You might as well do the white line

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My 32nd birthday was just around the corner and Noel's 38th birthday was also coming soon. Me and Noel had been married for 7 years now, not without its ups and downs. My two children had gone to school and were hating it as most children do. Oasis had a new album coming out, 'don't believe the truth'. Liam had another child with Nicole Appleton, a boy named Gene.

Hectically I ran around the house trying to get ready. Peggie had taken the kids so that me and Noel could have a proper good night out. The Q awards were never much of a big deal but I hadn't been to an awards show in ages so I wanted to make an effort for the paps. Plus it would double as my birthday night out so I was determined to enjoy it. I had a hairdresser round earlier who hacked half of my hair off as apparently it was dead, I'd had my roots touched up and I looked quite pretty if I do say so myself. I had done my makeup: a dark Smokey eye look with green iridescent glitter across the lid and a dark lip colour. I wore a dark mid-thigh length emerald and black velvet dress. My blonde hair was loosely curled and I stuck little green and silver gems through my hair. I slipped on a pair of tall chunky heels and was ready to go.

Noel stepped out wearing a brown corduroy suit and a pink shirt.
"You need to get changed" I said in a serious tone
"Why!?" He whined
"Cuz we are clashing and it looks garish and horrible" I explained
"Fine" he huffed.
He came back out wearing a dark green velvet suit and a black shirt which he left unbuttoned at the top. He looked gorgeous.
"Perfect" I laughed.

We walked down to the car, our arms interlinked looking extremely glamorous. I probably was mildly overdressed but I didn't mind, I would just steal the show.

We walked down the red carpet and posed for the cameras, Liam and Noel had a few photos together of them messing around. I had a few photos with Nicole, then we had group photos of us all together. We made our way to the table that had 'oasis' on the sign. I sat in between Noel and Liam.
"So who's getting the drinks?" Noel asked rubbing his hands together.
Everybody looked at me.
"Great" I sighed as I got up and made my way to the bar.

"Can I have 10 pints of lager, 15 Jäger bombs and 2 gin and tonics please" I asked the bar tender.
I waited and leant on the sticky mahogany bar.
"Fancy seeing you here" a voice from behind me said.
I turned around to see Damon stood with his arms crossed and a big smile painted across his face.
"Oh my god Damon!" I exclaimed before hugging him tightly.
I hadn't really seen Damon much since I moved out of his, we'd been out a few times but our schedules didn't match up often.
"I've missed you Lyla" he said as he held me close.
"I've missed you too dames" I said back, the bartender put my two trays of drinks on the side ready for me to collect.
"That'll be £67.80 please" the bartender interrupted.
"Let me get these" Damon said to me.
"No it's fine don't worry" I laughed
"I wasn't asking" he retorted and got his credit card out ready to pay.
"Stubborn as ever" I said rolling my eyes.
Damon helped me carry the drinks back to the table. Noel didn't take his eyes off us as we approached.

"Y'alright mate" Noel said cheerily to Damon and shook his hand jovially.
"Hi, it's good to see you all" Damon chirped to the table.
I smiled, oasis and Damon getting on finally.
Damon was here with his latest venture, the gorillaz with his mate Jamie Hewlitt. I'd met Jamie once or twice when loitering around festivals but I'd never had much of a conversation with him however damon seemed like his biggest fan.
"Well anyway I better be off" damon announced, "catch ya later Lyla" he winked.

As he walked off, Noel's face dropped back to its usual miserable resting position.
"Cunt" he said.
I slapped his arm slightly and said "don't be like that noelie"
He rolled his eyes and said "easy for you to say, he's not after your mrs is he"
"Damon's not after me" I laughed suppressing the flashbacks from when we lived together
Liam piped up, "he most certainly is Lyla, I ain't seen albarn look at nobody the way he looks at you"
Noel shot Liam a dirty look and i said "not helping Liam"
Thankfully, interrupting our uncomfortable conversation, the ceremony began. That's when Liam started to cut up the coke.

I tried to resist the drugs. One line couldn't hurt. Everyone else was doing it. Fuck it. I came to have a good night out. I laid out a line in front of me and dipped my head snorting it quickly. The rush came faster than expected, I hadn't had a high for years and it felt amazing. Liam started handing around little pills. Ecstasy. Without resistance, I took it and washed it down with a shot of jäger. By the middle of the night I was in an alcohol drug infused trance, unable to think through the fog of my mind. Noel was off mingling so I got up in search of someone. My body seemed to know who I was looking for but my head was yet to catch up. I grabbed his arm and lead him out of the busy crowds.
"What the fuck have you been taking?" Damon asked shocked as he looked into my eyes, "you're as high as a kite" he continued.
"Shut up" I growled before pulling him in to kiss me.
He placed his hands over me and onto the wall behind. He pinned me against the wall while kissing me longingly.
He picked me up and took me into the toilets. He locked the cubicle door behind us.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and he pressed me against the door, his hands found their way up my dress which wasn't hard considering how short it was. He placed his hand in between my thighs and rubbed in circular motions causing me to yell out with pleasure. His fingers slipped into my thong and entered me, causing me to moan even louder. He knew exactly what he was doing and it was driving me crazy. "I love you Lyla" he said in between kisses. I was too breathless to answer. I was too high to think about what I was doing. I needed another line.

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