Chapter Thirty-Eight: Olympus Coliseum - Second Visit

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As they travelled through the lanes in between, Chip, Gadget, Zipper, Monty and Dale contacted them. "Guys! There are new matches at the Olympus Coliseum!" Chip exclaimed first. Zipper buzzed and salutes them for fun and excitement for them. "Phil's got them prepared for you! Plus there's a warp hole that can quickly get you there, and then send you on your way to beat Ansem!" Dale exclaimed second. "It will save you time to get to the next matches!." Gadget said. "Wish I could be there to cheer for you guys. So good luck in your next matches." Monty said. "Time we teach Hades a lesson! Let's do it!" Jiminy said. "Ok! Let's go, gang!" Darcey exclaimed. Faith roared for happiness while sharing her fruit with Twitchy. They drove the Gummiship to Olympus Coliseum, and Phil allowed them to compete in the final competitions. The Pegasus Cup was a piece of cake, they easily defeated their opponents and impressed the audience. Twitchy was too small to participate, so he watched in the stands with Phil. "Two words puppy - I am not a chew toy," Phil told Twitchy, who looked at him with confused looks. Faith fought alongside Darcey, Donald, Goofy and Jiminy. By using her abilities and attacks against their opponents, thankfully not saw Faith as a threat.

In the Hercules Cup, as they have beaten the other opponents, They reach the final match with Hercules. Hercules encouraged Darcey "Show me what you've got!" Darcey stopped him for a moment and said "Hercules, wait. Let's go one-on-one!". Faith warbled in confusion as she looked at Pegasus and Twitchy, hoping to know why. They didn't know, so they just shrugged their shoulders. Donald groaned "Oh, brother. What a show-off." Goofy asked "What're we gonna do?" Donald groaned and said "Let her go alone, I guess." Goofy encouraged "Good luck, Darcey!" Hercules said "I'm not gonna go easy on you!" Darcey joked "Humour me." Hercules, Pegasus, Phil, Donald, Faith, Twitchy, Goofy and Jiminy laughed with amusement. Pegasus is a pure white horse with light tan hooves, a sky blue tail, and a sky blue mohawk-like crest of hair going from the top of his head to the base of his neck. His eyes have light blue sclera. Pegasus has two long, white wings sprouting from his shoulders. The tips of the first few feathers on these wings are sky blue. He's also Hercules's best friend and noble steed. Darcey fights against Hercules, with a combination of the keyblade, her lightsaber and the Force. When he glowed, she used the Force to avoid him and used the lightsaber to flinch at him a bit. After a fair battle, Darcey manages to beat Hercules in a fair fight. "We did It!" She yelled as she won a trophy. Phil and Pegasus both dance on the steps of the arena as Darcey smiles at Donald, Faith, Twitchy, Jiminy and Goofy, holding the trophy in her hands.

They return to the Vestibule, Hercules was very impressed with Darcey's fighting skills and wasn't sour about losing against her. Hercules exclaimed "Wow! And I didn't even hold back!" Darcey realised "Now I finally know what you mean about the strength of heart. Mine comes from Donald, Faith, Twitchy, Jiminy and Goofy." This made Faith proud and Twitchy yapped in agreement with his owner. Phil asked in bewilderment "Come again?" Darcey said with excitement "If we stick together, we're unbeatable. Not even Hercules stands a chance." Hercules smiles with admiration to Darcey, not feeling any offence from her. Pegasus neighed in agreement with her while nodding his head happily. Darcey continued "With my friends beside me, I'm ready for anything!" Phil protested "But that's not exactly what I—" But was interrupted by Hercules picking Phil up and said "Of course. Your friends give you strength. Isn't that right, Phil? The six of you together make great heroes." After putting Phil back down, he continued "And as a team, I'm sure you can overcome anything." As Darcey and Hercules slam their hands together, smiling at each other. One Hero to another. Darcey, Jiminy, Donald, Faith, Twitchy and Goofy push the pedestal in the room over to reveal the Keyhole in the floor. Darcey stands in front of it and holds her Keyblade up. The blade glows and the Keyhole is sealed. Before entering the next tournaments, Darcey talked to Hercules for bit. Hercules said "Phil wasn't happy that I lost to you. Said I was getting soft. You beat me last time, but next time won't be so easy." She shrugged, then went to compete in the Hades Cup with her team.

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