Chapter Twenty-One: New world - Atlantica, Aqua team-up

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 After leaving Traverse Town Darcey, Donald, Goofy and Jiminy arrive on this strange new world called Atlantica.

However this world was surrounded by sea water, and beneath the water was a aquatic and beautiful palace. "According to the map, this world is called "Atlantica." Jiminy said, as he read the results on the map. "Gawrsh guys, there's so much water. Reminds you of your home-world. Does it Darce?" Goofy asked. Darcey looked out the window to see the world and said "Yes it does." "Okay, guys. Prepare for landing." Donald said. This shocked Darcey of what he said. "Woah! Land where? In the sea? Are your nuts Donald? We'll drown!" Darcey exclaimed in shock. "Clam down Darce, not with my magic, we won't. Just leave it to me." Donald told her. Then after being given new magical forms by Donald that will allow them to survive and adapt. They appeared in the sea, scaring some fish away. Darcey was amazed that she's a mermaid, as she looked at her tail (Dark pink with light pink tinge dolphin tail, magneta covering her belly button next to her magenta sea sports bra), still wearing her bracelet and her weapons attached to her belt. Donald's lower body is replaced with that of a cephalopod. He has six tentacles, all of equal length, and lacks the two longer tentacles characteristic of squids. The top halves of his tentacles are cyan, while the underside is yellow. Donald does not wear any clothing in this form. Goofy's entire body, save for his head, is transformed into that of a large sea turtle. His skin is the same black color as his fur, but his limbs are transformed into flippers and he gains a long, thin tail. The underside of his shell is the same light tan color as his skin in his normal form, and the top side of his shell is sea green. Jiminy was a little shrimp, still wearing his jacket and suit, but his bottom part is shrimp tail (he was tucked away on Goofy's hat). While they were amazed by the beautiful sea life, they were still having trouble swimming.

As the fish swam away. They are soon encountered by Ariel, Flounder, and Sebastian. Ariel has red long hair, purple seashell bikini and green shimmering mermaid tail. She's the youngest seventh daughter of King Triton, ruler of the ocean. Her sisters are Attina, Alana, Adella, Aquata, Arista, and Andrina, like her they are princesses. Flounder is her best friend, he's a yellow fish with blue stripes. Sebastian is a small red crab, loyal advisor and conductor to King Triton. "Come on, Sebastian!" As Ariel swam, Sebastian was lagging behind "Ariel wait! Slow Down! Don't leave me behind!". As he caught up he almost swam into Donald who was upside down and had his arms crossed with an annoyed look on his face. He freaked out and hid behind Ariel with Flounder. Darcey, Goofy and Jiminy were surprised to see them, as they were the inhabitants of this world. "Oh Relax Sebastian, they don't look like one of them. Right Flounder?" As she assured Sebastian, then asked Flounder. However, Flounder felt very unsure about them "I don't know, there something weird about them". Darcey felt a little embarrassed, as she struggled to swim in her mermaid form. "Uh What do you mean?", as she asked. "They do seem...a little different. Where are you from?" As Ariel swam around them while talking to Darcey and company. "We're from kind of far away and we're not use to these waters" feeling embarrassed while chuckling. Flounder, Jiminy and Goofy were looking at each other, while Donald and Sebastian stared at each other.

Deciding to help her new friends, Ariel suggested "Oh, I see. In that case...Sebastian can show you how we swim around here". Sebastian was shocked and objected to her idea "Ariel, King Triton will not like this!" Feeling panicking. This made her tense, but dismissed it "Oh don't worry". Sebastian pointed out "Easy for you to say... Okay, it's time you learn how to swim properly. Practice swimming with Flounder. Try to tag him. All right. Begin." As they helped Darcey and company to swim. Flounder and Sebastian taught Darcey and her friends to swim like sea-folk, Darcey enjoyed it very much it reminded her the time her family taught how to swim at an early age, which lead her to love the ocean. "Good job. Now let's move on to self-defence." — after practicing swimming. But before they could continue, Ariel warned him "Sebastian!" As more heartless appeared. "Class is over. Good luck!" Sebastian panicked as he swam away. Ariel hid in a cave, while Sebastian and Flounder hid in a calm. While they hid, Darcey and company fend off a Heartless attack using their new sea-forms skills, after they were defeated. Their new friends appeared, safe and unharmed. Ariel explained "Those creatures chased us here". "Oh no! Those monsters might be heading for the palace, too!" Sebastian panicked. "We'd better head back there right away!" Ariel suggested, Flounder felt a bit concerned about it "But wh-what if we run into more on our way back?" Ariel asks them to accompany her and her friends to the palace, where they meet King Trition. "I'm sorry, but we need your help. Please come to the past with us. Then try and follow the markers on the walls point the way there. We won't get lost as long as we follow them. Ok, lets get going." Jiminy said "Of course!, we'll be happy to help". "Right gang, let's go Ariel lead the way" Darcey said, as they swam with their new friends to the palace.

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