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"Yeah sure, when works for you?" Damon said on the other end of the line.
"Today if that's alright??" I replied
"Yeah that's good. 3 o clock?" He said
"Yeah see ya then, you come to mine cus you know where I live" I joked
"Alright see you later Lyla" he replied in his posh accent.

A sea of guilt washed over me even if what I was doing was completely innocent. I knew this would get under Noel's skin but he didn't have a problem with what he was doing so I could do exactly the same.

By 3 o clock I was dressed and ready to go. I was wearing a pair of low rise jeans with a tight crop oasis shirt which I customized myself, with a pair of black platform boots and a long fur lined leather coat. My hair was perfectly blown out and I slipped a pair of black rectangular sunglasses up my nose. I made sure to make a special effort so that when we were caught on camera I would look good on the paper and Noel might see it and then he'd be jealous. It was a very childish and petty scheme however I knew it would work.

Promptly, the doorbell rang at 3 o clock exactly. I opened the door to reveal Damon's cheeky boyish grin.
"Hi Damon!" I chirped as I stepped out the house grabbing my bag and gloves and locking the door behind me.
We walked down to his car at the bottom of the drive.
"So where do you wanna go?" He asked me looking at me expectantly.
I thought hard about which place would have the most paparazzi.
"Let's go shopping" I said with a slight smirk.
"Shopping it is then! The sales are on" Damon said with a wink.

We arrived at Oxford street and it was busier than we expected it to be.
"Where to first then??" Damon asked
I looked around and spotted a little record shop.
"There" I said enthusiastically as I pointed to it.
We skipped over like a pair of toddlers.
Like two kids in a sweet shop we were blown away by the selection of cds and vinyl that the shop had to offer. We spread out to sift through the vast array of vinyl in on the shelves. I looked to my left and saw a few photographers at the window.
"Damon" I called, getting his attention causing him to notice the paparazzi.
We both posed for the cameras hugging each other tightly. I joked about and pretended that I was going to lick Damon's face.

I was having more fun with Damon than I had expected to, I had quite a successful shopping trip as well. I'd bought a few new tops and some trousers as well as two new shirts for Noel. I hopped back into the car with Damon and he took me back home. As we pulled up outside of supernova heights, Damon looked into my eyes and said "I had a really good time today Lyla"
I smiled at him and said "me too damon, it was great, do you want to come in??"
Damon shook his head and said in his sweet Essex accent "I'd love to but I've got to get back, we'll do it again sometime"

I smiled at him as I got out of the car and waved him off as I walked with my bags back up to my front door. My frostbitten fingertips were numb and I could hardly open the door.
I hoped that my plan would work.

Over the next few days, I didn't hear anything from Noel despite me and Damon making the front page of the newspapers and magazines and had been talked about on telly. That was until one night the phone rang, startling me out of my sleep.

Blurry eyed and disoriented, I reached out for the phone.
"Hello??" I questioned groggily
Shouting down the phone was an enraged Noel Gallagher "what the actual fuck Lyla!!  What have I just been fucking told by some scummy reporter, what the fuck do you think yer doing" he shouted.
Not taking in much of what he had said and slightly falling asleep I just replied "huh??" Which angered him even more.
He growled "I don't want my wife being caught up in shitty stories about fucking cheating and affair rumors and scandals while I'm away, stay away from Damon fuckin' Albarn"
Acting oblivious I said "what the fuck are you on about Noel? I went out shopping with Damon, who gives a shit, I'm married to you, he's my friend. I don't have many of them. I never get to leave your fucking house"
Noel was silent on the other end, I waited until I heard him say something but he didn't. So I hung up.

My plan had worked but that didn't stop me worrying about what Noel was up to abroad with other women. The thought constantly span around my mind. It was all I could think about.

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