Too much for me to take

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I placed Jamie back into her cot and put her dummy into her mouth. I picked up Elton and rested him on my hip as I went to eavesdrop on the conversation that Damon was having at the door.

"You alright mate, to what do I owe the pleasure this early in the morning?" Damon chirped to the visitor that stood at the door.
"Y'alright Damon, sorry to drop in on ya like this but I'm looking for Lyla" the macunian accent bellowed.
"Sorry Liam but I haven't seen her or heard from her for two years" Damon replied.

Liam. What was he doing here? Why was he looking for me?

"Y'know what Damon, I think you're bullshitting me" Liam said with a threatening tone.
"And why do you think that?" Damon said, egging Liam on.
"Cos I can smell her on ya, that's why" Liam shouted.
"I don't know what you're on about Liam" Damon said cluelessly.
"Please Damon just let me see her, I'm not gonna tell Noel she's here, I'm on her side" Liam reasoned.
"I'm really sorry Liam, but honestly, I haven't heard from her in 2 fucking years, what's going on anyway?" Damon said while pretending he didn't know anything.
Liam leant against the wall outside and sighed,
"It's a long story Damon but basically Noel's been shagging some other bird and I told Lyla about it and she left him and now nobody knows where she's gone with his kids"
Damon shrugged and said "I say good on her, she's always been too good for Noel"
"Yeah well thanks anyway Damon" Liam said as he turned around and left.

Damon slammed the door and walked into the lounge. I walked down the stairs carrying Elton with me.
"What was that about?" I asked Damon
"Liam. They're trying to find you Lyla" he said seriously
"For fuck sake" I sighed.
I placed Elton onto the floor in front of the tv and gave him a small plate of toast to keep him occupied.
I sat on the sofa next to Damon and rested my head on his shoulder.
"This is so fucked" I said to him.
"You need to call him" Damon said while stroking the back of my hand with his thumb.
"I can't" I whispered under my breath. "It's too hard" I continued.

I went upstairs to see to jamie but got distracted by my phone on the way up. I picked it up and speed dialed Noel.
"Lyla?" He said down the phone.
At first I couldn't say anything
I coughed and said "Hi"
"Please Lyla, tell me where you are, can I just see the kids"
"Okay" I whispered, "I'll drop the kids off at supernova heights at 1 o clock"
"Thank you Lyla, I promise you won't regret it" Noel chirped.
I don't know what he thought this meant but it meant nothing. I was dripping his kids off at his house for a few days and that was it.

I went upstairs to get dressed and get the kids ready. I called down the stairs,
"Damon??? Can you give me a lift to Noel's??"
"Course" he shouted back.
I dressed in a pair of white parachute cargo pants with a white vest and my adidas trainers. I walked down the stairs carrying the kids bags. Damon was waiting at the bottom carrying Elton. He was wearing a pair of baggy blue jeans with an oversized green tshirt, his hair was perfectly scruffy, he looked gorgeous. He was wearing matching adidas trainers to me which made me laugh. We loaded his car with the kids and their bags and were ready to go.

At exactly 1 o clock, we pulled up at supernova heights. A woman with blonde hair was leaving the house when we pulled up.
"Is that her?" Damon asked.
"I think so" I said
I shot out of the car after her, I don't know what I was planning to do, I hadn't thought that far ahead yet.
"Oi!" I called after her. She turned around, she was wearing a pair of Chanel sunglasses and low waisted skinny jeans, she looked a state.
"Are you the slag who's been shagging my husband then" I asked her aggressively.
She smugly smirked at me before saying "and you must be the girl who can't keep her husband happy, so nice to finally meet you, you're just as much of a bore as he said you were"

I was absolutely furious. I couldn't contain myself. I lunged at her. Damon ran out of the car to pull me off her, I fought his grip trying to wriggle away from him. The woman ran off with a bloody nose and broken Chanel sunglasses.
"What the fuck Lyla!!" Damon shouted at me.
"Stupid slag" i scorned as I walked to get the kids out of the car.
Damon ran his hands through his hair panicking. I sent him to get the bags out of the car while I took the kids up to Noel's front door.

I rang the bell and was greeted by Peggie.
"Hiya Peggie" I chirped as she opened the door, "is Noel here?" I said
"Noel?" Peggie called from the door while smiling at me.
"Y'alright Ly, can we talk?" he asked.
At this point Damon walked up the stairs with the bags and placed them on the top step.
I shook my head at him. "Only if you're going to tell me what she was doing here again" I said.
He stuttered but then said "what the fuck is albarn doing with you?"
I ignored his question like he had ignored mine.
"Thanks Noel" I said as I passed him the kids.
I kneeled down to Elton and hugged him,
"Have a good time with daddy, mommy loves you" I said to him.
I walked down the stairs linking arms with Damon. I tried to hold in my tears until we reached the car but I couldn't.

Tears cascaded down my face and I was shaking. It was all too much for me to take.

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