Chapter Thirty-Three: Traverse Town (5th Visit)/100 Arce wood

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 After learning from Captain Hook, Orm and Murk (his second in command) that Amanda took Raiden to Hollow Bastion. Darcey, Jiminy, Donald, Goofy, Anakin, Kaz, Faith, Tam, Bucket and Neeku return for their fifth visit in Traverse Town, they needed to restock their supplies, fuel and prepare themselves for Hollow Bastion. Once the heroes arrived in Traverse Town, they headed down to see their friends, they headed down to the training room. Where everyone was training, socialising and relaxing. Everyone was happy to see them, plus they were getting acquainted with Anakin and his team. Team Runaways and Squirrel Girl were happy to see Darcey, she gave her a big hug "Darcey! Boy are we so glad to see you again! We missed you guys! So that's your brother, he's a hunky dory" She said. Tippy-Toe gave her a big hug, Darcey smiled as she stroked her "Missed you too SG, It's good to see you and Tippy." Darcey said. When Billy, Freddy, Alex, Chase and Gert saw Faith. They were speechless, til Pedro, Molly and Eugene approached her with caution. Faith shrugged and nuzzled their faces, much to their amazement. Later everyone else stroked Faith, "WOW! Holy Nuts! Is that a real dragon?" Squirrel Girl asked. "Yeah, her name's Faith. She's a Sophyshe, found her in the woods. Healed her wing and gave her the courage to fly again. She can heal wounds and cure curses." Darcey explained, as she touched her dragon's head. This made Faith purred like a cat being stroked. "Oh Darce? Could Faith cure my tumours?" Cassandra asked. This confused Faith of what a tumours is, "Honestly I don't know if Faith can heal brain tumours. So I'm sorry Cass." Darcey apologised. "Oh that's ok." Cassandra reassured her. Clarisse saw the attention the dragon was giving and marched up to them, insulting both of them "Well that beast is nothing but an dangerous, gold-hording, foul-smelling, overgrown girlish, useless reptile!". This angered Faith and Darcey. Anakin was about to give the daughter of Ares a piece of his mind but Donald, Goofy, Jiminy and Kaz stopped him. "Hey! Stop throwing insults to my dragon Clarisse ! Faith's none of those things. She's my friend, you understand? Doesn't matter what they are or who they are. It's the heart that matters, Faith tail flick!" Darcey snapped at Clarisse, til she gave Faith a command. Faith pulled her tail back and flicked it at Clarisse, where she crashed at the training mats. "Ooh!!!" Everyone said at the same time.

Before she could retaliate, Chiron - Camp Half Blood's activities director at Camp Half-Blood. He described as a centaur, a creature with a man's head and torso melting into the powerful body of a horse. He wears a shirt and a vest, has brown hair, beard and eyes. He carries a quiver full of arrows, a bow and twin swords. "Enough! Clarisse this is your second strike of harassment on Darcey. But a first on her dragon, this behaviour and attitude isn't what I've trained young heroes to be. Arrogant, narcissistic, vain and always seeking attention. If you get a third strike, you'll be suspended from training and serve detention for the whole summer. Am I clear?" Chiron lectured and asked Clarisse. She just glared at him, "Yes Sir." She replied, as she left the training room to fix her sword. Darcey looked down in shame for her actions, Faith put her head down in shame as well. Chiron approached them and asked "Are you both hurt?". "No, We're fine Chiron, I didn't like how Clarisse attacked my dragon. Faith was just trying to protect me." Darcey explained. "I see, the bond you two have is unlike anything I've seen. When I was training Hercules, Achilles, Jason, and Asclepius during ancient times, they too have unique gifts in taming creatures." Chiron told her. This gave Darcey a bit hope. "Well we should get back to training everyone." Chiron instructed everyone. As they all went back to training, minus Squirrel Girl and Tippy-Toe were still curious about Darcey's friends.

Minutes later, Tippy saw the droids, Anakin and his friends, so she decided to play with them. BB8 and Bucket gotten to like Tippy, Tam and Kaz thought she was cute. Tam tickled her tummy making her squeak with delight, she even went on Kaz's head. Then played around on Faith's head, they enjoyed each other's company and instantly became friends. But she did made Neeku laugh as she went inside his clothes. Making him dance around like an idiot, Anakin smiled in amusement. Later Yuffie found them and said "Welcome back guys, if you're looking for Leon. He's at Warehouse 13 with Doug, Claudia and the new guy - Steve Jinks." This confused Anakin, Tam, Neeku, Kaz, Faith, BB-8 and Bucket. "Warehouse 13?" They all asked in confusion. "C'mon, follow me I'll show you guys to get there." Yuffie told them. So they all follow Yuffie to the bedroom where Aerith first met Wally, Cisco, Carter, Donald, Goofy and Jiminy. Yuffie activated a portal to Warehouse 13 in the Syfy universe, everyone entered the portal and they were at the Warehouse 13 in the office. "Welcome to Warehouse 13." Yuffie introduced the gang to the Warehouse. Everyone went to the balcony and saw the artefacts inside the warehouse, which wowed everyone. "Woah! This is incredible!" Tam says. "Isn't it just cool, when Artie first introduced it to me, Donald, Goofy and Jiminy. We had no words to describe it." Darcey recalled a certain memory of seeing the Warehouse for the first time.

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