Rockin' chair

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I quickly rushed to the car and broke down in tears. Something about leaving my kids with him was like letting go of every tie that I had to him.

Damon drove me back to his house, the car ride was silent but that's because I was crying for half of the journey and trying not to cry for the other half. We pulled back up outside of Damon's terraced house, I moped out of the car towards the big red door. Damon followed closely behind.
"I'm sorry Lyla" he said as he unlocked the door
"I'll get over it" I replied.
I felt empty without my babies. As if I had no purpose. It was a lonely feeling.

I walked into the house and went to the kitchen and leant against the counter.
"Shall we finish what we started then??" I said to Damon, winking at him.
He walked towards me, his eyes filled with that hunger again. His hands gravitated towards my hips as he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around him. He carried me up the stairs kissing me as we went. He threw me on the bed as he quickly undressed himself. He shook off his jeans exposing the large point which he'd developed, he took off his top then crawled onto the bed. He helped me remove my clothes and threw them on the floor.

He positioned himself over me, holding himself up with his arms. The anticipation was killing me. He kissed my neck roughly leaving a trail of love bites before he entered me causing me to gasp.
"Is that alright" he whispered in my ear.
I nodded and lifted my leg so he could get deeper. He got faster and faster, causing me to moan into his ear louder and louder as I got closer and closer. Damon began to sweat and his hair got damper while his face got redder.
My legs began to tremble and i tugged on his hair. Damon grunted and groaned as I moaned in his ear. Once we were done we laid next to each other on the bed.

"I've wanted to do that for years" he said breathlessly.
I smiled at him and asked
"Round 2?"
He smiled and said "only if you're up to it"
I rolled my eyes and swung my leg over him.
I rocked back and forth on top of him while he gripped the skin on my hips firmly, he threw his head back with pleasure. My eyes rolled back as I reached. I started to bounce up and down which caused him to moan loudly.
The sound of a key in the door startled us.
"Who the fucks that?" I said to Damon
"I've got no clue" he said

He quickly got up and threw his jeans on while going to look who was letting themselves into his house. I wrapped myself in the bed sheets and waited. I listened intently to hear what was going on.

"Graham?? What the fuck?" He said
"Sorry Damon, I left my wallet here the other day and i just came to get it, why are you all wet?" Graham said
"Could've fucking knocked Gray" Damon said before continuing "and I'm not wet, just sweaty"
Graham said in a confused tone "why are you sweaty then?"
Damon's voice went a higher pitch as he said "what's with all the questions?" Getting defensive.
Graham calmly said back "ohh I get it, who's the lucky lady??"

I made my way onto the landing after throwing on Damon's tshirt over my body.
"Y'alright Graham" I announced from the top banister causing the pair to look up at me.
"You're fucked" Graham said to damon.
I laughed and said "he has nothing to worry about"
I slowly made my way down the stairs towards them.
Damon kept his eyes firmly on me while Graham said,
"Fucking hell you're even shorter in real life!"
I laughed and joked "well somebody has to make the Gallagher brothers look tall!"
Damon rested his arm over my shoulders and pulled me into him.
"So is this like a thing now or??" Graham asked.
His questions were incessant.
"It's whatever lyla wants it to be" damon said while looking into my eyes.
Graham nodded and said "well I'll leave you two love birds to it"

He saw himself out. Me and Damon stood in the hallway looking at each other.
"So what do you want Damon?" I asked him
Damon smiled and said "I want you and only you. I want to treat you like a queen for the rest of your life"
I smiled and blushed however I'd heard it all before.
"That's what they all say" I smiled before I pecked him on the lips.
I grabbed his hands and led him back up the stairs to the bedroom.

Let round 3 commence.

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