I've Got My Mind Made Up Now

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We had dawdled through Hyde park to a spot tucked away from the open greenery, and that's when I saw it...

A spot beyond the trees strewn with fairy lights and a picnic blanket laid on the ground with a guitar and a picnic blanket on top of it.

As I saw it, I audibly gasped "Noelie!! This is beautiful, you didn't have to"
Noel interrupted me and said "I did have to Lyla, you mean a lot to me and I wanted to do something nice for you"

In all honesty, I was overwhelmed by it all. I'd never had anything do something so nice for me before. We sat down and Noel cleared his throat...
"I wrote a song about you, d'ya wanna hear it"he asked
I couldn't hide my smile "yes of course!" I almost screamed
He smiled and grabbed his guitar,
"It's called she's electric"

She's electric
She's in a family full of eccentrics
She's done things I've never expected
And I need more time
She's got a sister
And God only knows how I've missed her
And on the palm of her hand is a blister
And I need more time
And I want you to know
I've got my mind made up now (mind made up now)
But I need more time
And I want you to say
Do you know what I'm sayin'? (What I'm sayin')
But I need more
'Cause I'll be you and you'll be me
There's lots and lots for us to see
Lots and lots for us to do
She is electric, can I be electric too?
She's got a brother (a brother)
We don't get on with one another
But I quite fancy her mother
And I think that she likes me
She's got a cousin (a cousin)
In fact she's got 'bout a dozen (a dozen)
She's got one in the oven (the oven)
But it's nothing to do with me
And I want you to know
I've got my mind made up now (mind made up now)
But I need more time
And I want you to say
Do you know what I'm sayin'? (What I'm sayin')
But I need more
'Cause I'll be you and you'll be me
There's lots and lots for us to see
There's lots and lots for us to do
She is electric, can I be electric too?
Can I be electric too?
Can I be electric too?
Can I be electric too?

The song made me smile uncontrollably all the way through. Once he'd finished he asked
"What d'ya think?"
"I think it's beautiful, thank you for writing it for me, apart from I'm not fucking pregnant you twat- I just get bloated!"
He laughed as he said "I want you to be my girlfriend Lyla- I really really do"
Thinking I miss heard I replied "huh?"
He rolled his eyes but said "will you be my girlfriend??" He looked hopeful as he waited for my response.
I couldn't stop grinning like an excited toddler as I squealed "yes!!!! Of course!!!!" And jumped on top of him showering him in kisses. He hugged me tightly and we laid on the picnic blanket looking up at the stars.

The next morning, I could hardly remember what happened. There must've been a large amount of alcohol involved judging by my heavy head. I rubbed my blurry eyes, which revealed that I was not in my pokey bedroom in my cramped single bed. And I was not alone.

I looked around, surveying my surroundings, a crisp magnolia room which smelt of booze and fags, I was laying in a large double bed with white sheets. The sound of the shower from the en-suite rattled in my ears agitating my hangover. I pulled back the sheets to reveal I was naked. Shocked I frantically tried to piece together the events of last night, I don't even remember drinking any alcohol, I quickly rushed to cover myself up and grabbed a dressing gown from the floor and wrapped it around myself. The shower stopped, relieving my head. I looked down on the ground to see two used condoms lying on the ground by the bed. Shit. I thought to myself, did I shag Noel last night???

Suddenly the door swung open revealing a half naked Noel Gallagher. His towel hung precariously on his hips. His torso was lightly sculpted and his arms were surprisingly muscular. I looked him up and down unaware that I was staring until he said
"I know I'm built like a god but there's no need to drool over me"
Mildly flustered I replied "haha, what happened last night?? I can't remember anything"
Noel looked slightly hurt by this statement as he joked  "Christ, ya can't remember anything?? My performance must've been shocking then"
I laughed as I replied "I'm sure you were amazing, good enough to get through two condoms anyway, I've just got a banging hangover"
I didn't prepare myself for Noel's next answer "well I can show you again how amazing I am if you want"
Thinking he was joking I responded "well go on then mr Gallagher, show me what you've got"

Suddenly he came over to me and threw me over his shoulder causing me to scream. He threw me down onto the bed and began to kiss me roughly, he bit down on my lip and lightly pulled my hair as he began to thrust into me. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead. He looked deeply into my eyes before he kissed my neck hard, leaving a purple bruise. I began to reach my climax and so did he, i lightly moaned in his ear causing him to thrust even harder causing me to let out a louder one, this caused him to groan and kiss my lips and suck on my mouth. Then he finished and laid beside me. Out of breath, i didn't say anything, I just laid on the bed sweating and swearing under my breath. And he did the same.

"Fucking hell" I whispered. He really was amazing.

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