Morning Glory

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I was gobsmacked. My legs collapsed beneath me and I was face to face with Noel on the ground. "Yes" I stammered. I laughed and said again "yes, of course I will"
He smiled widely and slipped the ring onto my finger.
"Perfect fit" he laughed.
I couldn't believe it. We laid on the floor of the stage holding each other. It was like a dream. It was perfect.

The way home was magical, we sat cuddled up in the back of Noel's rolls Royce kissing and joking around. I couldn't believe it, it almost felt way too good to be true. Nothing like this ever happens to me.

The night we spent together was amazing. And the morning was even better. The morning sun shone through the window basking it's glory upon our faces. Groggily, Noel groaned as he stretched, his messy hair flopped lazily over his shoulder squinting eyes. God he was beautiful. He turned over to look at me, his cerulean blue eyes sparkling in the golden sunrise.
"Morning beautiful" he said in a croaky morning voice.
"What's the story morning glory" I laughed as I stretched getting out of bed.
Noel admired me as I got up, looking me up and down, then went back to sleep.

I went to have a shower, I stripped naked and stood in the bathroom only to then realize that there weren't any towels. I tried to sneak out of the bathroom covering myself however it didn't quite go to plan.

I ran across the landing to try and get to the cupboard with the towels in it. But halfway there I ran into someone. Shit. Liam. Who was also naked for some reason. I scrambled up off the floor where I'd smacked into him. I frantically covered myself screaming.
"Why the fuck are you naked!!!" Liam shouted at me
"Why are you naked!!!!" I shouted back trying not to look at him.
Because of the commotion Noel came to the bedroom door.
He looked at us and in hysterics he laughed "what the fuck is happening 'ere?!"
Completely embarrassed, my face turned a bright shade of crimson, I grabbed a towel from the cupboard and ran back to the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and could still hear Noel laughing finding my embarrassment hilarious. I rolled my eyes and tried to forget that it happened.

I got changed into a pair of low rise jeans with a baggy crocheted jumper and my adidas samba trainers. I ran down the stairs to see Noel, Peggie, Liam and another bloke in the kitchen having a discussion. I walked in awkwardly and stood next to Noel.
"Lyla! This is my older brother Paul, you haven't met." Noel explained.
"Hi!" I said bashfully giving a little wave.
Paul gave me a head nod then Liam piped up.
"What's the rock on your finger?" He asked intrigued.
Noel held my hand and smiled while announcing,
"We're engaged" he said
I smiled widely showing off my ring to the three of them.
Peggie was over the moon "oh my goodness, I'm so happy for the pair of you!" She exclaimed excitedly.
Paul patted noel on the back approvingly.
Liam was slightly less impressed.
"What the fuck! You hardly know the bitch" he shouted.
Noel's eyebrows furrowed into a scowl as he said "I fucking do ya cunt, I met 'er 3 years ago, fuck off with ya shitty opinions"
Liam shouted "I can't fucking believe this fucking shit" as he swaggered out of the house slamming the door after him.

"What the actual fuck!" I said surprisedly. Noel shook his head and draped his arm over my shoulders.
"I love you" he whispered in my ear. I leaned into him and hugged him around his waist waist tightly. "I love you more" I whispered back to him.

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