Chapter Thirty-Six: Traverse Town (6th Visit)/Raiden's dragon

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 While the gummiship was being piloted by Anakin and Goofy. Darcey introduces Raiden to the team, Twitchy was eating some dinner with the last six dalmatian puppies. Faith stood beside Darcey and Raiden. "Raiden, I know this is a lot to process. But I'm gonna introduce you to the team, before I explain everything." Darcey told Raiden. "Darce, it's ok. Despite, missing the excitement I'd be happy to hear your adventures and meet your new friends. Wow! A real dragon and a crup puppy, it's so amazing. I gotta say Anakin's gotten taller since the last time I've seen him. Do you remember that time...when all girls went crazy over him, and begged him to their husband?" Raiden told Darcey. That made everyone, All except Anakin laugh. Faith and the puppies found it funny too. "Hey! Those girls were the same, they wanted to marry me for my looks. I had nothing in common with them, they were spoiled, vain, selfish, narcissistic stick figures. I was ten at the time almost eleven, which make me nineteen now. Well twenty actually now. But it's good to see you again Raiden. You saved Darcey's life, thanks" Anakin quickly explained himself. "Anyway, moving on. Raiden, this is Donald, Goofy, Kaz, Neeku, Jiminy, Tam, BB8 and Bucket. This special dragon here is Faith the Sophrosyne. The little guy here is Twitchy, cause he twitches a lot." Darcey introduces the team to Raiden. Twitchy twitches his body, rolls over a few times and his wet cute little nose a lot, to prove her point.

Everyone waved or said "Hi". Bucket and BB8 liked Raiden very much. Faith nuzzled her face to Raiden's face, before giving him kisses, making him laugh. He rubs her head, while purring with happiness. "It was great meeting you guys, you're all amazing fighters. I gotta say Faith's extremely rare and beautiful. I'm sorry that you guys were put in harm's way. Darcey, why did that Ansem man call me 'Prince'?" Darcey felt a bit uneasy to tell him, but she didn't want to make the same mistake with Amanda. "Because, that's your true birth-right Raiden. You're the Prince of the lost kingdom of Leon's homeworld. I know it's difficult to believe, I didn't know either. More importantly you have pure heart of light, therefore a Royal of Heart. I know what you're going through Raiden, i felt the same way when I found out about the 'Force'." Darcey explained. This surprised Raiden in astonishment and confusion, he looked at the others. They nodded their heads, til Jiminy approached the youngsters and said "Raiden, don't get upset with Darcey. She only wanted to find and protect you, it shocked her to learn that you're royal. But it doesn't change, that she's still the same girl who became your friend. What's more she's gave her life up to save you." BB8 nudged Raiden in comfort, while Twitchy jumped on his lap and licked his face. "Still I think it's amazing that you're royalty, your highness. I grovel at your feet." Neeku said, as he bowed to Raiden in respect. "Neeku, you're making him uncomfortable." Tam scolded at him. "It's ok Tam, l'm use to it. Back on the Islands I was adopted by Mayor Holland who raised me as his son. Meredith, Chad and their cronies were jealous of me, since childhood. At first, they tried to be friends with me, for popularity gains. But I refused, because I rather have true friends like Darce and Amanda. Than no friends at all." Raiden eases the attention. "How can I forget? Stacy and Quinn hogged you and stalked you everywhere. Even to classes, showing everyone that you're a rich playboy. But you're not, you're a kind, supportive, honest, defensive, caring and loyal. Quite the opposite of Meredith, Chad, Quinn and Stacy." Darcey said in a supportive tone, while holding his hand. Making him smile, while giving out his own goofy smile. "Thanks Darce, you always see the best in people." Raiden smiled and held her hand too. "You followed your instincts Raiden, good choices. Just like my son Max. Darcey's also a jedi-in-training, next to the keyblade." Goofy said, remembering his son. Raiden was curious of what he meant about the Force.

To support Goofy, Darcey showed him her connection to the Force, by lifting a book from the table and bringing it to Raiden. "Wow! Darcey, that's amazing! So all the stories your parents told us were true. I think you're very lucky Darcey to have these powers." Raiden said, as he touched her hand. "Lucky? I think she's a natural at it." Kaz said, before Bucket kicked him. "Ow! Bucket!" Kaz yelled. "Bucket, Kaz, chill out! Darcey was born that way. Mum and Dad wanted her to have a normal life, before she starts training as a Jedi. But when Dad and I left, things were different. Well, they're still different, Magnus Bane sealed her memories and her powers to prevent bounty hunters from kidnapping her."Anakin explained. So far Tam doesn't know yet that he works for the resistance. "Raiden...I'm sorry I didn't save you when our home fell into darkness, things happened so fast. It was like my whole life flashed into nothingness in front of my eyes. I never felt more afraid in my whole life." Darcey told him. "It wasn't your fault Darce, it's all in the past now. What matters now is that you're here." Raiden said, as he rubbed her hand in comfort. That made Darcey and Raiden smile at each other. "Well, would like to hear my stories from the start?" Darcey asked him. "I would like that." Raiden said. "Come on, let's leave these two lovebirds some privacy." Tam teased them, making everyone laugh, Darcey gestured Raiden to follow her. So he did to her room to talk.

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