Chapter Nineteen: Invasion Part 2

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Previously on Invasion.

Barry had went to check a meteor that crashed downtown but when they got there,it wasn't a meteor...It was a spaceship."Guys, this isn't a meteor."Said Barry. Lyla comes over to Central City to explain that there aliens on earth."We've been calling them the Dominators. We learned they were abducting humans to gather Intel about us."Said Lyla. "If they decide to attack, no military can stop them."Said Barry. "You can't do this alone."Said Iris. "I don't plan to."Said Barry. Then Barry and Cisco went over to another earth to pick up their friend Supergirl for him, then they went to Traverse Town to pick up Darcey and her team and bring them back to earth one where Team Arrow and Legends were waiting."Guys, thanks for coming."Said Barry."Barry, I thought you were bringing an alien. Darcey, thank goodness you and your team are here. We'll need all the help we need." Said Oliver. "It's good to see you and Team Arrow again Oliver. Barry told us the dominators, never faced evil aliens before. But if they're like the heartless, then we got some moves with their names on it. Right guys?."Said Darcey. "Everybody, this is our friend, Kara Danvers, or, as she's known on her Earth, Supergirl. Here is Darcey Skywalker the new keybalde wielder, her team Captain Goofy Goof, Magician Donald Duck and loyal conscience Jiminy Cricket." Said Barry. After having some of our heroes been mind controlled by the dominators, they were ready to fight them. "Call Lyla, tell her these Dominators aren't here peacefully."Said Oliver. That's what they thought when Darcey, Sara, Diggle, Thea, Ray and Oliver get whisked away through a teleporter to who knows where. Leaving the rest of the heroes including Donald, Goofy and Jiminy to save them. And This Is Where Our Story Continues.....

It's early in the morning, Oliver runs through the forest...and finishes his jog at Queen Manor. Later,he had just finished taking a shower, but he wasn't alone."So...How was your run?"She Asked. "You know how it was I told you about in the shower. Here you go."Said Oliver as he hands her a towel. And the person who came out of the shower in a towel was none other than Laurel Lance."How could I forget?"Said Laurel "Dinah Laurel Lance...[They kiss.]Will you marry me?"Said OliverLaurel wiggles her fingers, showing him an engagement ring."I think I already answered that question."Said Laurel."Right."Said Oliver. They kiss each other again before slowly pulling away. "Ok. Time to get ready. My sister will be here soon."Said Laurel. In a chamber, Oliver is unconscious inside of a pod with Sara, Diggle, Ray, and Thea nearby. In another chamber Darcey is stuck inside another chamber, while floating she sees her friends unconscious in the chamber at the far end of the room much to her horror. The door closes, the dominators tried to look inside her head but something was blocking them from looking inside her head. She tried to break the chamber, but it was invulnerable to her keyblade and her lightsaber. The Dominators were alerted by her methods and used their technology to petrifies her body, making her incapable of moving, except for her eyes and breathing.

At the bunker, Rory, Curtis, and Rene wait for Felicity to arrive after she tells them that Diggle and Oliver were abducted by aliens. Then she arrives with Cisco, Donald, Goofy and Jiminy by her side."Guys, this is Cisco Ramon of Star Labs. Captain Goofy Goof, Magician Donald Duck and Jiminy Cricket conscience and chronicler, loyal friends of Darcey Skywalker." Said Felicity. "Curtis. Big fan."Said Curtis. "Rene Ramirez."Said Rene. "Rory Regan."Said Rory. "Nice to meet you fellas." Goofy said. "Pleasure to meet you all." Donald replied, as he held out his hand to Curtis. Who just grabbed him in a tight hug, before putting him down. "Sorry big fan, so where's the famous Keyblade girl?" Curtis asked. "That's the part where we're about to tell you." Jiminy pointed out "Amazing! I mean you Jiminy, Darcey and her team are lucky to have you." Rory stated, as he bent down to look at him. "Gee thanks. You're friendlier then the other Rory." Jiminy replied. "Ok. Curtis, you're tall. Rene and Rory. That's two Rorys I know now. The other one, he's a douche, though. You're not a douche, are you?"Said Cisco. "No. Like Jiminy said "I'm friendlier"Said Rory. "Ok. Good. I just had to make sure, right? Guys, we have to find Oliver, Darcey and company, and I'm not talking about the cherished Disney animated film starring Billy Joel, ok? I'm talking...I got to Vibe, all right? I need something to Vibe off of, something personal."Said Cisco."I got one of his old bows here somewhere."Said Felicity. "I have the sash that Darcey was given to by the family she helped in Agrabah." Goofy pointed out. "That'll do."Said Cisco in a Scottish Accent. "Um, for those of us who don't know you as well--not me because I feel like we're best friends, we've known each other for a long time...Uh, what are you going to do exactly?"Said Curtis "Oh, right. Uh, I'm about to Vibe. It's this thing I do where, uh, I touch something. I..I can not only see the past. I can see the future, but most importantly, I can see where people are."Said Cisco "So you're one of them...Metahuman?"Said Rene annoyed."Yeah. Don't sound too excited about it." Said Cisco. "You got a problem with metahumans?" Donald asked, as he crossed his arms. Everyone was silenced at his question, but now wasn't the time to debate meta humans at the moment.

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