Chapter Nine: Travelling to new worlds (Kuzco's Empire - Fifth World)

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Not so long ago in a deep, deep, jungle; Thunder and Lightning crashed scaring a young red Lama with a black head, neck and tail with red fur, as he caught his breath, the rain started to downpour, making the poor thing cry, "Sad isn't it? Well for those of you who know this story you know where this is going those who don't that Llama was once human." Kuzco voiced over as the Llama tried to find cover under a leaf only to fail and get wetter and sadder. "The name is Kuzco, Emperor Kuzco, I was the world's nicest guy they ruined my life for no reason, let's go backs a way to before I was a Llama and it should all make sense." Back to reality; "So where are we?" Darcey asked, "I don't know, I've never been to this world before." Goofy replied, Darcey looked around at every one so far they all shook their heads, "You try to sell Cabbages here? Emperor Kuzco does not need your second-rate produce!" yelled a man in red and blue paint with some armour and a spear he and his partner took a cart from a man with grey hair, and green clothing and gave it one big push down the mountain where there was a faint crash after a few seconds, "NO! My Cabbages!" the man cried, Darcey and the other three looked in fear at the town. A nervous laugh from Darcey broke the silence with a nervous chuckle, "Well that's one way to find a town."

Darcey and the others have arrived in another world called 'Kuzco's Empire', they didn't have any trouble getting past the guards the city they got into was big and bustling and the large head-like a castle. "Where do we start?" Jiminy asked rubbing the back of his head while sitting on Darcey's shoulder. Darcey and the others crossed their arms, unsure how to answer. "Let's split up we'll cover more ground that way," Goofy suggested the others nodded and went into two groups (Donald and Goofy in Group A, Darcey and Jiminy in Group B). While Donald and Goofy were exploring the town, Darcey and Jiminy found themselves alone as they wandered up to the large head-like structure he soon found it was seemingly made of solid Gold, "Hey Kid!" they heard someone address her before finding several heavy bags of flour, in her arms she stumbled a bit before regaining balance, with a bit of help from the force. "Get those into the castle kitchen, up the hall down the stairs to the left, just follow the signs." "But We're not!" Darcey tried to explain but whoever slumped bags in her arms, was gone, "Sigh, oh well, it's a good excuse to go in there." Jiminy told her after finding the kitchen and delivering the bags went to leave he had asked about her friends but no one had seen them, luckily she found some of Ansem's reports and three more puppies, earlier she found three puppies at the entrance near the kitchen. They went to leave, but yeah there were a lot more signs and they had lost their way. She signed "We are lost Jiminy" "It could've been worse, we would've been thrown out the window" Jiminy cheered up. "Lemme clear it up for ya." Stated a young but snobbish voice, "At my birthday celebration tomorrow your town will be destroyed, to make way for this!" stated a young man wearing a red robe, a gold sun-like crown on his head with black hair and large blue earrings who Darcey and Jiminy guessed was Emperor Kuzco, who pressed a button on a display of a large scale small building that had crushed a village.

She just glared at him in disgust, Jiminy did the same it was clear that they didn't like him one bit. "Do do dodo do dodo!" he sang as the building produced a tiny version of his head across from him. Trying to put a small house back together only for the teen to knock it out of his hand was a portly man with a green poncho over his clothes with a brown hat of sorts, he looked devastated that was a scale model of his home that was crushed. "So, If I were you I'd pick up some change of address forms on the way home." He stated, "But, where will we live?" the man asked, Kuzco mused for half a second, "Don't know, don't care, how's that!" he grinned, "Wait you can't!" The peasant began to say only for the soldiers nearby to block them, "When I give the word tomorrow your little town thingy will be.... bye-bye, BYE BYE!" he declared as the soldiers pulled him away, Kuzco turned triumphantly. Darcey stepped out and looked at him in annoyance "Excuse me" with Jiminy sitting on her shoulder. That was when Kuzco spotted Darcey and Jiminy he yelped, "We mean you no harm, our names are Darcey and Jiminy." Kuzco calmed down and examined them looking from her shoes to their faces with arms crossed and serious looks on their faces. "Darcey huh what kind of name is that for a girl who dresses weirdly? Is Jiminy your pet? let me guess you heard all that." He insulted "First off Jiminy's my best friend, Second, my name is from France plus my clothes aren't weird sort of and, Third of All, not much of it but enough to tell you that you can't force an entire village out of their homes just for you!" Darcey snapped, "Why not I'm the Emperor's big honcho, top of the food chain any of this ringing a bell?" Kuzco scoffed, "I know who you are and that doesn't matter you just can't do it!" Jiminy stated firmly, "Hmmm just can't huh? Let me respond to that in the following way." Kuzco replied a few minutes later...."WAAAAAAHHH!" As they were thrown out the window. Luckily, her Aerith and John Constantine taught her a spell to slow down. She took out her Keyblade and yelled "Arresto Momentum!" they slowly went to the ground "Good job Darce, am I your best friend?" Jiminy commented. "Yes you are and thank you," Darcey said. As they looked at each other, unfortunately, they got caught in the flag stand. Much to their dismay.

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