Chapter Thirty-Seven: Hollow Bastion Second Visit/Tearful Goodbyes

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 In the realm of Darkness, Amanda was free of Ansem's control but she was walking endlessly. Words echo down a dark and lonely road. She felt very guilty and ashamed of her actions towards Darcey and the worlds. Amanda said to herself "Darcey....Raiden....I'm's all my fault." She continues to walk alone in the darkness, feeling regret. She looked around and asked herself "Is this the afterworld? Or the underworld to pay for my crimes?" She stumbles forward and her form shimmers. Amanda denied "I'm not ready. Not yet. Not until I see Darcey and Raiden one last time... before I......" Suddenly, she hears a voice in the abyss. The mysterious voice said "Amanda, can you hear me? I'll be there soon." She whirls around in confusion. She asked "Who is that?", The mysterious voice spoke again "I have the other Keyblade—the one that belongs to this world.". Amanda looks around again, feeling even more confused. The mysterious voice continued explaining "I've been trying to get through to you, but the darkness in your heart kept me away." Amanda asks the mysterious voice "Who are you? What's happened to me?" The mysterious voice answered for her "Your heart won the battle against the darkness, but it was too late for your body. That's why you're here—in this place of darkness where hearts are gathered." "So what should I do?" Amanda asked the mysterious voice. She looks ahead down the winding road. The mysterious voice explains "The Door of Darkness will open soon, but it's a door we can't enter. It has to be closed from both sides. To do this, you need two keys and two hearts. Maybe you're here for the same reason I am. Maybe it was fate." Amanda said " Fate, huh? You seem to know everything, don't you? Then tell me: Are Darcey and Raiden okay? What about Anakin, his team, her dragon and her other friends are they ok?". An image of Darcey runs towards her out of the darkness. The mysterious voice then says "Don't you feel the echoes of their hearts? You already know the answer. Look inside your own heart." Amanda opens her eyes again and said "Okay." And decides to trust this 'mysterious voice'.

Meanwhile back in Traverse Town, beheading out to Hollow Bastion Darcey showed the Fairy Godmother the summon gem she found in Hollow Bastion. Fairy Godmother said "Oh, another summon gem? Let's help this little one. Here we go! Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!" Darcey can now summon Mushu. Fairy Godmother said "Thank you, Darcey. Here's something for you." She gives Donald an upgraded wand, Donald was loved his new upgrade. Fairy Godmother also said "Take good care of them." Darcey smiled, "I will Fairy Godmother, come on guys. We got a job to do." "Indeed, we do Darcey. But let's check out that green door we saw earlier" Jiminy said. "Ok Jiminy, it can't hurt to make a quick pit stop." Darcey said. Raiden, Dark-Knight, Twitchy and Faith were getting acquainted with Merlin and Archimedes, over tea. "I must say Raiden, you've grown into a handsome and brave young man. You look so much like your father and the rest are your mothers." Merlin said. Raiden sipped his tea and said "Thanks Merlin, Darcey told me so much about you. You're very intelligent and she showed me the her powers, magic is so amazing. She taught me how to form a bond with Dark-knight. You knew my parents?" Raiden asked about his real parents. "Oh yes, Penelope was the toughest, smart and bravest woman in the military. She trusted her knowledge and how to think outside the box. Your father Ernest, on the other hand was mistreated as a child. People accused him of surpassing his older brother to be king. But he stood up what he believed in, he fought for rights of many people. Including his family and older brother, determined to write his own destiny." Merlin answered. "Darcey told me, that he renounced his title as prince. Why?" Raiden asked. "Well your father believed he could do more, by helping the people as a leader than a prince trapped behind the walls. Its how your parents met and fell in love. Therefore having you." Archimedes answered his question. "But after the darkness destroyed your home-world, your parents and grandmother gave their lives to save you and the people." Merlin told him. This shocked Raiden of the death of his parents and grandmother, making him sigh in sadness. Dark-Knight placed his head on his lap in comfort.

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