Chapter Twenty-Nine: This is Berk

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 In the gummiship, Darcey was in the bathroom looking in the mirror at the strangle marks on her neck that Prometheus gave her. Debating herself whether should she tell Anakin or not. "What do you think Faith? Should I tell Anakin of the attack?" Darcey asked Faith. Faith just warbled and shrugged her shoulders. Til there was a knock on the door, Darcey gasped and quickly put her scarf back on and her hoodie back on it to cover the marks. "Yes?" Darcey asked, as she opened the door and it was Anakin. "Sorry to disturb your quiet time. We're approaching a new world in five minutes, Goofy said that we need to change clothes? Its in the viking era." Anakin asked and explained. "Oh well, we're gonna need to blend in with the locals, so they don't find us suspicious. Darcey answered, as she lead him down to the wardrobe. Fifteen minutes later, they were dressed in viking clothes, Darcey still had her bracelet over the cuff and her pink scarf. Minus Neeku who had trouble tucking in his tunic. "Uhh guys? Are you sure about this?" Neeku asked feeling anxious. "Don't worry Neeku, you look fine." Kaz stated, but Faith, Bucket, Donald, Goofy, Jiminy and BB-8 were laughing at him. They saw the seriousness faces from their friends. Making them stop laughing at Neeku. "Alright gang, the map says there's a village by the sea and cove with a lake just on the other side of island. Perhaps if make camp by the lake, people won't find us suspicious. Any questions?." Darcey suggested, as everyone looked on the map. There were no questions til Anakin said "Let's go gang. We got a job to do." Everyone nodded in agreement, allowing Donald to beam the heroes to the cove in the new world.


In the middle of an ocean surrounded by fog was an island called Berk. Nearby the island were two giant Viking statues with fires burning in their mouths."This is Berk. It's twelve days north of Hopeless, and a few degrees south of Freezing to Death. It's located solidly on the Meridian of Misery." Berk was an island home filled with several structures and houses."My village. In a word, sturdy. It's been here for seven generations, but every single building is new. We have fishing, hunting, and a charming view of the sunset. The only problems are the pests."A pair of sheep were grazing in the grass until one of them was suddenly swept away into the air. The other sheep simply moved to the spot where the previous sheep had been standing and continued grazing."You see, most places have mice or mosquitoes. We have..."

A Viking boy named Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III better known as Hiccup was just about to leave his house before a large dragon, specifically a red Monstrous Nightmare spots him and unleashes a stream of fire at him. Reacting quickly, Hiccup slammed the door shut and held his back against it. As he did, the flames from the dragon erupted through the sides of the doorway. "Dragons." Hiccup says. Hiccup opens the door slightly and peeked outside. He has emerald green eyes, auburn brown hair that parted to his right, an army of freckles on his cheeks, and a small, white scar just below his bottom lip which he got when he was a baby during a dragon raid. He was wearing a long-sleeve, light-green tunic, dark green pants and a dark brown fur vest that matches with his boots. He saw that the dragon had left and he heads out of his house. He looks around and saw that the Village of Berk was in the middle of a dragon raid. "Most people would leave. But not us. We're Vikings. We have stubbornness issues."Hiccup began making his way running through the village, dodging several Vikings that were running around, shouting war cries and swinging axes over their heads. "My name's Hiccup. Great name, I know. But, it's not the worst. Parents believe a hideous name will frighten off gnomes and trolls. Like our charming Viking demeanor wouldn't do that." A fireball from a Gronckle hits the ground near Hiccup, making the ground shake and causing him to fall to the ground on his back. Next thing he knew, a large, burly male Viking looked down at him, holding up an axe while letting out a battle cry in his face."Aaarrrggghhh!" The Viking yells outThen, the Viking gave Hiccup a pleasant smile."Mornin'!" The Viking says in a cheery voice. The Viking soon ran back into the battle with the dragons. Hiccup got back on his feet and continued running through the village as the battles between Vikings and Dragons raged around him. As he ran through the village, some Vikings gave him warnings to go home. "What are you doing here?!" One Viking says. "Get inside!" Another Viking says. "What are you doin' out?" Another Viking says. "Get back inside!" A female Viking says. Hiccup ignored the Vikings and continued moving through the village. Suddenly, he was grabbed and pulled back just as a Deadly Nadder unleashed a stream of fire down on the village. The Viking who grabbed him was Stoick the Vast. "Hiccup?! What is he doing out aga-?! What are you doing out?! Get inside!" Stoick shouts. Stoick puts Hiccup down and pushes him away. Stoick is a large, forty five year old man, with a red beard, with braids in it. He was a great, shaggy mountain of a man. He wore a dark green tunic, chainmail armor, a brown fur cape and leather boots. On his head he wore a additionally a small helmet with large yak horns."That's Stoick the Vast. Chieftain of the tribe. They say that when he was a baby, he popped a dragon's head clean off of its shoulders. Do I believe it? Yes, I do." Stoick looked to the side and caught sight of a green Deadly Nadder flying off with a sheep in it's talons.

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