I'll be back another day

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In the morning I woke up back in Noel's arms where I belonged. I had to collect my stuff from Damon's house today, I was hoping that he wouldn't be in.

I got out of bed, half naked from the night before and threw on a dressing gown to cover myself up. Noel was half awake and admiring me from the bed, "why'd you have to cover them up" he whined from under the covers.
I rolled my eyes but flashed him again nevertheless. I went and showered before tending to the kids. I got dressed in a pair of low rise baggy jeans with a black long sleeve mesh top and a pair of black and white adidas superstar trainers.

"Noel we need to get my stuff from Damon's" I said to him making him aware of my plan for the day.
"Do you need me to come with you?" He asked
"It's up to you but I'm gonna need the car" I replied
"I'll come" he said dryly.

Liam came over to look after Elton and Jamie. I wasn't too happy about leaving them alone with him but he manages with his own son so I didn't worry too much. Noel got dressed in a pair of blue jeans with a blue denim jacket and a black polo shirt underneath with white adidas gazelle trainers. He looked effortlessly gorgeous. We made our way down to the car. I felt nervous going back to Damon's; even though I had only been gone a few days. We pulled up down the road as Damon's car was parked in front of his house. "Please don't be in. Please don't be in." I thought to myself repeatedly. I walked up to the tall door of the terraced house with Noel trailing closely beside me. I knocked the window of the door loudly. Nothing. I waited a few seconds before knocking again. Still nothing. I relaxed and pulled the key out of my pocket. I let myself in.

"My stuff and the kids stuff is in the first room on the left" I said to Noel, waiting for him to go and start packing for me. I walked into the kitchen to get some of the stuff of mine that I'd left, like baby bottles and sterilizers. I carried them to the door and placed them on the side. I grabbed the toys and rocking chair from out of the living room added that to my pile before running upstairs to help Noel. My phone was on the side table as I'd forgotten it. I stuffed my clothes into bags with Noel, I hadn't brought much so it didn't take long.
"Are we done then?" Noel asked
"Yeah that's it" I said as I grabbed Jamie's cot and carried it downstairs along with the bags. Noel followed closely behind me carrying two bags. Just as we reached the bottom of the stairs, we heard the key being put into the door.

Shit. I looked at Noel panicked. The door swing open to reveal Damon.
"Oh, hi Noel" Damon said his face dropping as he saw him.
Noel smiled coyly at him before walking past him with the bags to take to the car.
"Lyla? What's going on?" He asked me looking confused
I smiled weakly and explained "me and noel have worked things out so I'll be moving back to supernova heights"
He nodded and said "oh right well that's good then, I'll miss ya lyla!"
I smiled and hugged him tightly before saying "sorry dames, I'll miss you too, I'll call you sometime"
He nodded and started helping me and Noel to pack up my stuff into the Rolls Royce. I felt so bad, I started to wonder if I'd led him on. He knew it was only temporary, surely.

By midday, I was completely packed and ready to go. I stood by the door with Damon.
"I'm sorry" I whispered
"Don't be silly Lyla, you've got a family and he's your husband, I understand."
I nodded and hugged him tightly "loves ya" I laughed before pecking him on the lips.
"Call me" he smiled.
I nodded as I walked away from him. He was so perfect but he deserved someone who could give him more than me.
Damon closed the door as I walked away.
I climbed into the car and rested my head on Noel's shoulder. "Take us home driver" Noel said as he held me tightly. I was exhausted.

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