Chapter Fourteen: Villains Meeting and Amanda's Desire.

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 Meanwhile, in a dark chapel, Maleficent, Hades, Circe, Eobard Thawne, Malcolm Merlyn, Damien Darhk , Savitar, Magneto, Mercy Graves, Peter Pettigrew aka Wormtail, Lucius Malfoy, Blob and a Coluan stand around a table. Hades sighed as Maleficent faces away from them, "That smarmy vizier, one-eyed Slade and brute could've had 'em... if someone had stuck around to give them a hand." He looks over at Amanda, who glances back at him with a glare, "Hey, I did my part. I brought the princess, didn't I?" "Indeed... thanks to you we now that much closer to our goal." The Coluan stated. "Would it have been wise to send her on her mission alone?" Wormtail asked, in a cowardly tone. "Because this was Amanda's mission and she performed admirably" Lucius explained. Malcolm said "Slade's back on Lian Yu, Ra's traitorous daughter assisted them." Circe nodded, "Precisely my friends and True enough, Brainiac. However, the heroes and Team Arrow not only sealed the Keyhole but saved Dr. Fate as well." "Jafar and Slade were beyond help, consumed by their own hatred.....Thankfully now that my wife is the new mayor of Star City, we have complete control to move forward "Project Genisis". Damien stated. Maleficent nodded as she turned to Hades, "One should beware of letting it burn too fiercely." "Really Hades, they had it coming and they should have not underestimated the girl" Magneto reminded. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Lighten up. I'm as cool as this hey come, okay?" Hades reassured them before turning to Amanda, "By the way, kid, have we got something special for you." "Huh?" Amanda puzzled. Maleficent stated, "We had a deal, yes? You help us, and we grant you your wish..." Brainiac, Damien and Savitar then presented an image of Darcey and Amanda's best friend. Amanda gasped, "Raiden!" "Go to him. Your vessel is waiting." Eobard Thawne told her as she gestured to two men walks in, the one with the black hair, thin moustache, hook on his left hand, wearing pirate's robes and a large feathered cap was Captain Hook.

The second man was wearing atlantean armour with a fishlike face helmet, carrying a silver trident which was his father's. He is Aquaman's half brother King Orm AKA Ocean Master. Captain Hook holds up a hook for a hand, smirking, "Just remember, this is no pleasure cruise. It won't be a pleasant voyage." "My men and I will assist you, we found the boy unconscious and was asleep, not moving an inch". Orm stated. "Why are you doing all this for me? What's the catch?" Amanda asked. Maleficent turned to face her, "Catch? What's the catch?" She bends down to her, placing a hand on her cheek, "Silly, girl. You're like a daughter to me. I only want you to be happy." She pushed her hand aside, "I seriously doubt that." Brainiac spoke up, "Believe what you wish. However, we kept our end of the bargain." He stares at her before walking towards the pirate and Ocean Master. Thawne then turned to dark cloaked figure leaning in the corner, "Kylo Ren... is the new weapon ready?" "Yes... the First Order's weapons dealer... Syndrome has perfected the Omnidroid for his own gain which in turn we'll use it against the heroes." Kylo Ren nodded. Damien stated, "So... he made us a robot! Big whoop! Super Brat can take it on easily even with Brainaic's AI unless you got another one of those... what do you call it... kryptonite floating around." "The Omidroid isn't the bait for the heroes... it's the weapon the protects the Omnidroid that's the trap. The late Professor Ivo's machine..." Kylo Ren explained. Their eyes widened before they started grinning, Mercy Graves asks "Are you say what I think you're saying?" Kylo Ren nodded, "Amazo is now online...". With their plans set in motion, Magneto sensed a disturbance in Kylo Ren.

Behind his mask, there's something hiding behind his eyes."Something is disturbing you Ren, as if you sense wrong something in the force" Magneto stated. "It's nothing" He denied. "Not nothing is something and you're hiding something, spill the beans" Blob insisted. "Spill the beans indeed, my boy" Lucius asked. As much as Kylo Ren wanted to denied it, he was pushed to confess. "I wanted to kill Jafar and Slade for harming Skywalker's daughter." Kylo Ren confessed. Maleficent was curious and asked "Tell us why?". Kylo Ren told them "While she was drowning, I felt a sharp pain in my heart through the force. I felt her dying but that pain was lifted, when she was saved by the force (their grandmother)". This surprised his allies, especially Brainiac and figured that Darcey's connection to the force is getting stronger but on the light side. "It seems your connection to the girl is based on your emotions, she'll try and pull you to the light side" Brainiac figured out. This ticked off Kylo Ren, "You don't know anything about my family and I will fulfil my grandfather's legacy and I will be the most powerful Sith warrior than him. I will prove this to Snoke" "We shall see" Brainiac declared. "Now if you excuse us, we have some unfinished business with our enemies that are still alive" Savitar announced. Maleficent understood her allies' intentions with their enemies. As everyone left, except Maleficent, Hades and Magneto. 

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