Chapter Five: Travelling to new worlds (Wonderland - First World)

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After being introduced to her new friends, "Make sure you're prepared for the journey ahead of you. We don't know how far the Heartless have spread." Leon told her. "You'll need enough supplies to help you on your journey," Kendra told her. "Check out the shops here. They've got some pretty neat stuff!". Yuffie told her. "This is from all of us......Spend it as you see fit," Aerith told her, as she gave her some munny along with Darcey's backpack. "Thank you ummm." Darcey said. "Aerith." Aerith introduced herself. "Carter Hall - Hawkman" Carter introduced himself to her. "And this is from Leon." Aerith finished. "Good luck!" Yuffie says. "Be careful out there." Kendra encouraged her.  "I hope you find your friends." Aerith encouraged her. "Cisco Ramon, Wally West - members of Team Flash," Cisco told her. "Nice to meet you." Darcey said to them. "So you're the new kid, nice to make your acquaintance kid. I'm Oliver Queen, the Arrow of Star City." A man said wearing a green suit with a hood and mask, with a thin beard. As he fired an arrow, used it as a zipline and his bow to slide down straight down to face Darcey and her new team. Followed by the rest of his team John Diggle - Spartan, Felicity Smoak, Thea Queen - Oliver's half-sister/Speedy, Laurel Lance - Black Canary (after her sister Sara Lance was murdered by Malcolm Meryle, but was resurrected by the Lazarus pit. She had a blood rage, and but her soul saved by John Constantine. Who is now White Canary), minus Roy Harper - Arsenal who is trying to control himself after being injected with mirakuru by Slade Wilson (Deathstroke). "Take it easy Ollie, she just got her power," said Thea Queen who was wearing a red archer suit, as she told her half-brother. "Don't worry kid, if you need any training, we'll help you." Spartan told her, African American former marine and was in a black suit with a helmet. "Her name's Darcey Oliver, so take it easy on her." Carter told him. Everyone nodded in agreement. "If you need any help, we'll find you." Oliver told her, as he held out his hand, Darcey nodded as she shook his hand. Everyone nodded in agreement. 

Leon told her "Look out for each other. Keep your spirits up.". Donald informed her  "The gummi ship is outside that gate.". Darcey looked at him and asked "The what?". Donald told her "That's our ship.". Goofy told her  "til you see it!". Donald informed her  "Hold on. Darcey, this is for you." Donald gave her some magic and it absorbed into her, and she felt its power. "What was that?" Darcey asked in amazement. Goofy explained, "Abilities allow you to do all sorts of things. Guess we should look for 'em along the way, huh?". Darcey smiled at her new friends "Right, let's get some supplies. Go to your gummi ship." Darcey suggested. "Great idea." Donald agreed. Jiminy felt excited "Well, I see big adventures coming their way! Looks like it's up to me to keep track of it all in my journal!". Together the quartet began buying some supplies and trying out the trinity mark, much to their fascination. They even met up with Princess Diana/Wonder Woman, Bruce Wayne/Batman, Team Supergirl (Kara Danvers/Zor-El, James Olsen/Guardian, Winn Schott, Alex Danvers, J'onn J'onzz, Mon-El) other allies.  Darcey looked at it and suggested jumping on it at the same time. Once they did, it was activated and gotten some more supplies.

Later, Donald, Goofy and Jiminy took Darcey to the Gummi ship. Much to her amazement, she was wowed by the controls, the equipment, guns, the console, the layout and the rooms. "Sweet seven seas, I'm in an actual spaceship, just like the stories Dad told me about the Millennium falcon - Uncle Han's ship," Darcey exclaimed in wonder. Donald, Goofy and Jiminy smiled with appreciation. "Thanks. So ready to fly?" Donald offered. "Oh yes! Flying runs in my family." Darcey exclaimed as they started the engines and Donald starts showing her the ropes. After showing Darcey how to operate the gummi ship, she became a natural at flying. Since flying runs in her family.

They eventually travel to called Wonderland, however, as soon as they got out of the ship, they slowly drift downward, past clocks and tables and fireplaces, Donald stated, "Well... this is weird..." Jiminy nodded, "Yeah... even for me, I'm not using my umbrella." Darcey nodded, "Is it going to be like this for all the worlds?" Everyone shrugged in confusion. However, Goofy was lying on his back enjoying the ride, "You guys worry too much. Just go with it and enjoy the ride." When they reach the bottom, Darcey, Donald, and Jiminy land softly on their feet, while Goofy falls over with a big thump. Darcey helped him up, "You alright, Goofy?". "I'll live..." He nodded as he rubbed the back on his neck. "You know, you should be more careful," Jiminy told him. Everyone nodded in agreement, til something caught their eyes. They all were shocked to see a white rabbit in a red waistcoat carrying a large clock dashing past them, "Oh, my fur and whiskers! I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!" The rabbit pants, " Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! I'm here, I should be there." "Well, that's certainly something you don't see every day." Donald stated as the White Rabbit disappeared around the corner, "I'm late, I'm late, I'm late! The queen, she'll have my head for sure!" Darcey turned to the others, "The Queen?" "Seems like a good place to start to me." Donald nodded. Jiminy nodded, "I second that. What do you think, gang?" "...Alright... but stay on your guard. That rabbit was afraid of her for a reason." Goofy told everyone.

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