Chapter Thirty-Five: Hollow Bastion

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 As Gummiship arrived at Hollow Bastion undetected, avoiding security thanks to the invisibility boost the group of ten arrived to the waterfalls and stones outside the castle of Hollow Bastion. They fell/glided to the bottom of the waterfalls and stones, Bucket and BB8 would've broke, if Darcey, Anakin and Donald didn't slow down their falling. As they looked around in wonder and staying alert at the same time. Twitchy was whimpering in Darcey's shoulder bag, "It's ok Twitchy. It's ok." Darcey calmed her crup puppy by stroking her head. Faith whimpered a little, as Anakin stroked her neck in comfort, "Easy girl." Anakin calmed her down. Goofy saw that castle above "Gawrsh, look at that!" Goofy pointed up. Everyone turned to look at where Goofy is pointing at. "I don't like the look of this world, it's giving me goosebumps and is making me shake with fear." Neeku said in fright, Twitchy whimpered with him and went back to hide in Darcey's shoulder bag. Bucket and BB8 started to beep in worry, Kaz and Tam calmed them down. "Neither do I, Dad, Uncle Han, Obi-Wan, C-3PO, R2-D2 and Chewie felt the same way, when they first came to the Death Star." Anakin said. "Yeah, Daddy told us that story when we were kids, back home. He lost Obi-Wan, but found Aunt Leia." Darcey remembered. Jiminy was shaking too, "Jiminy, it's ok there's no need to be afraid." Tam calmed him down. "Oh, I've gone way beyond afraid Tam. Right now, we're in between walking into the Lion's Den of our deadliest enemies and a nervous breakdown." Jiminy said. Darcey looked at the castle in confusion "I know this place..." Darcey said, Faith looked at it in confusion while tilting her head. Everyone was confused and looked at her in wonder. "Hmm, that's strange." Goofy said. "Goofy's right, I mean how you've know this place?" Kaz asked her. "I wonder why...I feel this warmth inside, right here Kaz" Darcey replied to him, as she held her heart. Donald walked next to them, "Aw, you're just hungry" Donald said. Everyone turned to look at him with serious looks. "Hey, I'm serious!" Darcey their serious tones and heard a noise. "Let's go gang!" Darcey said. "And keep quite." Tam reminded them. The heroes searched at the bottom level, before jumping/flying on the stones to get to higher ground, Darcey and Anakin used the force to move the droids onto the stone platforms. Faith got Kaz, Tam, Neeku, Donald, Goofy and Jiminy onto the next stone platforms.

Once they got to the higher levels, in time they found Amanda attacking another intruder, the Beast. The Beast's appearance is a combination of physical characteristics from various wild animals, including a wild boar, wolf, buffalo, bear, gorilla and lion. He often wears a torn purple cape and dark blue pants. Amanda snarled and ignored the Beast's comment. "No vessel, no help from the Heartless... So tell me, how'd you get here?". The Beast released a growl of annoyance at Amanda's dismissive attitude but still responded. "I simply believed. Nothing more to it. When our world fell into darkness, Belle was taken from me. I vowed I would find her again no matter what the cost. I believed I would find her. So, here I am. She must be here." The Beast roared angrily and brandished his claws. "I will have her back!" "Take her if you can!" Challenged Amanda with a cocky grin as she summoned Soul Eater to his hand. The Beast roared and swiped his claws at Amanda but the young girl managed to dodge at the last second by performing a backflip. She then preformed a powerful counterattack with the sharp end of his blade. The Beast released howl of pain as he collapsed to his knees and clutched his chest. Amanda grinned darkly and raised Soul Eater to deliver the final deadly blow. But, before she could, a voice stopped him in his tracks. "Stop!" A familiar voice shouted. Amanda looked up, finding Darcey, Donald, Goofy, Jiminy, Anakin, Tam, Kaz, Neeku, Faith, Twitchy, BB8 and Bucket. Twelve of them, standing before her.

Darcey looked almost horrified at what Amanda had done to the Beast. Faith snarled at her, standing firm next to her rider. Glaring at her former friend, Amanda dismissed Soul Eater. "So, you finally made it. About time. I see you have another pet next to your dragon. I've been waiting for we've always been rivals, haven't we? You've always pushed me as I've always pushed you." She spoke with bitterness in her tone. "Amanda..." Darcey murmured. "But it all ends here. There can't be two Keyblade masters." Spoke Amanda. Her former friend merely looked at her in confusion. "W-what are you talking about?" She asked. "Let the Keyblade choose...its true master!" roared Amanda as she held out her hand towards Darcey. In that moment, the Keyblade appeared in Darcey's hand all on its own, but something was different about the magical weapon. It started to resist Darcey's hold on it and pulling towards Amanda like her friend was a magnet or something. Darcey tried as hard as she could to hold on to it, but the next thing she knew, the weapon disappeared her hands. "Huh!?" Donald gasped, "What!?" Exclaimed Goofy, "Impossible!" Exclaimed Anakin, Kaz and Tam, "No Way!" Exclaimed Neeku and Jiminy. Faith roared in shock of what she'd just witnessed, Twitchy barked in shock too. BB8 and Bucket beeped in shock, at the same time just as the Keyblade reappeared, but this time, in Amanda's possession. Amanda herself took a moment to feel the weapon in her hand. The metal felt smooth and cool and it was surrounded by a strong, powerful aura. Truly, it was a weapon worthy of it's reputation. "Maleficent and her allies were right." She mused to herself, then turned her attention back to Darcey. "You don't have what it takes to save Raiden. It's up to me. Only the Keyblade master can open the secret door... and change the world." Darcey immediately protested. "But that's impossible. How did this happen? I'm the one who fought my way here with the Keyblade!" she cried as he clenched her fists. "It's true! It came to her when your world fell into darkness!" Jiminy recalled. "You were just the delivery girl." Amanda smirked condescendingly as she looked over her new weapon. "Let's also see you how brave, you are without your lightsaber." Amanda smirked as a quick heartless snatched Darcey's lightsaber without anyone noticing and catching them by surprise.

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