Going Nowhere

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The month came and went, in the blink of an eye it was December.
"Lyla, pack your bags were leavin' tomorrow" Noel said down the phone. I looked around my messy apartment trying to remember where I had placed my suitcases. I scuttled around the flat trying to find my clothes to shove into my bags. Suddenly a loud thud on the door caused me to jump out of my skin.

I made my way to the door, wearing nothing but a dirty old shirt that belonged to Noel. I poked my head through a crack in the door.
"Liam?" I questioned confused as to why he was at my flat.
"Y'alright Lily, can I come in??" He said slyly.
"It's Lyla." I said unamused as I opened the door for him.
He swaggered in as if he owned the place
"Nice little gaff you've got 'ere" he scoffed
"Is there something I can do for you Liam because I'm quite busy at the moment if you can't tell" I hissed at him, his attitude got on my nerves.
"You're not comin' to Manchester with us Lyla, tell Noel that you can't come." He said seriously with a devious look in his eye.
Flabbergasted, shocked and appalled by Liam's proposition I was left speechless.
He continued "I've said what I needed to say, I'll leave you to it now"
The anger boiled inside of me "Why the fuck are you so hell bent on sabotaging me and Noel's relationship??? What the actual fuck is wrong with you!!!!" I screamed at him "Get the fuck out of my flat and forget your shitty idea, get used to me Liam cus I ain't going nowhere"

I did think about calling Noel to tell him what Liam had said however I decided against it as I didn't want to upset their relationship before going on tour and jeopardizing the band. I didn't understand why liam had such a problem with me, I'd only ever met him twice and I've only ever tried to be as nice as possible to him. I decided from that moment I wouldn't ever listen to a word that Liam had to say again, his foul attitude made my blood boil. I would never voice my opinions to Noel though, his happiness and the band mattered more to me than my own. As long as he was happy: I was happy.

I quickly packed the remainder of my suitcase and wheeled it to the door, making sure I had everything in the same place to ensure that I didn't forget it.

At 6 o clock in the morning, my slumber was interrupted by the phone bouncing itself off the hook.
"Hello?" I asked down the phone groggily
"Morning Lyla, I'm gonna be at yours in about 30 minutes so make sure you're ready"
"Okay" I yawned down the phone
"Sorry for waking you, see you in a bit darling" Noel said before hanging up.
I really regret losing the two years with Noel because of believing Liam so easily and not giving Noel the chance that he deserved sooner. He really did mean the world to me.

I slowly climbed out of bed, regretting lifting the covers as soon as I did due to the chill that lingered in my flat. As fast as I could, I tried to make myself look as presentable as possible within the allotted time that I had been given however my puffy face and tired eyes did not cooperate with me. Within the blink of an eye, Noel was here. We made our way down to the car that was waiting for us. My stomach became besieged with nerves as I saw Liam sat in the far seat of the car. This was going to be a long journey.

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