The wrong end of the stick

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She called my name and I felt sick to my very stomach. The pain had eased since arriving but I was still scared.
"Do you want me to come in with you?" Damon asked
"No it's okay" I said as I got up to go in "Thank you for being here" I continued.
I walked into the room feeling extremely anxious.

I told the nurse what the problem was and the doctors examined me. She approached me smiling after deliberating what was wrong with me.

"Mrs Gallagher, you have no need to worry, it seems you were just experiencing a case of Braxton Hicks contractions. They're sort of like fake contractions which can often be confused for labor or a miscarriage." She explained.
I was so relieved "thank god" I said almost crying from the happiness that I wasn't losing my baby. The nurse escorted me out of the room and was met by an anxious looking Damon. The nurse looked at him and smiled saying "you did the right thing by bringing her in, you're going to be an excellent father"
Damon tried to correct her but I shook my head as it would be awkward.

We walked through the hospital, "so?? You're okay then?" Damon asked me.
"Yeah I'm okay, I had Braxton hicks or something, like fake labor basically" I explained. He looked relieved and then said "well I guess congratulations are in order, considering I only just found out you're pregnant"
I shook my head and laughed "yeah, it wasn't really planned. Nobody knows other than the family. Don't tell anybody please Damon"

We drove back to the house. The car journey was quiet, I didn't really feel like speaking.
We pulled up outside my house, "Thank you" I said to Damon.
"No problem lyla honestly" he said.
His eyes were looking particularly pretty, and his blonde fringe fell over his face perfectly. He was irresistible. Trying to resist the urge I felt to kiss him, I quickly got out of the car and bolted up the stairs to the front door. I went to unlock it but found it was already unlocked. Confused I let myself in. I cautiously swung open the door.

Stood in the hallway was Noel. He looked at me with a concern stricken face. "So??" he asked
I smiled and said "it's okay, it was false labor"
I watched his face wash over with relief and he hugged me tightly "I'm not leaving again Lyla, I can't leave you again"
I kissed him and looked into his eyes as I said "I love you so much Noelie, I'd missed you"

We sat on the sofa watching the telly, all was relaxed until Noel said,
"How did you get to the hospital?"
I wasn't sure how Noel would take it but I told him honestly, "don't be mad Noel, I didn't call him" I began
"Fuckin hell Ly, the press are gonna eat that up, fuckin Damon albarn, what the fuck was he even doing here??" He asked, already knowing who it was by the look on my face.
He took it better than I had expected to my relief.
"I don't fucking know Noel, I was on the phone to you when he knocked the door and I don't know why he was here, I didn't ask, I just needed to get to the hospital and he had a car" I explained.
"Right, we should probably try and stay away from albarn for now, avoid the tabloids getting the wrong end of the stick. And we should probably start telling people about your pregnancy." He said calmly.
I nodded in agreement then took myself to bed. I'm glad that I've finally got my husband back.

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