Chapter Thirty-Two: Hollow Bastion-Amanda's Darkness

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 After Maleficent had her meeting with Kylo Ren, Lex Luthor, Queen Rhea of Daxam (Mon-El's mother) Thanos, Savitar, Nora Darhk and her father, and Kronos about their current plans for the multiverse, their allies were either in hiding, captured by the resistance or went underground. They still needed more resources, the seer foresaw the future that the worlds would be free and restored from the darkness. Which might be used as an advantage to their plans for recruiting more people to join their cause. Maleficent stood patiently in the middle of the castle chapel, as though she was expecting someone to arrive at any moment. It wasn't long before a corridor of darkness appeared directly in front of her. The witch smirked, so she had finally returned did she? Amanda stumbled out of the corridor, while Raiden was still being held by Orm's Soldiers. Amanda was looking completely drained of energy. "Welcome back, Amanda. How are you feeling?" Maleficent asked Amanda in a slightly condescending tone. But Amanda didn't reply to her. She hadn't even taken a single step before the corridor closed and she collapsed to his knees. She was too exhausted to remember that Orm's Soldiers still had Raiden. All she could do was remain on her knees and breathe heavily. Maleficent simply smirked at Amanda, almost as if she was entertained by her struggles. "Ah, I see that answers my question. It was reckless to bring him here without at least using a vessel. Gentlemen, escort our royal guest to his cell and be gentle with him." The witch stated in a seemingly calm, lecturing tone, she even ordered the men to escort Raiden to cells. "Remember, relying too heavily on the dark powers could cost you your heart." She continued, as the soldiers left with Raiden.

Just at that moment, as Amanda managed to stand, a low growl echoed through the entire castle. She felt herself jump in surprise as she clenched her fists, ready to summon Soul Eater if necessary. But, before she could, Maleficent raised her hand and stared down at her. It felt as though her gaze alone was enough to stop the young girl in her tracks and turn back to look into her eyes. She couldn't help but release a small shudder of fear in his weakened state. "A castaway," Maleficent explained the source of the growl. "Though his world perished, his heart did not. When we took the princess from his castle, he apparently followed her here through sheer force of will." The witch released a small chuckle. "But fear not. No harm will come to you. He is no match for your power." "My...power?" Amanda asked nervously. Maleficent nodded and smirked down at her with a dark look in her eyes. "Yes, the untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it's time you awakened that power and realised your full potential." The witch raised her staff as the crystal began to glow a poison green, the same energy appearing all around Amanda's body. It swirled all around her just like mist, creating small ice-cold touches to appear all over her skin as her heart began to absorb the energy. She could almost feel her heart darkening more than it had before. The darkness seemed to grow each and every moment Maleficent's influential magic surrounded her.

Then, the green mist faded away, completely absorbed into Amanda's blackened heart. "How do you feel now, child?" Inquired Maleficent, the smirk on her lips growing. Amanda didn't respond right away as she allowed this new power to sink in fully. She simply looked down at herself for a few moments, then clenched her fists and looked back up at the witch. Her eyes shone a deep gold. "Stronger." Responded the young girl with a grin creeping up on her mouth. "I feel like I can take on anything!" "Excellent." Maleficent purred. "Now, about that castaway. After, you've rested in the training room." Amanda simply shook her head and smirked. "Don't worry about it, I'll deal with whoever it is after I've rested in the training room. This is gonna be fun!". Without another word, Amanda turned on her heel and strode out of the castle chapel. "Yes, go on and have fun dear Amanda." Maleficent chuckled darkly as she watched her close the door behind her. "In the meantime, I have to deal with a pest of my very own." The moment the words escaped her lips, the witch vanished in a burst of her green flames.

Amanda entered the training room and was still struggling with her dark powers, but quickly recovered herself. Glimmer, Marvel, Cato and Clove noticed her feeling drained and recovered at the same time, "Used your dark powers and feeling dizzy?" Glimmer asked. "Yes, but I've also recovered," Amanda said. "Are you kidding? You're not ready to use those powers that Maleficent gave you, in fact, you should've waited til you found the keyhole. Before bringing Prince Raiden here, with Hook's Ship." Clove lectured. "Well, how was I supposed to know? I just wanted to show Darce, the true power of Darkness." Amanda argued. "You mean Darcey Skywalker? The meddling, infuriating, scrawny shrimp? She has too much light inside her. Heard she was more a thorn in Maleficent's side than Girl on Fire, who almost failed if her friends weren't there for her. All Skywalkers are the same." Cato said. "Typical Skywalkers. Just like when the Empire collapsed, you really don't know. Her grandfather was Darth Vader and tried to lure her daddy to the Dark side. But instead, he refused and should've died by the Emperor's hand, if Vader didn't kill him before the second Death Star exploded." Marvel explained. This surprised Amanda with Darcey's inheritance, just as they were about to leave for the home world for the 74th Hunger Games. "While you rest up, we got the 74th Hunger Games to win." Glimmer said. "Including eliminating the Girl on Fire and Lover Boy from District Twelve," Cato mentioned. "You might want to take it easy on that darkness and Heartless control, next time Maleficent sends you out on the field." Clove said, "See ya newbie," Marvel said. As they left the training room to return to the Capitol for the scoring tests, leaving Amanda very confused yet annoyed. That was the last time she saw them before she left to deal with the 'Castaway'. As she walked away, she made the troops feel a bit tense. Still feeling peeved of what the career tributes said to her, Queen Rhea saw her in a distance. She gestured to her guards to leave her some privacy with Amanda. "Your time comes when your powers grow for you Amanda." Queen Rhea said. "But when your majesty, I'm tired of being criticised by everyone. Reminds me of when my drama teacher criticised me." Amanda says in frustration. Queen Rhea placed her hand on Amanda's shoulder and said "When I lost my world, I thought I lost my son. My goal was to create a new Daxam for my people. I only need to persuade my son to join my cause. Have patience and you will achieve your revenge for the betrayal your friend did to you." This gave Amanda some thought and understanding, of how to make Darcey pay for her 'betrayal', in turn, her eyes turned deep gold. 

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