Here comes the sun

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The next few weeks of me and Noel's engagement went swimmingly. Oasis was currently full swing into their Be Here Now tour and I was living in Supernova Heights after selling my flat and moving in with Noel; despite him never being home. Christmas was around the corner and I was hoping Noel would be home for it as it was my favourite time of the year and we were yet to properly spend Christmas together.

I sat alone on the sofa in supernova heights. The December cold had penetrated the building causing an uncomfortable chill to linger around our home. I huddled under a blanket, clutching a hot water bottle close to my chest. The telly was blaring out top of the pops and the Christmas tree in the corner which I had decorated was glowing in the darkness. Despite the cold and the lack of my fiancé I felt cosy and happy. Disturbing me, there was a knock on the door. I checked the time- 9pm- who the fuck is harassing me at this time of night! I trudged over to the door wrapping my blanket around me like a cape.
I tiptoed to view whoever it was through the peephole. Alls I could see was there figure of a man, not too tall, I couldn't see his face for the hood of the coat that he was wearing.

I opened the door, not unhooking the latch.
"Can I help you??" I said through the crack in the door.
"I'm looking for Lyla O'Neill" he said in a strange Irish accent.
"Sorry you've got the wrong house" I said unnerved by the gentleman who's hood was still over his face.
"No I ain't miss. This is Supernova heights" he said again, something about his accent was just not right, I couldn't but my finger on it.
"I'm sorry sir it's late, come back in the morning." I said as I began to shut the door.
The man shouted back "you ain't gonna leave me out 'ere to freeze all night am ya Lyla!" His familiar mancunian accent bellowed through the closed door.

My face dropped. I fumbled to unlock the door. I swung it open to see Noel stood there smirking smugly. I ran up to him and jumped up wrapping my legs around his waist as I hugged him tightly and kissed him.
"You fucking scared me you daft cunt" I said relieved.
He laughed and said "well you handled it correctly, you passed the stranger danger test Ly"
I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm. We walked back into the house.
"God I'd missed you" Noel said while hugging me again "it's fucking freezing in 'ere have yer not been having the heating on???" He questioned.
"No, I never have the heating on, it's too expensive" I replied.
Noel was shocked and said "I've got 80 million pound in the bank, I think I can handle your gas bill"
I shook my head and said "well I wasn't sure"
"I can't believe you've been freezing ya tits off for a month" he said baffled.
Changing the subject I said "look I got a tree!"
His reaction was anti-climactic as he said "I hate Christmas"

We sat on the sofa together cuddling. Out of the blue he said "Liam and Patsy got married"
Shocked I said "what! Was there a wedding?"
He replied "nah, they eloped, we need to sort our wedding out"
The word wedding caused my nerves to be put on edge. I hadn't even begun to think about it.
"Christ, well good for them I suppose. I haven't really thought about our wedding" I said to him.
"Get a wedding planner round and just do whatever, I'm going on tour again after Christmas so I won't be around" he explained.
"Shall we get married Christmas Day" I joked.
"Yeah we can" he said not realizing that I was joking.
"What? Really?" I questioned shocked
"Yeah, I'm sure I could pull some strings and we could get something sorted short notice, we've got two weeks" he said.
The excitement suddenly built up in me, for some reason it hadn't hit me until now that we were actually getting married. I jumped up excited as I squealed like an excited child "I always wanted a Christmas wedding!"
He smiled up at me and grabbed and kissed my hand "and I'll give you everything you've ever wanted my darling" he said sweetly. God I was so in love with him.

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