Can't fight the tears from falling

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The four hour drive from London to Manchester felt like the longest drive of my entire life. I sat in silence for the majority of the journey as Noel and Liam argued relentlessly next to me. I couldn't even go to sleep because of their constant bickering.
I'd never been to Manchester before but I'd heard a lot about it from Noel. He made it seem a lot worse than it was. Yeah I guess the north was gloomy and the weather was more shit but not much was different in Manchester to the council estate where I grew up in London.

We turned a corner into a street lined with quaint little houses, the street looked homely enough and the road was quiet. The tips of the bushes and blades of grass were frosted and white. The sky was painted with hues of grey and blue, we pulled up outside a pokey semi- detached council house. Liam flung the door open and skipped up to the front door leaving everyone else to deal with the bags. Noel started to unpack the boot of the car with my help while Liam sat on his arse on the doorstep doing fuck all. Eventually, the door swung open to reveal an extremely smiley lady. Liam turned around and hugged her tightly. It was the first time I'd seen him soften up and drop his rockstar persona. Noel looked so happy to see her. We walked up the lawn to the door with the bags. Their mom looked at me and said in a strong Irish accent "ah and this must be Lyla, I've heard so much about you pet"
She seemed so sweet, I could tell why the brothers loved her so much. "Hi" I smiled sweetly, earning myself a dirty look from Liam.

Me and Noel got the bags into the house while Liam went to go and chat with Peggie. "She loves ya" Noel said proudly. I laughed and said "how can you tell? I only just met her"
"Trust me Ly, I can tell, she loves ya just like I do, I love you" he said staring deeply into my eyes, his words intoxicated me.
Blushing I said "I love you too". He held my hand tightly and squeezed it. We walked into the living room and sat together on the sofa. Liam didn't stop glaring at us the entire time.

"So darling" Peggie began "where abouts are ya from"
I smiled and replied cheerily, "well I grew up in London but my family are originally from Dublin"
"Ahh so you're Irish like me and my boys then!" She laughed
I nodded "I suppose I am"
Noel held my hand and squeezed it tightly whenever he could sense I felt a bit uneasy. Mostly I was unnerved by his brother shooting me daggers from across the room. Maybe I should tell Noel about Liam but I just couldn't bare it if I caused any problems between them.

Meeting Peggie had been much easier than I could have hoped it to have been, I felt like I'd known her forever. Noel lead me up the stairs to his childhood bedroom, the little golden plaque on the door read 'Liam and Noel'. Inside were two beds on either side of the room. "So you'll be sleeping on the floor" Noel said to me with a serious look on his face.
Unable to tell if he was joking or not I pulled a confused look at him and said sarcastically "wow thanks, you're such a gentleman" while rolling my eyes.
He laughed and said "nah, rkid has a flat nearby so me and you will be staying in 'ere. We'll put the beds together if ya want"
I pulled a thoughtful look then said just as seriously as Noel had "nah I'd rather sleep on my own, you hog the bed"
He looked mildly hurt, I felt as if I'd just kicked a puppy.
"I'm only joking, you know I can't get enough of you!" I laughed while hugging him around his neck and lightly pecking his lips.

After I'd kissed him, he pulled me in for another, and another, and another. Before I knew it were stood in the middle of his room having a full blown make out sesh. Interrupting us, Liam burst in.
"For fuck sake!" He said while covering his eyes as he came in
"What do you want?" Noel said to him dryly
"I want 'er gone, that's what I want" Liam hissed back in response.
Noel tensed up and scowled as he said calmly "get the fuck out Liam"
Liam looked back unbothered by what Noel had just said "I ain't going nowhere, it's her that's pissing off"

I can't say that Liam's words didn't hurt, tears stung my eyes as they lingered on my waterline as i tried to fight them from falling.
I watched Noel's fists clench, so I stepped in front of him and gazed deeply into his eyes shaking my head telling him not to do what I knew he wanted to do. Noel simply said to Liam "Get out before I throw ya out, ya little cunt"
Liam scoffed and scowled at me before swaggering out and slamming the door behind him causing Peggie to shout up the stairs telling him off. As he left, I couldn't hold back the tears. I sat down on the bed and weeped into my hands.

Noel wrapped his arms around me and said,
"Fucking ignore him Lyla, I don't give a shit what he thinks"
I shook my head "I don't understand why he hates me so much Noelie"
Noel responded "I do. It's cus he can't stand to see me happy so he's takin it out on you"
I cried "he came to my fucking flat Noel!"
Noel's face changed, anger flashed in his eyes "what!?" He exclaimed.
Trying to explain through the tears i said "yesterday. He came to my flat and told me to tell you that I couldn't come here with you and that I had to do it or else and that he'd warned me"

I'd never seen Noel so angry yet so calm at the same time. He kissed my cheek and rested his forehead against mine as he looked into my eyes and said "don't you worry about him Lyla. I'll sort him out"
Worried I replied "just leave it Noel, it doesn't matter"
Noel exclaimed "it fucking does matter if he's going round to me girlfriends house threatening her!"
He got up and left the room, leaving me sat on the bed worried about what he was going to do.

Listening intently from the top of the stairs, I heard Noel confront Liam. They were having a heated argument. A couple of crashes and bangs followed which worried me. A few minutes later, Noel came back up the stairs with bruised knuckles. I held his hands to look at them "Noel" I said disappointed, " what have you done?"

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