Chapter Twenty-Three: Travserve Town (4th Visit)/Training with new friends

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 When Darcey and her friends arrived in Traverse Town, they returned 12 more puppies with a total of 87 puppies they've returned so far to Pongo and Perdita. Just as they met up with Leon, in one of the bedrooms. "Hi Leon." Everyone said. "Hey guys, how's the search coming along?" Leon asked. "Steady I guess, we found more of Ansem's reports, more of the 99 puppies, we only have 12 left to find. Still no luck on Raiden, and no luck on information about my father or Anakin. But at least I know my mum is safe, hope Meredith isn't giving everyone a hard time, she's insufferable." Darcey reported. "Don't worry Darce, you'll find them. Just received a message from your mother, she put Meredith and her friends in community service for juvenile delinquents." Leon told her. "Well that's good news." Jiminy stated. "So how's everything here?" Donald asked. Leon cleared his throat and replied "Here? We have new refugees from other worlds. Most of them are metas, mutants, inhumans, aliens, demigods and runaways. In a way they're like you, frightened, alone, scared of their powers. I would like you to meet them, and train with them." "Sure thing, but we need to make a quick stop at Merlin's. We'll meet them in 1/2 hour." Goofy told them. Leon smiled at them. "Be quick" he told them. After heading over to Merlin's house learning new magic such as aero, blizzard, fire, heal,etc. Fairy Godmother turned her summon gem into Bambi, now she can summon Bambi.

They headed back, despite running into the heartless, they joined Leon to meet the other refugees. "Follow me, they're in the training hall". Leon told them. As they followed him to the training hall, "I should warn you guys, some of them are very sensitive, can easily get ticked off and very emotional. So, you'll have to be careful what you say." Leon warned them. "We understand Leon." They said at the same time. "Oh, wear this training uniform with the 'Traverse Town Resistance Logo'. It can help you harness your abilities, and increase your social interaction." Leon said, as he gave them the uniform (Teal jumpsuit, with black padding on the shoulders, elbows, knees, arms and legs with the traverse town resistance logo on the left shoulder) "Thanks Leon, let us change. We'll be out in a jiffy" Darcey said, as they changed into the training uniform and then followed Leon to the training hall. As they arrived in the training hall, they saw a lot of teenagers and young adults training, learning and sharing stories about their lives. Many of them have different features such as hair, eyes, skin or some have humanoid features. Leon gave an announcement "Can I have everyone's attention please?" As he spoke in the megaphone. Everyone stopped and looked at Leon, as they saw Darcey and her friends. They made whispers "Is that her?" "She's the one with the key and the force" "That's pretty rare and powerful". Leon cleared his throat, as he continued his speech through the megaphone "I like you all to meet our new members of the Traverse Town resistance. Darcey Skywalker, Donald Duck, Captain Goofy Goof and Jiminy Cricket. I know many of you have questions for them, but make them feel welcome and don't judge them. Any questions?" Silence. "Good, it's ok Darce, be yourself and showed them what you can do" Darcey nodded as she gave Leon the reports. "I'll be back, as soon as I drop off these reports" as he left. Everyone still looked at Darcey and her team, til a girl with a brown furry squirrel tail, fake squirrel ears, hazel eyes, brown medium length hair and small brown squirrel wearing a pink bow. The girl is also a mutant.

 The girl is also a mutant

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