They're Electric!

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As the crowd started pouring in, I got squashed against the barrier that surrounded the stage. Noel began to play his guitar, something about the way his hands moved across the fretboard and his eyes looked so concentrated as he played his songs, i studied the way his thick bushy brows furrowed and scowled, he sent shivers up my spine.

Liam began to sing and his voice was electrifying. I can't believe I'd never heard of this band before, they were amazing. The songs were incredible. The lyrics were beautiful, I wonder who wrote them.

About an hour later, oasis finished their set and the crowd went wild. They had a signing and meet and greet and then Noel was all mine.

"So what did you think?" Noel said as he approached me in the dressing room.
"I thought you were decent I suppose" I smirked
He smiled and laughed "ha I knew you'd love us"
"Yeah yeah, your songs are good. Who's your lyricist?" I questioned
Noel looked particularly smug at this question and boasted "me, I write all the songs"
Shocked I said "what! Really? They're amazing! Wow, I didn't expect that"
He laughed and said "what did you expect? It's not gonna be rkid, he's brain dead!"

The band packed up and me and Noel headed across the street to the chip shop. He lightly touched my hand as we walked side by side which caused me to blush uncontrollably. I couldn't stop smiling. He turned to me, noticing my grin and said,

"What you so smiley for??"
I looked down at the ground as I said "just you"
This caused him to smile, god his smile was gorgeous, I stared into his eyes as I removed his sunglasses and rested them on his head.
His eyes glistened and sparkled in the sunset, my green eyes looked like a swamp whereas his eyes were the colour of the ocean, deep and mesmerizing.

Slowly I felt him leaning in, his breath was hot and fast. I closed my eyes as I felt his lips crash into mine, his strong hands holding my face and combing through my blonde hair. Our lips moved in sync and his arms moved down my body and held me closer to him. I carried my hands through his soft brown hair and laughed slightly into his mouth.

About 2 minutes later we broke apart, my face was a hot shade of crimson and I couldn't stop smiling. Noel seemed to be the same.
"Sorry, I couldn't help it" he said "you just looked so beautiful" he continued.
This caused me to blush even more, I couldn't speak, I just nudged him slightly and continued looking down at my feet.

**Noel's POV**
We stood outside the chippy, the sun shone through her blonde hair and her eyes glistened a brilliant shade of emerald green. I tried to hold her hand but felt too awkward.

Once we reached the shop, we stood outside for a moment, she reached out to my face causing butterflies to flutter around my stomach, she lifted my sunglasses and rested them on my head, lightly dragging her fingers through my hair as she did so. I couldn't help it, I had to, she was just so perfect.

I leant in and lightly kissed her lips, she pulled me in passionately and we stood there for another 2 minutes. As we broke apart I smiled and said "Sorry, I couldn't help it, you're just so beautiful"
The blood rushed to her cheeks as she blushed and she looked down at the ground smiling to herself. God I could love this girl.

**Back to Lyla's POV**
We bought the unbelievable amount of food that the band had ordered and struggled back across the road with the bags in hand. As we walked in, liam shouted "took ya long enough Noel, they don't sell chips in lyla's moth ya know!"
Liam obviously thought his joke was hilarious as he ran off back into the dressing room.
Noel turned to me and rolled his eyes saying "I bet it's taken him 20 minutes to think of that shit joke" i laughed and hummed in agreement. I felt so comfortable with the mancunian for someone who I'd only met yesterday. I really could fall in love with him, he's just so perfect.

Noel looked at me concerned as we sat down together to eat, his brows furrowed into a frown and he said
"Lyla" getting my attention,
I raised my eyebrows to show I was listening
"I'm going back to Manchester on Wednesday, so can I see ya tomorrow cos I wanna get the most time with ya before I 'ave to leave".
I couldn't pretend that Noel leaving London so soon didn't upset me so I sighed
"yeah of course, I wish you didn't have to leave so soon, when do ya reckon you'll be back?"
He looked around thinking before answering my question "I've not got the date but it'll be sometime next month cos we're on mtv so I'll call ya and let ya know"
I smiled and nodded "okay, well I'll count down the days" I winked.
He smiled then turned serious as he explained
"I really do like ya Lyla, I know we only met yesterday but I feel like I've known ya for ages"
Noel always knew exactly what to say to make me weak at the knees. "Me too" I smirked as I gazed into his eyes. I couldn't wait to see him tomorrow.

**author note**
I realize I've not really given much indication as to what I want Lyla to look like but if you imagine her looking a bit like Olivia neill you'll be able to piece her together a bit easier.
Hope you're enjoying the story so far x

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