Chapter Three: Destiny Islands falls into Darkness

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Back on Destiny Islands, it was after the three best friends finished making final preparations for the raft. Amanda left on her boat cause she wanted to leave Darcey and Raiden alone. The two of them were sitting on the edge of the dock and watching the sunset. "You know," Raiden began, "Amanda has changed." "What do you mean?" Darcey asked. Raiden seemed at a loss for words, "Well..." "You okay?" Darcey asked with concern. Raiden beamed, "Darce, let's take the raft and go-just the two of us!" "What?!" Darcey gasped while trying to hide a blush from the thought. Raiden just laughed with amusement, "Just kidding." "What's gotten into you?" Darcey exclaimed."You're the ones whose changed, Rai." "Maybe..." He responded softly. "You know, I was a little afraid at first, but now I'm ready. No matter where I go or what I see, I know I could always come back here." Finally, he took his eyes off the sunset and turned to her. "Right?" "Yeah, of course!" Darcey said without hesitation. Where ever they would go, this would still be their home. Raiden turned back to the sunset. "That's good." Raiden paused. "Darce, don't ever change." "Huh?" Darce looked at him as Ryder stood up. "I just can't wait. Once we set sail." Darcey leaned back with her eyes now back on the sunset, just likeRaiden's. "It'll be great." "You... you want me to take you home?" Darcey asked shyly. Raiden smiled, "No thanks... I rather not leave my boat here all night but I appreciate that thought. Besides I've got to watch out for Chad in case he comes back for revenge" Makin them laugh at each other.  A few minutes later, Raiden returned to the shore of the main island back to his house and Darcey was not long after him, as she cycled back to her house. 

Where her mother Mara greeted Darcey with a hug, "Hey Darce, How was your day?" Darcey nodded, "Hi Mum It was great. So far, Meredith and her lazy troop didn't catch us, like last time. She landed in a dirty muddy pond ruining her tacky clothes and her obnoxious hideous dog." "That's good news, that girl is so insufferable much like her mother, so... you planning to finally visit the other worlds with your friends?" Mara asked. Darcey paused... she knew... over the weeks, they had planned this for weeks and she never told her. They agreed not to tell their parents. They just told them they'd spend the week on the play island. Darcey turned to her, "How did you know?" "I'm your mother, I know everything." She simply stated. Darcey sighed, she chuckled, "Don't worry, I'm not going to stop you, sweetheart." Darcey looked up in shock and said "Wait...What?" as Mara  explained, "Your father wanted to do the same thing at your age but his Uncle held him back until he was eighteen..."She walked up to her, "You, Anakin and your father are so much alike..." Darcey frowned, "You keep saying that as well that he loves me but if that was true then why'd he leave us? What's worse Anakin left without saying goodbye" She sighed, "Your father has his reasons... and well... I can't tell you just yet. But there was a war affecting the worlds and leaving you and Anakin was his greatest regret. Someday when your brother comes home, he and I will have a serious talk" Darcey groaned, "When will you stop treating me like a kid, I'm not little anymore? And I'm ready to know the truth?" She smirked, "If I still did, I'd stop you from going and tell your friend's parents to stop them from going altogether. As you already know Raiden's father is Mayor and Amanda's parents are the sheriff and deputy sheriff" She sighed, "Look... when I was your age, I had made plenty of bad choices and the worlds may not be as safe as they once were... all I can say is your father knew something big would happen soon. He left to try to stop it but I fear it may already be too late. So, all I can say is be careful and stay on the right path., Someday when the time is right I will tell you" "Uh... okay... is that it?" Darcey wondered. Mara just smiled and played with her hair, "Just wash up and be ready... dinners ready in five." She nodded and headed upstairs.

 After washing her face and brushing her teeth. She decided to get some rest before food was done. Darcey lay in her bed waiting for supper and tomorrow when she would explore the worlds with her best friends Amanda and Raiden. It would be just her and Raiden.... and Amanda too. "I just can't wait. Once we set sail. It'll be great." She'd recalled what Raiden said to her. She did a quick look around and didn't see anyone but the younger Darcey. She even looked at the photos of her and her family, remembering the happy times she had when she was little. She looked at the charm bracelet (3 charms on it so far, her birthstone, Papau fruit and resistance symbol) she got when she was four, her father said to her as he puts the bracelet on her wrist "Every time you visit a new place or world, add a new charm to your bracelet to remember the exciting times you've had". She smiled at it and vowed to never take it off, except when going to bed. She stopped looking when she heard the thunderstorm Darcey say, "A storm? Oh no! The raft!" Darcey grabbed her backpack and snuck out her window. She ran he could hear her mother calling, "Darcey! Dinner's Ready! Come on down! Darcey?!" She looked outside to see Darcey running back to the play island. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "Things are in motion... I hoped this day would never come..." She opened her eyes to give her daughter what she believed was going to be for the last time, "Stay safe... and may the Force be with you...". Later she made contact with Leia, through her comlink that she kept in a secret compartment. "Leia, the world's keyhole was opened, and the darkness is consuming Destiny Islands. We need to start the evacuation immediately!" "Send me the coordinates, and I'll have the evacuation team sent to you" Leia replied. "Thank you," Mara said, as she ended the transmission and started the evacuation.

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