Happy Hangover

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I woke up without any memory of the night before. My brain felt like it was pounding against my skull, the pulsating was audible to me. Noel laid in the bed next to me looking like just a pile of blankets. The crack of sunlight that was penetrating through a small hole in the curtains, it shone directly into my eyes causing my headache to worsen. Suddenly an overwhelming urge to throw up creeped up on me, my mouth filled with saliva. I catapulted myself out of bed and sprinted to the bathroom.

I rested my head on the cold ceramic of the toilet. My face was as green as the vomit that I'd just produced. I heard noel call me from the  bedroom. "Lyla?" He called. I couldn't speak. My stomach growled and I threw up again. I heard noel jump out of bed, his half naked body stood at the doorway and leant on the frame. "You were fucked last night" he said patronizingly.
I rolled my eyes and said "I can tell, what the fuck did you let me have"
He shook his head and said "don't blame me for your decisions, plus you were off with albarn half the night so I couldn't even tell ya to stop"
I rolled my eyes again, his voice was causing my brain to thrash even more against my skull.  He kneeled behind me and held my hair back from getting sick in it.
"It's your birthday" he whispered in my ear as he kissed my neck lightly.

I turned round to look at him. He always looked so effortlessly gorgeous in the morning, I admired his little tuft of grey hair in his fringe and the way his eyes creased when he smiled. "32, getting old" I laughed
Noel shook his head "you're still well fit though" he smirked.
I got up from the bathroom floor and began to get ready for the day.

"Radio?" Noel asked
"Go on then" I said not sure why he was asking me.
I looked in the mirror and did my makeup while listening to the radio. The sound of my name made me sit bolt upright. I looked over at Noel who was smirking at me while laying down on the bed.
"And a big happy birthday to Lyla Gallagher who is 32 today, we've got a special song to play for her today so Lyla if you're listening, this one is for you" the DJ announced.
Confused I waited for the song to begin. The opening guitar riffs gave me goosebumps. I turned round to look at Noel again, I gave him a confused look before saying "you didn't?"
He smiled widely and said "shut up you're talking over it"
I listened intently. Liam's voice burst through the radio singing "Hey Lyla!" I couldn't believe it. I couldn't stop smiling. Noel walked over to me and kissed my cheek from behind, "happy birthday darling, that's not my only present for you by the way" he smirked and winked.

I listened to the song that Noel wrote for me all those years ago play on the radio. They'd electrified it and got liam to sing it so it sounded like a proper rock n roll anthem. I loved it and it was mine. I finished getting ready and headed downstairs, I was greeted by the strong smell of bacon cooking. I waltzed into the kitchen and said "what's cooking good looking". I cringed as I said it but never mind.
"Full English" Noel replied dryly. I hummed in response and made my way into the living room to see what was on the Telly. As I walked in I saw a couple of little gifts wrapped up and placed by the fireplace. Noel called from the kitchen, "don't open those yet!"
"Alright" I laughed as I plonked myself down onto the sofa and watched the Telly. A few moments later, Noel walked in with two big plates of food. He was a fantastic cook when he wanted to be.
"Can I open them now?" I asked in a sickly sweet voice.
"Go on then" Noel said between mouthfuls of food.

I grabbed the smallest gift first. I sat on the floor like an excited toddler. I teared it open gently. It was a long black velvet box. I carefully lifted the lid to reveal a beautiful silver necklace with my name hanging from it. The letters of my name were embossed with diamonds which glistened in the morning sun. I was speechless. I looked up at Noel who had a hopeful look on his face.
"So d'yer like it?" He asked continuing to shovel his breakfast into his mouth.
"I love it Noel, thank you so much, you really didn't have to get me anything" I said quietly.
"Are you joking? Of course I did, I wanted to treat my lovely wife" he retorted
I shook my head and clasped the necklace around my neck. It was stunning.

I grabbed the second of the three presents. I quickly ripped the paper away from it. It was a beautiful Chanel bag, it must've cost him a fortune. My jaw dropped as I saw it, I adored it. "Only 2 of them were made ya know" Noel said proudly.
I shook my head in disbelief, "Noel" I began before he interrupted me, "don't be silly Lyla, you do deserve it" he laughed. He knew exactly what I was going to say. My eyes drifted to the big present. I had guessed it'd be a Hoover of something by the size of it. Noel looked particularly excited.
"Let me explain this one" he said
I nodded and waited before opening it.
"So y'know how you were playing carnation when I first met ya?" He asked
I nodded along
"And I know that you like The Jam" he continued
I felt like I knew where this was heading,
"So i got this for ya, you can open it now" he said excitedly.
I tore it open.
It revealed a gorgeous leather guitar case which I clicked open. I saw a gorgeous white jetglo 330 guitar. I was lost for words. I was gonna cry.

"That's Paul Weller's" Noel explained, "he gave it me and I knew you'd love it" he continued.
I was absolutely awestruck. I burst into tears.
"Oh my god" I said placing my hand over my mouth'
"I can't believe it" I said
"Well you better believe it" he laughed
"Play it then" Noel continued.

I picked it up out of its case, it was such a beautiful instrument, I was afraid I wouldn't do it justice. "I haven't played anything for years" I said. Noel shook his head, "don't matter, play carnation like you used to" he said.

I tickled the strings with my long nails and began to play my favourite song. I couldn't believe i was playing Paul wellers guitar. I felt starstruck. "You can still play" Noel said.
I smiled bashfully.
"Thankyou so much Noel, this is incredible, all of it is" I said.
Noel leant down to me and kissed me on the lips, "I love you so much" I said smiling, "I love you more darling" he said back.

I was absolutely obsessed with all of my gifts however a part of me was upset that Noel had gone so all out, how was I supposed to top this for his birthday!

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