Chapter Fifteen: Darcey's Family Explanation of her past

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Meanwhile, with the other heroes, they returned with twelve more lost puppies, the Helmet of Fate, a Keychain from Aladdin, a Summon Charm from Genie, another page of Ansem's notes, and a page of what they believed to be a part of Merlin's book. While they were in the gummiship, Darcey finished explaining her time with the Helmet and her meeting with her Grandfather, including meeting her Grandmother while she nearly drowned. Goofy wondered,"So... what's a Jedi?" "Grandfather told me that they were the guardians of peace and justice, the Force was their source of power and have protected the multiverse for generations," Darcey replied. Jiminy asked, "Kinda like what the Keybalde wielders are, but what about the Seven Royals or this Seeker of Darkness?". Darcey looked at Jiminy and replied, "Well I have a feeling that Jasmine and Alice are somehow connected to them and the villains want them for a reason. As for the Seeker of Darkness... maybe it's Maleficent." "She does seem pretty evil, probably fits the profile." Tandy nodded. Vixen (Mari) replied, "The point is we know what our enemies are after and they already have at least two of the Princesses. What about Bane and the other Deathstroke soldiers?" "Fate sent them to a cell in Traverse Town and Fate cast a spell so Bane won't talk about your secret identities. However most of them are dead, during the battle at the Cave of Wonders." Darcey answered. Team Arrow nodded, "At least that's some good news, better do a quick magic check since you did wear the helmet to defeat Jafar." John stated, as he chanted in Latin over Darcey for a magic check. "Well the good news, is that you didn't get any side effects from the helmet. But Jafar's magic has no effect on you. It seems your parents put some kind of protection magic on you, whoever cast it must be more advanced than I am." John reported to her. "Well that's a relief, but how long will it last that's the issue." Donald pointed out. "We'll worry about that later Donald, but what about Maz?" Goofy asked, as he fixed his dented shield. "She heads back to her world. She said she'd be fine and we'd meet again." Nyssa replied, before continuing "There's one thing we need to do now... Darcey needs a teacher to control her powers and get strong enough to stop Maleficent. And according to Fate. You need your father." "Didn't you mention earlier that you were also looking for your brother and father? We already know that." Jiminy asked. Darcey frowned, "It's... not something I like to talk about." "Well according to Fate you need them. When was the last time you saw them?" Tandy asked. Darcey looked up as they flew through space, as set a course to Traverse Town. "Donald, Goofy and Jiminy already know, but since we're heading back to Traverse Town to return the Helmet. I'll tell you guys. Donald, you're in charge of the wheel". "Okey Dokey Darcey" Donald said as he took the wheel. She explained to them about her father and her brother, feeling pity for her they told her not to give up searching for her friends and family.

8 years ago...

Darcey was asleep in her bed, however, she could hear a loud conversation downstairs on the first floor. She got up from her bed and poked the door open. She still couldn't exactly understand what was being said, so she tiptoed out of his room to downstairs. She saw her big brother also listening in. Anakin turned to him, "Darce? Why are you up?" "I couldn't sleep. What's going on with mummy and daddy?" Darcey asked as he walked in closer. Anakin shushed, "I don't know but... shh!" They listened in as they heard their Mum ask, "...are you sure about him?" "If I wasn't, we wouldn't be having this conversation." They heard their father, "I have a feeling Snoke had already got to him. The last thing we need is another Darth Vader." "Okay, so what are you planning to do with him? Help him? Or kill him?" Mara asked. Luke was silent for a moment before saying, "I'm not sure. I'm going to be gone for a while." Darcey gasped as Anakin covered her mouth Mara asked, "How long?" "Few days at most. It shouldn't take too long." Luke replied. Mara asked, "What should I tell the kids? Anakin fully knows what your job is considering you've been teaching him as well but Darcey is..." "Tell them I'm just going on a business trip, go to war. I don't want to worry them. They're safe as long as they stay in this world. Don't forget to update Magnus to keep Darcey's memories and powers hidden." Luke assured her. Mara pointed out, "Even if Magnus Bane can use his powers to shield Darcey's memories and her powers, the spell will break as she gets older and will have lots of questions. Luke, Anakin is almost a man and Darcey is still a child. Also what of the three visitors that came? Darcey's seen two of them and spoke to the blue-haired one. What if...?"

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