Chapter Twenty-Six: Monstro/ Unfriendly Reunion

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On a Star Destroyer, Kylo Ren was furious that their plans in Metroville have failed and that his one chance to find Luke Skywalker have slipped away from him. The new information he received about Anakin Skywalker the second has appeared, leaving a larger dent in his plans. "The Skywalker children have reunited again after nine long years. All these years, they were hiding from the First Order. Now, the youngest has the power of the Keyblade. The prophecy of the Key that connects to everything, must not happen. Show me Grandfather how to bring the Skywalkers to the Dark Side of the Force and the Power of Darkness." As Kylo Ren spoke to the destroyed helmet of Darth Vader, a stormtrooper gave Kylo Ren a message. "Sir, Maleficent requires an audience with you on Hollow Bastion" "Set a course for Hollow Bastion immediately, send this message to General Hux" Kylo Ren ordered. "Yes Sir" As the Stormtrooper left. Kylo Ren still feels that there may be alternative solutions to find Skywalker and his family. He left the room, with the destroyed helmet of Darth Vader in his room.

 While the new team of the Light Squad were flying away from Metroville to their next destination. While ship was on auto pilot, Superman appeared in a hologram explaining the heroes how about a few months back, a group of heroes called the Legion of Super Heroes, came looking for him for help. In their timeline, Superman inspired each and every member to use their powers for good but they needed help to defeat their arch foes, the Fatal Five. They even helped him how to have better control over his powers. Kaz nodded, "So, you've been to the future and met other heroes? Okay, but what does that have to do with Brainiac?" "One of the friends I made there was named Brainiac 5. We call him Brainy for short. We were good friends..." Superman explained. Goofy asked, "Gawrsh, You think the Brainac you met is related to the Brainiac that's with the Legion of Doom?"."I don't wanna believe that. The Brainiac I know, wouldn't do something like this. But the similarities..." Superman sighed. Darcey spoke up, "Then there's no way they're the same person. The Brainiac we saw and arrested is cold and calculating... this Brainy... he sounds like he had heart. Nothing like that robot alien monster." Tam who was working on her blaster and double checking it, lightly turned to Anakin, "Has she always been this positive?" He nodded as he checked his blaster, "Yeah... it's kinda her thing..." "Thanks Darce..." Superman smiled in appreciation before wondering, "...but who's this Brainiac then?" Donald answered, "If the Brainiac you met was the fifth then we can assume the one we just met is the original... Brainiac 5's great ancestor." "So, your friend could be making up for his families criminal actions." Jiminy assumed. Donald nodded, "Exactly..." Darcey wondered, "What I don't get is that... your world is still around in the future and yet, that world was consumed by the Heartless... so, do we bring it back or..." "That's the thing about the future... it's always changing. The future I went to could be one where the Heartless never came to Earth." Superman explained. Darcey shrugged, "Or maybe we've end up winning and somehow bring your world back?" She then got stares from the others, "Yeah, I know but... we've got to think positive right? No sad faces? Right? We gotta have hope right?" "Well... you're right about the hope thing..." Anakin stated before leaning to Donald, "No sad faces?" Donald replied, "When we met your sister, she wasn't in a good mood. We told her this ship runs on happy faces." "Take care kids, oh Anakin, Kaz many thanks for the information you've found" Superman thanked Kaz and Anakin, as the Hologram ended.

Anakin and Kaz just stared each other for a while, they heard the computer beeped which indicates that the drive has finished processing the data from Syndrome's former assistant. Causing Anakin and Jiminy to change the subject, "Hey guys look!, the computer has finished processing the data" Jiminy observed. "Perfect, now we see who we're facing, and the info it can tell us" Anakin said. As everyone stopped what they were doing and going over the information. "So... what can we tell about this Dark Legion." Darcey explained, "Looks like syndrome had files on their top members. We've already taken down Queen of Hearts, Circe, Doc Terminus, Hoagy, The Gogans, those Hydra agents, Ursula the Sea Witch, Oogie Boogie, Toad, King Shark, Black Manta, Sabretooth, Multiple Man, Empress Yzma, Clayton, Jafar, Deathstroke, his army, Zoom. He used us as bargaining chips against Barry to race, so he can be the one and only powerful speedster. There was also the dominators attacking Earth and wiping out all meta humans, they even tried to get information from me about Dad. Since Syndrome's was killed by the First Order when he outlived his usefulness, and we know which world Hades is." As Jiminy crossed off the enemies they've defeated, before meeting Anakin and his team. Perhaps there's a bigger picture of what they're facing. However Tam was being skeptical about the First Order thinking that there's a bigger picture than that, maybe to her. "What about the members we don't know about?" Goofy wondered. "I'm with Goofy here, cause while we're travelling with you guys, we need to know about the bigger bad guys, besides the First Order and Hydra". Neeku pointed out. Bucket beeped and twirled around, as he want to know what they're facing.

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