Ten Storey Love Song

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I quickly woke up and jolted myself out of bed, invigorated by the excitement for my date later on. It was Saturday and I had the day off from work which left me the entire day to get ready. I clambered about my bedroom which was clad with posters of bands like The Beatles, The Stone Roses and The Jam as well as The Smiths. I checked the time on my digital clock and it flashed 12pm. I quickly put my cd of Ten Storey Love Song into my CD player and began to sort my hair. I meticulously blow dried it making sure to curl the ends of every strand and blow dried my fringe so it was cute and wispy.

As the clock ticked on to 6pm I picked out my outfit. I settled on a pair of low rise navy parachute pants with a white vest with a small crocheted shrug jumper over the top, I slipped on my new balance trainers and grabbed my handbag where I packed my powder and lipstick with my little Nokia phone. By 6:30pm I was out of the house and on the bus. The butterflies began to flutter around my stomach as I thought of Noel. I hadn't felt like those before, usually I was so confident. At 7 I arrived at the virgin mega store where there was an enormous queue of young girls and boys screaming. I couldn't be arsed to wait in the enormous queue so I quickly dialled Noel's number.

"Hi, it's Lyla, I'm outside but there's a massive queue, where are you?" I said as he picked up the phone

His thick Manchester accent blared down the speaker as he said "y'alright love, I'll come and get ya, just wait outside by the bouncer, tell 'em you're with me"

"Okay, see you in a sec" I said as I hung up the phone

The heavens began to open and poured down upon my freshly blow dried hair, I ran to the canopy and begged the bouncer to let me in.

"Please sir, I'm with Noel Gallagher, can you let me in?" I pleaded

The bouncer just shrugged and laughed in my face, leaving me in the rain with mascara running down my face. A couple of minutes later, I saw a familiar figure trudging towards me holding an umbrella, through the sound of the droplets of rain dancing on the pavement I could just about make out what he said,

"Fucking July! You look cold, sorry Lyla I didn't think it'd be so busy or so wet"

I smiled at him and admired the rain sparkling on his long eyelashes and the tip of his nose had turned a blushed pink colour.

"No worries, the bouncer wouldn't let me in though, look at the state of me" I said while pointing to my panda-like eyes.

He laughed at me and grabbed my hand as he lead my through the street and past the bouncer into the store where I saw a stage set up with oasis posters strewn all over the walls. I rolled my eyes and said

"Wow, you brought me to one of your own concerts? What if I think you're shit?"

He scoffed as he said "if you like the jam, which I know you do, then you're gonna like us, everyone likes us"

I laughed "alright, show me what you got then"

They were doing a quick sound check to I popped to the toilets to sort my makeup and hair out. Thankfully it cleared up okay.

I headed back out to see the taller brother, who's name I didn't know, only that Noel called him Rkid which I had no idea what that meant. He was wearing a black jumper over a washed out grey shirt with jeans and sunglasses. That's a habit I noticed the pair of them have, sunglasses inside. Very strange but somehow the pair of them pulled it off well. Noel was sat on a stool with his acoustic guitar which complimented him perfectly. He was wearing a leather jacket over a denim shirt with beige coloured trousers.

Noel lightly strummed a few chords then placed his guitar down to clamber off the stage towards me. His brother followed, his superiority complex shone through as he swaggered off the stage with an arrogant attitude, his eyes locked to mine.

"What did you think?" Noel said cheerily.
"I didn't hear anything, when's it starting anyway?" I asked
Noel huffed and said "5 minutes so get yourself a good spot"
At this point his brother butted in and said to Noel
"What 'ave you brought then?"
Noel rolled his eyes and said "Lyla this is my brother Liam, you met the other day"
Liams lips curled into a smile as he held out his hand for me to shake. Apprehensively, I took it and he laughed "thought I recognised ya, what ya doing with Noel, he's right ugly"
Noel didn't like this comment and pushed Liam away and whispered to me "ignore 'im he's a cunt"
I smiled and kissed him on the cheek as I said "I can tell".
He smiled back at me and jogged back onto the stage taking a swig of his beer.

I stood waiting to see the supposed best band in Britain show me what they can do, maybe it would live up to their big egotistical talk.

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