Baby fever

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October. Still no baby. It was enraging me. Everyone and everything got on my nerves. I was constantly angry.

Noel and Liam were sat in the living room. I walked in which caused them both to flinch.
"I'm not gonna fucking hurt you, twats" I scolded as I walked in. I flopped myself down and cried "ughhhh im so fed up of being pregnant, get it out of me!"
Noel and Liam looked at each other and smirked. "You better not be fucking laughing at me you bastards" I shouted.  They both fled the room to get away from my hormonal wrath. I rolled my eyes and sat watching the tv.

I got up and walked into the kitchen to talk to Noel when Liam said,
"Fuck sake lyla, go to the toilet if ya need a piss"
I looked down at my skirt.It was soaked. Shit.
"Noel my waters have broken!" I shouted frantically.
"Oh my fucking god" Liam said
Noel stood there not comprehending what was happening fast enough.
I jogged up the stairs to pack my bag for the hospital. I wasn't in much of a rush as my contractions hadn't started yet. I packed 2 pairs of pajamas, a nice pair with a dressing gown and a scruffier pair. I packed my toothbrush with toothpaste and a change of normal clothes for when we left the hospital and a hairbrush. I slung the bag over my shoulder and was ready to go. Suddenly, the contractions started. They weren't too bad at first but then they started getting longer and more frequent.

"NOEL WE NEED TO GO" I shouted at him as he stood doing nothing. I opened the door and said to myself "shit there's no car" I turned around and said to Noel "there's no car Noel and there's no time to wait for it"
I began to panic. He jogged over and said "we'll have to go on the moped"
I looked at him with fury painted across my face, "are you fucking joking me right now" I said in a gravely serious tone. He gulped and said "we can't get there any other way lyla, it's moped or no hospital"
I rolled my eyes and said "after this you're learning how to fucking drive"

I walked down to the moped and put the helmet on. Noel sat in front of me and turned around "you ready?" He said to me smiling. I kissed him and said "just go"

We got to the hospital in about 20 minutes, the traffic was horrendous. I clung onto Noel's waist for the journey and braved the contractions which felt as if my stomach was being stabbed it was so painful. When we pulled up, I felt so faint that Noel had to carry me into the hospital.

I quickly got a room and got changed into a hospital gown. They checked how much I was dilated- 6 cm. The midwife said "you're a lucky lady, this looks like it's going to be a fast labor" I thanked her as she left. I looked at Noel who looked nervous and excited at the same time.
"I was thinking" I said to him
"Yeah?" He asked
"What about cori?" I suggested
"Cori?" He laughed finding the name hilarious
"What don't you like it??" I said to him
"I do, I like it Lyla?" He said squeezing my hand. I smiled widely and said
"Well we've finally got a name then!" I exclaimed.

It took me a further 3 hours to dilate the next 4cm, Noel spent most of that time asleep on the chair next to me as I screamed every 2 minutes from excruciatingly painful contractions. The midwife came in and checked how much I'd dilated, "10cm, you're about to be parents" she said to us.
Noel's face went as white as a sheet and so did mine. The doctor came in and they brought in laughing gas for me to take to ease the pain. I was terrified and so was Noel. He gripped my hand tightly. "Noel I'm scared, I can't do it" I cried.
"You'll be okay lyla" he said not doing the best job at comforting me.

The doctor looked at me and said "alright Lyla, you're ready to start pushing now"
I wasn't ready, not mentally. I hadn't even thought about how hard it would be to actually give birth, I felt like I was going to throw up from the nerves. I tried my hardest to push. I squeezed Noel's hand and heard all of his fingers crack causing him to shout out in pain as I did as well. I tried to push again, sweat formed on my forehead and dripped down my body, my hair was wet and sticky and my face was red and hot.

"Lyla, you're going to have to push harder, nothings happening" the doctor said seriously.
I tried again but couldn't. I cried "I can't, I can't do it" 
"Come on lyla" Noel said "you can do anything"
I tried my hardest, I pushed and I pushed until I was exhausted. Suddenly the sound of a baby crying filled the room. I was too exhausted to even open my eyes. The doctors took the baby away to clean it up. Noel took my hand again and said, "you did it Lyla, you did it".
I could barely open my eyes. I couldn't think straight either. Noel felt my hand again and said,
"Doctor? Why is she so cold?"
The doctor rushed over to check me out.
"She's lost a lot of blood, a lot more than usual when giving birth, don't worry sir we'll sort it and she'll be okay" the doctor explained to Noel.

I slowly came around and looked at Noel who hadn't left my side, "is he okay??" I asked Noel who was sat cradling our baby boy beside me.
Noel smiled and said "yeah he's perfect, we still need to decide on a middle name for him though so we can fill in the birth certificate"
I sat up slowly and Noel handed me my baby. I looked at him, he had massive blue eyes and lots of dark black hair. His skin was olive in color and he smelt like salty seaweed. I looked at Noel and I said "he looks like you"
Noel looked back at me baffled and said "are you joking, he's gorgeous- it's all you Lyla"
I shook my head and said "I don't think he's a cori"
Me and Noel both looked at each other and back at the baby and Noel said "what about Elton?" 
I thought about it for a moment "Elton Gallagher" I said out loud. I liked it.
I looked at him and said "yeah, Elton"
"Middle name?" Noel asked.
I looked at Elton again and said "James"
Noel smiled and said, "Elton James Gallagher it is then"
We filled in the birth certificate.
8th October 1998, we were officially parents.

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