onto my neck tightly then fell asleep. She's so high.

*Lyla's POV*

I sat in the cubicle with Damon unable to stop laughing. We set out lines on each other's arms and sniffed them off each other. I couldn't stop laughing. Nothing was even funny. Suddenly, scaring me out of my skin, the door violently swung open. "Damon???" A familiar mancunian voice shouted. I had to hold my breath to stop myself from laughing.
"Noel??" Damon said back with a stupid grin on his face.
"D'yer know where Lyla is??" He asked
I held my mouth closed, tears streamed down my face from how hard I was trying not to laugh. Damon laughed silently before replying
"I ain't seen her in a while" he replied, breathless from laughing so much.
"Alright mate, if ya see her, tell her I'm leaving in a bit so meet me at the bar" he said before leaving, letting the door slam behind him.
I burst into a fit of laughter, my face was bright red from laughing so hard and my stomach hurt. I looked at Damon and slurred, "well I better go then, see ya around Albarn"

I walked out of the toilets and towards the bar hoping that I didn't look as unsteady as I felt. It felt like the floor was wobbling beneath me. I couldn't even see straight. I saw Noel from afar, arched over a pint of lager and running his hands through his hair. I snook over and placed my hands on his shoulders
"Boo!" I exclaimed, he jumped exactly how I'd planned him too. I found myself hilarious and laughed hysterically.
"Fucking hell ly, I've been looking for ya for hours" he said sounding worried.
My head felt so light, it felt like I was going to start floating.
"I found you!!!" I slurred, even I could tell my voice was slurred so I couldn't begin to imagine how it sounded to Noel.
"God, you're off your tits" Noel said standing up and trying to steady me. My balance was completely gone, I was swaying around and struggling to keep myself upright.

Noel tightly wrapped his arm around my waist keeping me steady. He made me feel so safe.
I studied his face intently and he studied mine. I could tell he was thinking something from the little smirk which appeared across his lips.
"You're so pretty Noelie" I said to him, he made me nervous even when I was unbelievably confident from being out of my mind on coke. Noel shook his head dismissing my compliment. "Let's go home" he laughed.
Suddenly he swept me off my feet and carried me towards the door. I nuzzled into his neck and fell asleep. I was so high.

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