Chapter Seven: Travelling to new worlds (Pachyderm Parade - Third World)

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The four friends found themselves on their way into a circus-themed world  called 'Pachyderm Parade', where a travelling circus had been set up. "Woah guys, we're in an actual circus!" Darcey says. "My My it's huge," Jiminy says. "I'll say, let's hope they don't kick us out," Donald said. They heard laughing by the elephant tent, much to their curiosity "Who's that laughing?" Goofy asked. "It's coming from the elephant tent let's go," Jiminy says as he pointed to the tent. As they entered the tent they saw a baby elephant with big ears and was in tears, while a large pack of female elephants had come stomping  in, gossiping about another elephant being taken away for violent actions  against a bystander. Much to their curiosity, they listened in to the elephant's conversation.  "Oh, my dear, can you bear it? When she doused the ringmaster, I just thought I'd die." Libby in blue stated. "Well, personally, I think she went a bit too far." Prissy in orange replied, "After all, one mustn't forget one is a lady." Matriarch agreed dressed in magenta.  "Oh, you're right, dear. Yes. - Oh, that's very true." Libby replied.  "Oh, well, I suppose that's mother love." Prissy mocked "But it's certainly no excuse for what she did. Mother love might cover a multitude of sins." Another elephant mocked. Unknown to them, a brown mouse in a red circus uniform was looking through a discarded bag of peanuts. "It's true, my dear, and she has such a streak in—" Another elephant stated. He was curious as he collected a peanut and began eating, he asked "A guy can't eat in peace.". He opened the peanut shell and got a nut to eat. " Yes, but mother love does—" an Elephant stated. " Gab, gab, gab. Always gossipin'," Timothy complained, as he ate and listened in. Darcey and her friends took a closer look and were vigilant. "Such horrible words to say about a mother defending her baby," Goofy whispered. "I agree, they shouldn't trash talk like that," Darcey whispered. "Shh!" Donald and Jiminy whispered. "Girls, girls! Listen! Have I got a trunk full of dirt. " Catty in green "Well, darling, tell us all. - Go on, go on," Catty asked. So Catty lifted Prissy's ear and they lifted their ears to hear. "Well, I heard today that they have put her in solitary confinement," Catty explained. Shocking the other elephants, and the heroes gasping quietly. "No! - You don't mean it!" Libby exclaimed. "Oh, how awful for her!" Matriarch exclaimed in shock. "Well, l-I must say, l-I don't blame her for anything," Prissy stated. "You're absolutely right. It's all the fault of that little—F-R-E-A-K," Catty stated as she accused Dumbo. "Yes, him with those ears that only a mother could love." Prissy mocked, as Dumbo continued crying. Timothy was confused and looked at Dumbo, "What's the matter with his ears? I don't see nothin' wrong with 'em. I think they're cute.". Darcey and her friends looked at them, "There's nothing wrong with his ears, he's cute the way he is. He shouldn't be treated like that. Just because he's different." Darcey defended. Her friends like her attitude, "Well said Miss, Timothy the name." Timothy looked at them.

They looked at Timothy and smiled, doing introductions quietly "Please to meet you, Timothy, I'm Darcey, This is Donald, Goofy and Jiminy." "Hi." They whispered. The elephants continued laughing, til the Matriarch silenced them "Ladies, ladies! It's no laughing matter at all.". One elephant agreed "Oh. Oh, she's right, girls.". "Don't forget that we elephants have always walked with dignity. His disgrace is our own shame." Matriarch declared. "Yes, that's true. That's very true. - Oh, indeed it is." Prissy and Libby both agreed. "Well, frankly, I wouldn't eat at the same bale of hay with him," Catty stated, as she ate some hay. Til Dumbo starts walking towards them. "No. Right. - Me either, dearie. I should say. -Nor I. That's just how I feel about it." Libby and Catty stated. "Here he comes now," Giddy says. "Hmm. Pretend you don't see him.Shh." Matriarch ordered, as they turned their backs on them. Darcey, her friends and Timothy were applauded for what they witnessed, as they watched Dumbo leave the tent sadly. "How do ya like that? Givin' him the cold shoulder. Poor little guy.  There he goes, without a friend in the world. Nobody to turn to. Oh, I'll do somethin' about this." Timothy declared, as he marched towards the elephants. "Give them a taste of their own medicine" Donald declared. He scared off  the gabbing elephants, "A MOUSE!" The Elephant screamed, making them run around and grabbing onto ropes, circus equipment and poles in fright. Timothy was making funny faces. Darcey, Donald, Goofy and Jiminy  stifled in their laughter to see those elephants getting tormented by the mouse, and admitted they deserved that. After all, they were very mean to Mrs Jumbo and her little son, "Serves them right for making fun of that poor little guy and his mother" Darcey smirked at them. "You said it Darcey" Goofy agreed.  "So you like to pick on little guys huh?" They heard Timothy asking as he pointed at them and then to himself. "Well, why don't you pick on me?" "How dare you!? All of you should be ashamed of yourselves picking on a baby elephant who's different!" Darcey yelled at them in disgust.

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