Chapter Two: Disney Castle/Destiny Islands (2)

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Elsewhere on the other side of the multiverse. In another world called "Disney Castle", Like anymore normal day for famous Disney characters. The Royal Court Wizard, Donald Duck (Wearing a long navy jacket, which has a blue addition to the bottom that covers the lower half of his body. The sleeves are long and resemble those of a sweater, sporting vertical creases. The jacket has two large, yellow buttons down the front, a gold-lined pattern of ovals, rather resembling Mickey Mouse's ears, on the lower half, and a blue belt tie around the waist. His hat resembles a stereotypical witch's hat, as well as the hat on his Mage's Staff. It is dark blue, has a wide brim with gold lining, and the tip curls in a very angular fashion) strolled through the hallways of Disney Castle passing by some enchanted brooms carrying buckets of water. He soon reached a massive door that stood several stories high. Donald approached the door and knocked on it. A small portion of the door opened up. Donald walks in through the doorway and enters a large, wide room with columns on the left and right side of the room. "Good morning,your Majesty," Donald says Donald walked across the room toward the throne which was set atop a two-step stairway. "It's nice to see you this morn-" Donald says before he stops. Donald notices the throne was empty. "Wha?!" Donald says shocked. From behind the throne steps out Pluto with a letter in his mouth. Donald notices the letter Pluto's holding, takes the letter, opens it, and reads the letter. He soon rushed out of the room and into the hallway, panicking. 

Donald rushed out into the Disney Gardens toward The Loyal Captain, Goofy who was asleep leaning against a grass bush snoring. Goofy wears armour over his body, though most of it is on his left side, leaving his right side mostly exposed except for a metal armlet on his upper arm. His left arm sports the same armlet but includes several more pieces of armour, such as a pauldron over his left shoulder, a thick, cylindrical gauntlet covering most of the rest of his arm, and a metal glove overtop his normal white one. Goofy dons a sleeveless, orange shirt with a high, yellow collar with an oblong, blue piece of clothing over his right half, held on by a black strap attached by yellow, star-shaped buttons. He wears a thick, metal belt around his waist with two blue straps looping around the back of it. Goofy's pants are baggy and orange with a noticeable seam down the front of each leg. The bottom of the legs is black with a gold lining. Goofy's shoes are made of metal and the toes curl upward. Goofy sports a metal hat, which resembles a knight's helmet, and sports a curved blade on the top. His son Max is at Disney University and is in training to become a knight like his father. "Wake up Goofy! Wake up! This is serious!" Donald shouts. Goofy was sound asleep, not responding to Donald's shouting. This led Donald to use a Thunder spell on Goofy. A bolt of lightning zaps Goofy immediately waking him up. "Hey there, Donald. G'morning." Goofy says. "We got a problem. Goofy" Donald says. Donald looks left and right, hoping they were alone then leans closer to Goofy with his right hand close to his beak. "But don't tell anyone," Donald whispers trying to keep his voice down. "Queen Minne?" Goofy asks. "Not even the queen," Donald says crossing his arms. "Daisy?" Goofy asks." No! It's top secret!" Donald shouts. "G'morning ladies," Goofy says looking past

Donald. "Wha?" Donald says confused. Donald turns around and sees Queen Minnie and Daisy with their hands on their hips. Donald laughs sheepishly. Queen Minnie wears a gold tiara with a ruby Hidden Mickey-shaped symbol set in the middle. She wears an elegant ball gown with short, ball-shaped sleeves. The top of the gown is pink with a red lining. The pink section sports a flower-like pattern inside circles that line the bottom. She wears another, a salmon-coloured layer underneath this, and a third, pleated, red layer under that. Minnie also wears white gloves that cover her whole arms and a large, red bow on the back of her dress. Daisy Duck is Donald's girlfriend and Minnie's best friend/lady-in-waiting. Daisy wears much more regal attire than her cartoon counterpart, sporting a gold tiara with a sapphire set in the front. She wears an ornate, sleeveless, violet ball gown with a high collar and a white, lace column of buttons going down the front. The abdomen of the dress is -coloured, and the top half is lined with a tan, triangular pattern. The bottom of the gown is periwinkle-coloured, with a white, wavy pattern separating the lower half from the upper, violet half. There is a pleated purple layer underneath the dress, visible in the front. Daisy also wears long, white gloves over her four-fingered hands.

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