I don't mind being on my own

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February flew by, it was now march and I was now 3 months pregnant. My bump was getting bigger and bigger and was getting increasingly harder to hide, especially with the warmer weather approaching. I hadn't been out with Damon since the incident and I hadn't heard much from Noel. He made phone calls but usually I missed them due to them being at the early hours of the morning, which was something I was used to by now. He didn't leave any voicemails or anything nor had he asked about the baby. It almost felt like he'd forgotten about me.

I walked around the garden, admiring the frost that had tickled the ends of the blades of grass. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain shoot through my stomach. Then again. The pain was so intense it brought me to my knees. Tears gathered in my eyes as I struggled to get back to the house. I crawled across the ground to the doors and managed to get in. I got to the phone and called Noel. No answer. I left a voicemail.
My voice cracked as I burst into tears, "Noel, I think I'm having a miscarriage, it hurts" I cried and hung up the phone. I didn't know what to do.

I sunk to the floor and leant against the wall crying. I could barely breathe. I held my stomach tightly and tried to breathe properly, taking deep breaths. Interrupting me, I heard the door bell ring. I crawled over to the door with tears streaming down my eyes. I pulled myself up and unlocked the door. Damon. I fell into his arms crying. He held me tightly and walked in the house holding me up.

"I think I'm having a miscarriage Damon, I don't know what to do" I sobbed.
"Fucking hell lyla, we need to go to the hospital" he said panicking.
He helped me down to his car while saying frantically, "I didn't even know you were pregnant"
I looked at him, my eyes bloodshot red, "I'm probably not anymore so what does it matter" I said sweating.

We sat in the car, "have you got a phone?" I asked him. He rummaged through his glovebox and pulled out a nokia. I quickly dialed Noel again. He answered.
"Hello?" He asked down the phone.
"Noel, it's lyla" I said frantically
"Fucking hell I've been ringing none stop since I got your voice mail, what's happening, are you alright?" He said
"I'm on my way to the hospital, I don't know what it is but it's painful" I said on the verge of crying.
"I'm gonna try and get a flight out of Brazil lyla, I'm so sorry I'm not there for you" he said, his voice cracking.
"It's okay." I said and hung up.

We pulled up to the hospital and Damon helped me in and spoke for me at the reception. We sat down on the cold metal chairs.
"You can go now if you want Damon, you don't have to stay if you don't want to" I said "I'm used to being on my own."
"Are you crazy Lyla!? I can't leave you" he said to me baffled at the suggestion.
"Lyla Gallagher??" The nurse called.

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