Back on track

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The next day rolled around quickly, last night was a blur. My head was pounding and I couldn't remember anything. I rolled over to see someone else under my covers with me. "Belle?" I questioned. "If that works for ya" he groaned groggily. Shit. I got a sense of deja vu, this has definitely happened before. "For fuck sake" I yawned. Noel turned over to look at me, his bright blue eyes were ten times more vivid in the morning. His eyebrows were sticking up all over the place and his hair was like a bird's nest; despite his dishevelled look, I was still insanely attracted to him. Tearing myself away from his eyes, I rolled back over to face the wall and sighed, disappointed in myself.

About half an hour later, noel catapulted himself out of my bed causing me to go flying with him. "What the fuck!" I shouted. Noel looked back at me and smiled coyly. "I'm gonna go 'ome and get changed then I'm coming back for ya Lyla!" He said excitedly. I put my head in my hands bracing from my pulsating headache. "Can you get me some ibuprofen before you leave?" I begged. He rummaged through his pockets and pulled out a red box which he chucked at me, hitting me in the face. He laughed out loud hysterically, "Sorry Lyla" he giggled. I threw a V sign at him and told him to get the fuck out of my flat, which he did.

After Noel had left, I quickly jumped into the shower and cleaned myself up. I washed the makeup that had been smeared all over my face from last night. I slicked my hair back into a high spiky bun. I quickly did my makeup and threw on my adidas track bottoms and a baby blue cropped T-shirt with a pair of adidas trainers. I was ready perfectly on time as just as I packed my handbag, Noel buzzed on my flat.

"Hello?" I said down the speaker
"Y'alright, it's Noel, let me in" he said back.
I buzzed him into the building and not long later I heard a knock on my door.
Quickly, I rushed to unlock it. Even though I was reluctant about going out with Noel, I couldn't help the sense of excitement that had built up inside me. As much as it pained me to admit it: I'd missed him.

I swung open the door to reveal Noel dressed in a pair of blue jeans with a dark bomber jacket over a white shirt and his signature adidas trainers and of course a pair of black sunglasses perched on the end of his nose.
"Come in" i chirped
Noel took notice to my changed attitude and said "well I'm glad to see that you've cheered up!"
I rolled my eyes and said "where are we going then?"
"It's a surprise" he replied mysteriously
"It's always fucking surprises with you" i snapped annoyed at his vagueness.

The taxi ride to wherever Noel had planned was awkward, I really hoped the whole day didn't end up like this.

We pulled up outside somewhere. As I went to get out the car, Noel placed his hands over my eyes and whispered in my ear "a surprise, remember?"
He lead me out of the car and held his hands firmly over my eyes so I couldn't see anything.
As we walked into the place, the door bell dinged and I heard the hum of conversation around me.
"Okay and open" Noel said excitedly before lifting his hands off of my eyes.
I looked around, trying to figure out where I was.
My old work.
The cafe.
The first place I met Noel.

I guess the gesture was romantic, bringing me to the first place we met, even if it was also the place I got sacked from because of him.
"Voila!" He said happily.
I smiled back at him and said "where we first met..."
He looked deep into my eyes and said "can we please start again?"
I thought about it for a moment. What could go wrong?? Right??
"We can." I replied to him, holding his hand tightly in my own.
His face broke into a smile, his cheeky grin always floored me.
He cupped my face with his hands and pulled me into a passionate kiss. God how I'd missed his lips.

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