Dance the night away

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I laid on the sofa watching the Telly. "Are you gonna get dressed then?" Noel asked from across the room. "I am dressed" I replied slightly offended.
"I mean get properly dressed, like all fancy and that" he explained
"Oh!" I laughed "why?" I continued.
"We're going out for dinner with the lads" he said sounding excited.
"Oh wow lucky me, dinner with the lads" I said sarcastically.
"Don't be like that Lyla, they all love ya and wanted to see ya on yer birthday" he explained.
"Okay" I sighed, "I'd just rather spend it with you" I said
"There's plenty of time for that when we get home" he winked.

Our reservation was at 7:00 apparently so I had a lot of time to get ready. I wasn't sure what to wear- I didn't really have anything that fancy. Eventually I decided on a tight black lace corset over a large oversized pinstripe shirt which I paired with a short black pleated skirt and a pair of black knee high boots. I had a dark black Smokey eyeshadow on and a dark lipstick as well as my hair perfectly blown out.

Noel was wearing a pair of blue jeans with purple embroidering on the knees a brown leather jacket and a white shirt. As I walked towards him he looked me up and down slowly.
"That outfit would look better on the floor" he laughed, finding his cheesy line hilarious.
"Pervert" I scolded as I hit him with my bag.

"Are you sure your mom is okay with having the kids again?" I asked him.
"Yes Lyla, stop worrying, just enjoy yourself, you weren't worried about them last night" he giggled. I still had absolutely no memory of last night so I must've had a good time, I guess Noel was right, it had been a long time since I'd let my hair down and had a proper night out, so I may as well make the most of my birthday.

We pulled up outside a building, it didn't look like a very posh restaurant but who am I to judge. I gripped Noel's hand as we walked in. Pitch black. For fucks sake, I thought to myself. He better not have. Suddenly the whole room erupted into cheers. I couldn't believe it. I put my head in my hands from sheer shock and embarrassment.
"Noel" I whined, "you know I hate surprises"
Noel laughed and held my waist tightly while whispering in my ear, "but I know you love a good party"
I shook my head, "it was only last night that I was out of my mind" I said concerned.
"Well keep off the coke then madmoiselle" he said as we walked into the crowd towards the bar.

It was like a full on rave. I can't believe that he organized this for me. The room was packed with celebrities as well as some of my friends and Noel's mates. I wish he'd have told me so I wouldn't have gone so wild last night but I was still grateful. I wandered through the crowd, the bright lights flashed and created a fog which was difficult to see through. From behind somebody creeped up on me.
"Happy birthday, my love" he whispered into my ear, his soft accent sending a wave of heat to my cheeks.

I turned round to be greeted by his warm smiley face. "Hi Damon!" I chirped.
He leant in to kiss me. I placed my hand on his lips and pushed him away.
"What's wrong?" He asked slightly hurt.
"Damon I'm married to Noel, you can't kiss me" I explained.
"Well you didn't have a problem with it last night" he retorted
"What?!" I asked confused in barely a whisper. What the fuck was he on about? A sense of panic and dread overcame me.
"Last night at the Q awards? You came onto me" he said
"No I didn't" I laughed and walked away.
Before I could get far, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him.
"Yeah you did Lyla" he said in a serious tone.
"Well if I did, which I'm certain that I did not, I was off my face on coke and ecstasy and anything else that I could get my hands on, so I wouldn't take it personally" I scolded
"Fuck you Lyla, you were gagging for it last night" he sneered
I slapped him and said, "I was fucked Damon, you took advantage of me"

I walked away leaving him holding his hand on his cheek. I was horrified. Had I came onto Damon last night?? What happened?? I continued through the dancing bodies searching for Noel. Eventually, I found him.

"I need a line" I said slightly more desperately than I intended to.
"Liam!" Noel called which prompted a small bag of white powder to be chucked over from across the bar.
"What's the matter?" Noel asked me as he started cutting the coke, obviously noticing how flustered I was.
"Don't matter" I sighed.
Noel layed out the coke onto the house key into a small pile. I leant over and the little mountain of white powder quickly disappeared up my nose. I shook my head and sniffled at the feeling.
"Thanks" I said reeling from the buzz.
"Y'know what'll make you happy?" Noel said mysteriously.
"What?" I shouted over the loud music
"I invited Damon, he's over there" he said as he pointed towards the dance floor.

My stomach dropped and I felt physically sick. "I know" I said slightly deflated.
"What's the matter?" Noel said concerned.
"Slapped him a couple minutes ago" I said
"What?!" Noel exclaimed
"He started throwing accusations about that i'd come onto him last night when I didn't. Plus I was out of my mind on coke and all sorts so if I had, which I hadn't, then he'd have taken advantage of me anyway" I blurted out on the verge of tears.
"What the fuck!" Noel shouted, "I told you he was a fucking cunt"
"I know, I know I should've listened to you noelie, I'm sorry" I said rubbing my temples.
"Don't be daft Ly, just stay away from the twat, he's trouble" he said.

I let go of my spat with Damon and continued to dance the night away. It turned into the best birthday party ever, all thanks to Noel.

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