I'm Feelin' Supersonic

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**Lyla's POV**
1996, 2 years later

"Lyla!!" My friend belle called from downstairs, "are you ready yet?" She shouted.
"Almost!" I called back.

I slipped into my little black corset dress with my high black stilettos. I looked good and I knew it. We were going to some club in the Centre of London that had just opened and to be honest I was pretty excited. I hurried down the stairs grabbing my purse as I went.
"Finally." Belle sighed as I grabbed my keys to go.

We hurried down the drive into the taxi that was parked on the pavement. My heels were difficult to walk in so I held onto belle for support. We sat in the taxi and belle talked about how excited she was to be going to this new club. "It's popular with celebrities too!" She said exclaimed excitedly. The word celebrity still caused a swarm of butterflies to congregate in my stomach. I sat apprehensively in the back of the taxi. "Omg we're here!!" Belle squealed next to me.

The club was rammed already and the night was young. The queue to get in was enormous and snaked down the pavement for miles. We trekked to the end of the queue. "We're gonna be stuck waiting in here for hours" I whined much to Belle's dismay. "Will you quit your whining Lyla you're gonna ruin the night if you don't cheer up soon" she snapped at me.

About an hour later we finally reached the front of the queue. The buzz and electricity of the club made me nervous, I never fitted in at places like this. I always felt... different. We made our way inside and belle made a beeline for the bar. "Gin and tonic Belle!" I shouted to her as I secured a booth for us to sit in for the night. The dance floor was a swamp of sweating bodies that pulsed to the beat of the music. I sat quietly waiting for belle to return. I heard a man laughing. His deep husky voice made me shiver. I shook it off thinking nothing of it. Interrupting my thoughts, Belle returned with the drinks. "Time to get drunk" we said in unison as we clinked our shots together and downed them. The alcohol hit me faster than I had expected, but then again, I was a lightweight.

Throughout the night I loosened up a bit and had even started dancing with Belle.
"Lyla!" She shouted down my ear over the music
Getting my attention I looked at her waiting for what she had to say.
"That man over there keeps staring at you!" She said loudly.
I spun around trying to locate who she was talking about but couldn't see.
She steadied me and placed my body in his direction and pointed her finger at him.
A moody looking man with a mop of brown hair was sat draped over the bar with a pint in each of his hands and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. I couldn't see his face for his fringe was too long. Despite not being able to see his face there was an air of familiarity about him. His long baggy striped shirt hung loose over his dark wash denim jeans that sat over his adidas trainers.
"Go over to him Lyla!!! He was drooling over you!" Belle encouraged me.
If I wasn't off my face on cigarettes and alcohol maybe I wouldn't have gone over to him, but I was feeling particularly confident and cocky at this moment.

I brushed myself down and strutted over to the bar to order myself a drink, perhaps hoping that he'd get it for me.
I stood close enough to him that he'd hear me ordering a drink and could butt in and pay. I still hadn't looked at him as I didn't want to make it obvious. 
"Give me Gin & Tonic" I said to the barman.
"You can have it all but how much do you want it Lyla" the man said to me.
His mancunian accent turned me pale. I slowly turned my head to see him stood there. Noel Gallagher.

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