Hey Lyla!

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Everyday I waited by the phone for Noel's call. The month dragged on and on. I sat on my bed mindlessly staring at the wall as the clock ticked to 7 o clock. Causing me to jump out of my skin, the phone interrupted my thoughts, I scrambled to pick up the telephone that sat on my bedside table.
"Hey Lyla!" Noel chirped down the phone.
"Hi Noelie!!! How was your day??" I asked
"It was great" he replied "I found out I get to come and see you in a few days"
"What!? Really!!? When???" I exclaimed excitedly
He laughed and said "it's a surprise"
I rolled my eyes and said "ugh fine"
We chatted for another hour then he had to leave. He felt like my best friend. I was so excited to see him soon.

The next morning, I woke up early for my shift at work. The august breeze whipped through my window and blew into my room filling it with cool air. I quickly got ready and put on my makeup and did my hair.

Throughout the day, I was rushed off my feet, the cafe was way busier than usual. Just as we were getting ready to close I heard the doorbell dinging again. I called up from the back "Sorry, we're closing now!"
A familiar mancunian voice answered back "well that's a shame, I was hoping you'd play me a tune"
I sprinted from the back of the shop up to the front where I saw noel stood by the door wearing baggy jeans with an oversized blue shirt and his black and white adidas superstars. His blue eyes shine brightly as he smiled. I catapulted myself into his arms and he held me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist. I'd missed him so much. I took in his smell, the faint musty cigarette smoke that lingered on his clothes with a hint of aftershave and washing powder.
"You didn't tell me you were coming today!!!" I exclaimed
"I told you I wanted it to be a surprise" he chuckled.

I hugged him tightly and never wanted to let go, the past month had been horrendous.
"How long are you here for this time?" I asked
He shrugged and said "Not sure but should be about a week hopefully, maybe less"
I sighed at the thought that he would be leaving again soon.

We strolled through the streets of london watching the sunset, we eventually reached Hyde park. We walked in hand in hand, and that's when I saw it...

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