Never gonna burn my heart out

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I burst through the doors following the trolley that Noel was laying helplessly on.
"Is he gonna be okay??" I said frantically while chasing them down the corridor.
The doctors just kept saying things to each other while ignoring me. Hot tears streamed down my face, my eyes were bloodshot red and stinging.

Surprising me, a doctor with a clipboard grabbed me aside.
"Are you mrs Gallagher?" she asked
"Yes, yes I am" I nodded through my tears.
"Mr Gallagher is going to be rushed into emergency surgery to remove the shards of ceramic from his skin and then we will tend to the fracture in his skull and stitch up the wound" she explained to me and a million miles per hour.
I nodded along trying to make sense of it all,
"Will he be okay?" I asked
"He should be but he's lost a lot of blood however you got here fast so there shouldn't be a problem" she reassured me.

I watched as they wheeled Noel into surgery. My heart sank and I felt guilty as I looked upon what I'd done to my own husband.

I sat in the cold waiting room on the hard metal benches cradling my head in my hands. I spotted the pay phone on the other side of the room and strode over to it. I put the 10p into the machine and dialed Liam.
"Hello it's Lyla" I said down the phone trying to hold back tears.
"Y'alright Lyla, what's up?" He asked
"I'm in the hospital with Noel, he's having surgery" I said about to burst into tears.
"Fuckin hell! I'll be there as soon as I can" he exclaimed before hanging up.
I moved back over to the bench and slumped down.

The nurse approached me,
"Mrs Gallagher?" She asked
I nodded
"Noel is out of surgery and is awake, he's asking for you" she explained.
I sat bolt upright at the news.
"He's in room 32B" she said.
I ran through the corridor to his room. I stopped as I got there. I felt nervous.
I lightly knocked on the door before entering.

"Hey" I said quietly as I made my way over to the chair by his side.
"Hi" he said back, his voice was croaky and tired.
"I'm so sorry Noel" I said feeling extremely guilty.
"I deserved it, I'm a cunt" he said.
I held his hand tightly and cried softly.
I examined his wound, it had been stitched up and he had a little bald patch shaved onto his head around it. Luckily the rest of his hair covered it so it wasn't too noticeable.

Liam burst through the door.
"Fuckin hell man what happened?" He asked frantically.
Noel smiled and said "got a vase chucked at me"
Liam was shocked and said "what the fuck, who did that"
Noel looked over to me leaving me to explain.
"I did." I mumbled guiltily.
Liam's face dropped and looked horrified.
"He was being a dick and I threw a vase and it hit him and I didn't mean it to hit him but it did, and then he started bleeding and then I had to call an ambulance and then...." I rambled on getting progressively more upset.
Interrupting me Noel said, "but it doesn't matter cos I deserved it"
Liam stood by the door dumbfounded not able to believe what he was hearing.
"The kids are with mam" liam told me
"Okay, I better be off now that you're here anyway" I said
Noel overheard and said, "no Lyla please stay"
"I can't Noel" I said. I grabbed my bag ready to leave.

As I walked away, he grabbed my hand. His blue eyes looked at me pleadingly. I lightly kissed his lips which turned into a more passionate kiss. Liam interrupted by clearing his throat. He smiled at me sweetly before saying, "I love you Lyla, please stay".

So I did. I sat by his side for a further 24 hours before he was discharged. He'll never burn my heart out.

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