Chapter Six: Travelling to new worlds (Olympus Coliseum - Second World)

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Darcey places a food bowl on the ground and puts dog food in it. She called out to the puppies, "Lunchtime little guys." Twelve dalmatian puppies ran to where Darcey was, barking happily as they started eating their lunch. She smiled as she put a water bowl out for them before rejoining the others. Goofy smiled, "So, how are the little guys doing?" "They're fine. I just got them food and water." Darcey smiled. As Donald drove the ship, "For the record if they make any messes on this ship, you're cleaning up." "C'mon, Donald. You must be a little happy that we found some lost puppies." Goofy told him. Donald just flipped a few switches, "We're approaching the next world." "Saved by the bell." Jiminy rolled his eyes. Goofy stated, "Gawsh, whatever world it is I hope it's not as crazy as that last one." "Or meet anyone as wicked as that Queen was," Jiminy added. Darcey smiled, "Don't worry, guys! I gotta good feeling about this one!" Olympus Coliseum was the next world, they've visited so far.

They enter the Coliseum Gates, where two giant golden statues of gladiators clashing swords stand around the entrance. Jiminy smiled, "You're right, Darcey. This world is a lot better than Wonderland." "Man... it's like we're in Ancient Greece," Donald stated. Goofy replied, "In a way, we are. It's possible that some of the worlds are similar to our own. This is this world's version of Greece." "I'm not seeing any Heartless... so where do we go from here?" Donald asked. Darcey shrugged, "Maybe there's something going on inside the Coliseum." "Let's check it out then." Goofy smiled as the heroes walked across the grounds and entered the Coliseum. They found the trinity symbol and activated it, they found three puppies, and they were sent to the gummiship to stay safe.

Walking into the dim lobby, the cracks in the stone visible underfoot, a chubby satyr is putting up a sign on the wall near an entrance. A "closed" sign is tied in the dark doorway and a large pedestal is placed against a wall near a lit torch. Jiminy wondered, "A satyr?" Darcey walked up to the busy-looking satyr, "Um..." "Good timing. Give me a hand, will ya? Move that pedestal over there for me." He points to the pedestal without looking at who he was talking to, still facing the sign on the wall, "I gotta spruce this place up for the games."Darcey was unsure how to respond to that as she shrugged and went to do as she was told to. Jiminy asked, "You do know he was thinking you are someone else, right?" "Uh-huh!" Darcey nodded and walked over to the pedestal and attempted to move it, but it doesn't budge, Goofy asked inconcern, "Um... Darcey?" "It's okay! I got it!" Darcey struggles to move it. Donald crossed his arms, "She's persistent... I'll give her that." "You sure you don't need any help? It looks like it weighs a ton." Goofy asked. Darcey shook her head, "No... thanks..." Darcey stopped herself and she turned to the satyr "It's way too heavy!" "What? Too heavy? Sheeh? Since when have you been such a little..." He turns to see Darcey. The satyr then realised that person who was trying to move the pedestal was not the person he was excepting, "Oh. Wrong gal. What're you doing here? This here's the world-famous Coliseum... heroes only! And I got my hands' full preparing for the games. So run along, pip-squeaks." When he jumped off the pedestal and walked close to Donald.

Darcey pouts as Donald just glared at him and the satyr puts his hands on his hips as he explained, "Look, it's like this. Heroes are coming from all over to fight ferocious monsters right here in the Coliseum." "You've got heroes standing right in front of you," Donald replied with his arms crossed. Goofy places his hands on Darcey's shoulders, "Yup. She's a real hero chosen by the Keyblade!" "And we're heroes, too." Donald added. The satyr looked to Darcey in shock, "Hero? That runt?" He laughs loudly, slapping his large belly. Darcey just looked at him annoyed, "What's so funny? I've fought a bunch of monsters!" He stopped laughing and replied, "Hey, if you can't even move this ..." the satyr tried to move the pedestal on his own but couldn't, making the others smirk, " can't call yourself...a hero." He finally gave up and sat down to catch his own breath. He turned to the Hero Squad in the room as he admitted, "Okay, so it takes more than strength. Well, well, let's see what you can do. What's your names?" "I'm Darcey, this is Donald, Jiminy and Goofy." Darcey introduced as the others nodded. The satyr nodded, "Name's Philoctetes." "The trainer of heroes?" Goofy, Jiminy and Donald recognized. He nodded, "Call me Phil. Now, these trials are tough. You four got what it takes? You ready?" Later, they used Trinity Jump under the right-hand statue at the Coliseum Gates, and they found three puppies. Then they went up to Phil, "We're ready!" Goofy nodded. Phil replied, "Okay. Let's see what you kids got.". The four heroes nodded, as they entered the collisuem.

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