Stop crying your heart out

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Almost immediately after our wedding Noel and oasis left for their tour of America. Saying goodbye to Noel for months on end never got any easier.

I stood at the front door of supernova heights, waving to Noel as he walked down the stairs with his bags towards the car with Liam and the rest of the band already in it. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I watched him leave. My heart broke every time he had to go.
"I'll be back soon Lyla" he said as he got in the car.
I waved to him as I wiped my tears away and with that, he was gone again.

I turned around and walked back into the house, slamming the door behind me. I sunk to the floor and leant against the door crying my heart out. Suddenly I was overcome with the overwhelming urge to throw up. I galloped up the stairs to the bathroom and only just made it to the toilet in time. My head was spinning and I was sweating profusely. I sat next to the toilet and continued to throw up for another hour. After my random bout of sickness, I returned to my spiraling thoughts about Noel. We hadn't even had time for a honeymoon, we literally only got married 3 fucking days ago and we've not even had any time together since. I knew that being with Noel would come with his challenges, especially with him being so devoted to his music and his band. He was constantly busy. If he wasn't touring, he was busy writing, if he wasn't writing he was in the studio. With oasis' massive success I hardly saw him anymore and it was hard. It was lonely sat in supernova heights all day everyday on my own, mindlessly walking around the halls and shivering from the bitter winter. It was all a bit shit.

Startling me, the sound of the letterbox flapping echoed throughout the house. I leaped up to see what it was. It was addressed to me, strange, I never get post I thought to myself. Tearing it open, I was like an excited kid at Christmas.

"Mrs Gallagher,
We would like to invite you to model for a runway show to celebrate our featuring in London fashion week. We'd really love it if you could collaborate with us, we really admire your beauty and would love it if you would allow us to showcase you as one of our models. If you are interested please phone ....................
Yours sincerely,
House of Versace"

My mind was exploding. Versace!?! Want to work with me?!?! My first thought was to phone Noel to ask for his opinion. I picked up the phone and dialed his cell phone.
"Y'alright love?" He asked
"Yeah I'm fine, I've just had a letter through from Versace" I said down the phone excitedly.
"Versace???" He said confused "what do they want??" He asked
"They want me to model on their runway for London fashion week!!!" I exclaimed.
Noel sighed down the phone deflating my excitement slightly.
" Am ya sure it's real Ly?" Noel said to me condescendingly
"I'm not stupid Noel, it's real. What are you trying to say??? I'm not good enough for Versace to want me???" I said to him annoyed.
"That's not what I meant" he said sounding agitated.
At this point, Noel had pissed me off.
"No I knew what you meant Noel, have a nice time" I hissed before hanging up the phone.

I dialed the number on the letter.
"Hello, House of Versace how can I help you?" The receptionist on the other end answered.
"Hiya, this is Lyla Gallagher, i received a letter from you regarding London fashion week and I just wanted to inquire about that" I said putting on my best business like accent.
"Hi Lyla, I'll put you through to our director and they'll have a chat with you, one moment please" she said to me.
"Good Morning" the woman on the end of the phone said to me after I had been passed over.
"Hi this is Lyla Gallagher" I said
"Oh Lyla, I'm so glad to hear from you, so are you interested??" The lady replied excitedly.
"Yeah it sounds like a great opportunity" I responded.
"Fantastic!!! I'll send you another letter with all the details and I'll look forward to seeing you in January for the London fashion week" she said.
"Thank you, see you soon" I chirped before hanging up.

Haha, I knew it was real, I don't know why Noel was being such a dick about it. He could be a proper twat sometimes. At least this job gave me something to look forward to. I hadn't been doing anything at all while Noel was away. Maybe it would help me take my mind off missing him.

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