Chapter Eight: Travelling to new worlds (Passamaquoddy - Fourth World)

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After leaving Dumbo's world, the heroes entered a fishing town world called "Passamaquoddy" "That's a weird name." Donald stood by a sign. "The town's called Pass-a-ma-quoddy... Passamaquoddy." "Who knows..." Goofy smiled. "Come on, you guys. Let's go check the town out." The town was small and quiet, for the most part. As they reached the square, they saw a bunch of men come around a building as one man, arms full of eggs, ran into another, slamming the eggs in his face by accident. "You... you absolute oaf!" The man wiped the egg off his face. The man holding the eggs stammered. "L...Look! It was that kid who pushed me!". A little blonde boy, dressed in baggy raggy clothes and barefooted. could be seen running off. "He pulled off Ms. Taylor's petticoat!" Another man said. "He walked through my cement with his big feet!" "He scared my horse, Victoria!" The man finished wiping off the egg and looked around. "Well, wh... where is this person?" "There he goes!" "Well, detain him! Detain him!" The men ran after the boy. Darcey looked at the others. "Am I the only one getting the feeling that the kid they're talking about isn't really at fault?" "No, you're not." Jiminy told her. The group ran after the men and spotted the boy leaving the town, heading towards a nearby beach. Goofy pointed towards a cave. "He went in that cave." Darcey decided to ask him, "Come on guys let's go talk to him".

As they approached the opening, they could hear a child's voice say angrily. "We're in a lot of trouble, and it's all your fault." There were some small sounds of gibberish, groaning, and other sounds of the kind. "I don't wanna play... you did everything wrong in Passamaquoddy, now everybody hates us! I don't know whether you're good for me... or bad." "Hello..." Darcey came into the cave. She gasped as she saw a little boy with a green dragon, with pink spikes and a goofy smile nearby. The dragon cocked his head and waved to her. The others came in, surprising the boy a little more. "Who are you?" "I'm Pete," the boy said shyly. Goofy went up to the dragon and smiled. "And who is this?" "That's Elliott." Pete looked at them. "Who are you guys...?" "We're..." "Hello in there!" A woman's voice came from the entrance to the cave. Pete turned his head to the dragon. "Get back!" Elliott turned and squeezed into a large crack and out of sight.

A woman who has brown hair and wears lovely clothes entered the cave, smiling at the small group. "Hi. What are you all doing here?" "Nothing, really." "It's not safe here," the woman looked around. "The tide's coming in and high water reaches this cave sometimes. You all better head for home." As the group didn't move, the woman looked around at them. "You're not from Passamaquoddy, are you?" "Nope, just sort of... travelling." The others nodded in agreement with Pete. "Where are your parents?" All of them looked downward. "Where are you staying?" Again, they stayed silent. "What are your names?" "Pete." "Darcey Skywalker" "Donald Duck" "Goofy Goof" "Jiminy Cricket, at your service". The woman smiled, slightly. "I'm Nora, and I have to get back on watch, up at the lighthouse. There's chowder on the stove if you'd like some; there should be enough for all of you." "That would be lovely, thanks. Come on guys," Darcey said. "That's the best offer I've heard all day," Donald smirked.

The group followed Nora while Pete hung back for a moment, possibly talking to Elliott. "The Gogans own me, I guess. They said it was against the law for me to ever leave them." The group listened as Pete explained his plight to Nora. "That's horrible," Goofy gasped. "Adoption is supposed to make you a part of the family, not someone's property." "Where did you get that bruise?" Jiminy asked "Mr Gogan," Pete said, "I was milking the cow, and I missed the bucket." Donald looked at him sadly, "Had he done that before." Pete nodded. "All the time. The first time I ran away, the orphanage sent me back. This time, I'll just keep running." "Well, you'll be safe here." Nora looked around at the others. "And, what about the group of you?" "We're looking for our friends and my mother, we're out trying to find them," Darcey said as she took a bite of her chowder. She looked around again. "Why don't you all sleep here tonight? I've got two beds here, you can double-up if need be, and there are a few other places. Pete, we can figure out what to do for you tomorrow." "Ok..." Goofy said. "Sounds good." Jiminy said "Wonderful." Nora nodded. "I've got work to do. Come on." Goofy followed the woman. "Are you a mother?" "I'm not even a wife..." Nora replied. "Are you going to get married?" Donald asked. Nora looked up. "I'm already married to this lighthouse."

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