Chapter Four: Survived on Traverse Town/ Start of an Adventure

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Somewhere the Disney residents Donald, Jiminy, Goofy and Pluto both arrived in a world called "Traverse Town." Traverse Town is similar to a Victorian-age town in terms of design and layout. It is divided into five major districts along with several minor locations such as alleyways, caves and a post office. Donald was wearing a shorter, light blue coat over his jacket, this one with more bell-like sleeves, gold lining and cuffs, a turtleneck-esque collar, and the two silver, vertical zippers present in his jacket. Goofy was a wearing green turtleneck sweater with sleeves that bell out slightly and a blue arrow-shaped strap on each cuff. He wears white gloves with a brown band around each wrist. Over the sweater, he wears a sleeveless, black combat vest with grey lining and four pockets of the same colour. Goofy's pants are yellow and secured by a thick, black belt. They have rather large pockets and a pouch on each leg with a silver zipper. The legs of his pants have a peculiar style, with the dark orange bottom rims being pulled upward in the front by a brown strap. Goofy has very large shoes which are brown with steel toes on the outside. As the four friends started to investigate, Goofy noticed something was off as he looked at the night sky.

Both Donald and Jiminy were curious so they followed his gaze, like him they were shocked and surprised at the same time. took notice of it "Look! A star's going out" Goofy noticed in the night sky. As he said, a star went out which meant another world fell into darkness. "Oh, my stars! Another world has fallen into the darkness. My I hope its citizens escaped". "Come on, let's hurry" Donald pointed out. As they went searching for Leon, Donald grumbled "Where's that key?" Goofy pointed out "Hey you know, maybe we'd oughta find Leon". "Exactly like what the king's letter said "Find the key" whoever he, she or they are" Jiminy recalled, as he sat in Goofy's hat. As they wondered, Goofy and Jiminy noticed Pluto wandering off, "Hey Donald, you know I betcha..." as he tried to tell Donald. Jiminy was also about to say something. But Donald ignored them "What did you know? You big palooka?" "What do I know, come on Pluto" Goofy wondered, "Pluto, come on no time for games." Jiminy called out to the yellow floppy-eared dog, before following Donald. While Donald, Jiminy and Goofy were searching for Leon, Pluto went wandering off til he finds an unconscious girl. Darcey survived and ended up in Traverse Town unconscious.

Luckily Pluto woke her up by licking her face "What a dream..." Darcey murmured sleepily and began to fall asleep when the dog slammed its front paws into her chest. Darcey gave a startled yell, "This isn't a dream!" She squints at the dog who happily wags his tail at him. Standing up, Darcey looked at her surroundings, unfamiliar with what he was seeing, "Where am I?" She asks herself. Turning to look down the end of the alley where lights shone, "Oh, boy..." Darcey groaned before he leaned down to ask the dog, "Do you know where we are?" She asked. The dog perked its head up as if hearing someone calling it before bounding out of the alleyway. "Hey!" Darcey yelled after the dog running after the canine towards the light and soon found herself in a town square where street lights shone brightly illuminating the area. "This is totally weird... I'm in another world!" She exclaimed in shock and amazement. While she was walking around the town, she thought she saw some people on the roof. But shrugged it off. Turns out there were people on the roof, two people a man and a woman both with hawk wings, wearing metallic armour and hawk-like helmets with their weapons by their side. Their names are "Hawkman" and "Hawkgirl." Both reincarnations of the Egyptian prince Khufu and the Egyptian High Priestess Chay-Ara. They had a secret love affair, however, they were killed by Hath-Set in a vengeful and jealous rage and their life force was tethered to his, causing them to continually be reincarnated while causing Hath-Set to become immortal. Renaming himself as Vandal Savage, and began his lifelong quest to kill each of his enemies' incarnations in each lifetime, managing to do so 206 times over the next 4000 years to maintain his own immortality.

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