Chapter Twenty-Five: Metroville/Skywalker Siblings reunited

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 While they were travelling in the Gummiship, waiting til a small noise beeped. Donald turned to the computer, "We're approaching Metroville, let's go save J'onn." Everyone prepared for landing as the gummi ship entered it's atmosphere as the single ship followed them. Goofy flipped a few switches, "Engaging cloak." Just then the gummi ship turned invisible as just Anakin's ship came out of light speed. Kaz and Tam looked out the VCX-100 light freighter and noticed the gummiship turned invisible. "Anakin, there's another ship there, plus it turned invisible" Tam observed. Kaz said "Its definitely one of a kind craftsmanship" Anakin looked at it and sensed Darcey was on that ship. "Darce is on that ship, we need land and find them" Anakin realised. Tam and Kaz nodded, then flipped a few switches and the ship went invisible as well and landed it.

On the gummi ship, Darcey asked, "Let's land close to Nomanisan Island" "But... guys. This is a First Order Base because I'm seeing lots of Heartless, guards and Stormtroopers." Goofy stated. Donald's eyes narrowed, "Good, let's go get them." "How is that a good thing? It's a heavy guarded and there are lots of heartless. Plus we don't if the Maleficent or her allies are there" Jiminy asked. Donald explained, "If we're at their base, we could get answers here like, 'How many of the Princesses of Heart they have?' or, 'Where are they keeping them?' or, ' What does Circe, The First Order, and Maleficant plus her other friends want with them?', 'Where's J'onn?' or even, 'Where is their secret base?'" "Oh..." Darcey and Jiminy nodded, "Gotcha..." They landed and hidden their ship in the jungle of the island. Darcey, Donald, Goofy, and Jiminy walked deeper into it as quietly as possible. They eventually spotted a squad of Stormtroopers. They quickly took them out as Donald and Darcey cut off from communication with the First Order, by using thunder spells. Goofy knocked one of the Stormstroopers with his shield and bound him to a tree. Then Darcey and Donald used a Truth Spell 'For those who want the truth revealed, Opened hearts and secrets unsealed, From now until it's now again, After which the memory ends. Those who now are in this house, Will hear the truth from other's mouths.' on the stormtrooper, "Where's Jasmine and Alice?" Darcey asked the Stormtrooper. "I don't know." He replied so Jiminy clarified, "Where are the Royals of Heart?" "I don't know." He repeated. Donald's eyes narrowed, "Then there has to be someone who does? Who's in charge of this Base?" "Syndrome." He answered. Darcey asked, "Who is Syndrome?" "Syndrome is a weapons designer for the First Order. He's created many armor and weapons for us including Starkiller Base. More recently, he created the prefect weapons to use against you and the other super heroes. Project Omidroid and Project Amazo." The Stromtrooper answered. That shocked everyone of Syndrome's intentions to murder all superheroes, leaving the citizens vulnerable against the supervillains and criminal underworld.

Still needed answers about the First Order and Syndrome's malicious plans. Goofy asked, "What is Project Omidriod?"."Project Omidriod is programmed with an artificial intelligence that allows them to learn as it fights its opponents and to solve any problems they encounter. Syndrome would pit retired super heroes against a prototype version of the robot, collecting data on the fight as it progressed. If that version was defeated, he would use the collected battle data to develop a new, improved model to use against the Super that had defeated the previous unit, thereby repeating the cycle. This process killed off many potential threats to Syndrome's plans and allowed him to perfect the robot for the final phase of the operation." Everyone's eyes widened in horror. Darcey growled and glared at the Stormtrooper. "What is the final phase in Syndrome's operation?!" "I don't know." The Stormtrooper admitted. Goofy sighed, "Figures... what about project Amazo?" The Stromtrooper answered, "Project Amazo was originally designed by Professor Ivo." Jiminy recalled, "I heard of him. He was an enemy of the Justice Society. He believed he could create the prefect weapon against them. A machine the could copy anyone's powers just by looking at them." "Really? How'd they stop something like that?" Darcey asked. Jiminy answered, "They didn't. Ivo died long before it was complete." "True but the Injustice League managed to recovered the original blue prints and managed to complete the android with Syndrome's help." The Stormtrooper admitted. Donald muttered, "Great... well at least we have an actually name for them now." "Does it have any powers so far?" Darcey asked. The Stormtrooper admitted, "So far, it currently has all the powers of the Justice Society, as well as Mr. Incredible and the martian." Everyone paused at him and gasped at the mention of J'onn Goofy asked, "Mr. Incredible? Martian? That's J'onn that our friends told us about!" Making everyone gasp in horror. "Mr. Incredible was a hero of Metroville and was the final test for the Omidroid and the last Green Martian was spying on our base, we captured him when he tired to escape. Our commander, Klyo Ren, and another member of the Injustice League are coming to check on Syndrome progress." The Stromtrooper answered. Knowing the threats and the machines that Syndrome and Ivo have designed.

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