Chapter Twenty-Eight: Avengers Assemble

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         After leaving Hogwarts, the heroes squad were in the gummiship feeling a bit depressed that they were leaving. While the gummiship was in autopilot on route, the heroes were doing activities to ease the depression. Darcey was looking through the book Ron gave her, it made her smile a bit and Jiminy was looking with her. Faith was shrunk to the size of a large dog and was enjoying the leaves, that Donald and Goofy gave her. BB8, Bucket, Donald and Neeku were playing cards, "Got any twos?" Donald asked. Neeku, BB8 and Bucket looked at their cards, BB8 beeped "He said go fish" Neeku translated. Goofy was reading the books that Dumbledore gave them, they were on Potions, Charms, Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology, flying, history of magic, transfiguration and Divinations. Kaz and Tam were at the ship's controls, while sharing Bertie Bots beans. "What flavour did you get Kaz?" Tam asked. "Sprouts, You?" Kaz replied. "Ketchup" Tam replied. Anakin was meditating and laughed a bit, he used the force to give a few beans to Darcey, Faith and Jiminy. Faith mixed her beans with her leaves. Darcey got them in her hand, "You know Kaz or Tam can also offer, without using the force Ani." Darcey told Anakin, Kaz and Tam nodded. "Then it wouldn't be funny Darce." Anakin said. Everyone giggled a bit by his joke, it made everyone feel better. "Big brother you are such a tease." Darcey teased. "Oh, sweet baby sis you wound me." Anakin teased back. This made everyone laugh even harder. While they continued travelling, they heard a beeping noise. That got everyone to their seats, Jiminy looked on the navigational system. "We're approaching our destination, Fury messaged that Loki has been sighted in Stuttgart, Germany" Jiminy reported. This made everyone get ready for landing, "Ok everyone, get ready to land in Germany. We're gonna battle the God of Mischief" Darcey said. Faith stood up and was ready to battle the God of Mischief.

As everyone landed in Stuttgart, Germany. Faith was amazed of the new world around her, she's experiencing this new journey for the first time. Back to her normal size. They started walking around looking for Loki or Heartless, or perhaps both. "Oh well...we better ask around." Neeku said to the team. But before they can, they hears people screaming from afar. "Sounds like trouble" Kaz pointed out. "Come on gang, let's follow that noise" Darcey yelled as she led the team, while they followed her to see the commotion. Their eyes widen at sight of what they see. Heartless have come to this world and they are attacking a child that looked around the age of 4. They wasted no time and destroyed them before they could hurt them. Faith used her wings to cover the child, then fired white fire blasts at the heartless. Once they cleared them all they rushed over to the kid see if they were hurt. Faith revealed her wings to find the kid still alive. "Is that kid ok?" Goofy asked. "Lets ask him Goofy" Tam said, BB8 and Bucket beeped in curiosity as they approached the kid. Anakin asked "Are you okay, kid?" The kid's eyes widen at first before he could beamed out excitingly. "WOW! THAT WAS SO COOL! YOU GUYS AND THOSE COOL WEAPONS JUST TOOK THOSE CREEPS OUT! YOUR AMAZING DRAGON SAVED MY LIFE AND.." They laughed nervously and stopped before he got excited more, "Darce used to be like that when she was little" Anakin told Donald, Faith and Goofy, making them laugh a bit before Darcey glared at them. Then she turned to the kid and asked "Okay, Okay. Settle down there, kid. Have those monsters been causing problems here?" The child raised an eyebrow before one kid answered.

The child shook his head. "No... they just showed up now." The Heroes Squad's eyes widen, as they looked at each other in worry. "Now? Well it's a good thing we got here just in time. Can you tell me who's been controlling them?" Donald boasted, his teammates looked at him indicating 'Really Donald?'. Faith glared at him as she faced him, with her face up close. Donald shrugged and mouthed 'Sorry'. Faith moved away from his face. "I mean can you tell us, who's been controlling them?" Donald asked gesturing his team. The kid pondered for a moment before he shrugged making the heroes sigh in frustration, and slapping their heads. "But I did see a green strange looking guy holding a scepter." That got their attention."Really? Where?" The kid pointed over at a building that was a group of people. Their eyes widen as he sees heartless surrounding a group of people being led by a man with a green trench and is holding the scepter the kid mentioned. He used his scepter to destroy a police car. Darcey kneed down to the child's height and touched his shoulders. It was Loki, Thor's brother, God of Mischief, causing chaos and was in control of the heartless. Faith growled at him in disgust, for attacking innocent people. Faith was about to attack, til Darcey, Jiminy and Tam stooped her. "Woah! Woah! Easy girl! Calm down! Not here, we need to be careful." Darcey told her dragon. "Yes girl, save your energy for him." Tam told Faith. "Don't attack him yet, sweet Faith." Jiminy told her. Faith took a deep breath and calmed down. "Boy your dragon is a fighter of justice." The Kid told her. The girls nodded in agreement with him. Neeku told the kid "Listen, find a place to hide and stay there until it's safe. We'll take care of that creep." The boy nodded and runs to his hiding place.

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