Chapter Thirty-Nine: End of the world/Final Battle

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 After the excitement ended at the Coliseum, Darcey and her friends finally pilot the gummi ship to the End of the World. They disembark at the Gate to the Dark, a cave near fragments of dense snowy rocks floating in a pool of an unknown substance. A swirl of energy lights their destination. Faith and Twitchy warbled/whimpered in fright. Goofy gasped and said "Gawrsh, is that all that's left of the worlds taken by the Heartless?" Darcey said "Those worlds will be restored if we beat Ansem, including our friend's worlds right?" Donald said "You betcha." Jiminy said "Definitely, then everyone can restore their lives and be with the people they love." Faith nodded her head and nuzzled her rider. Twitchy yapped in agreement. Darcey rubbed their heads but then stopped for a moment to think, about the results after defeating Ansem. Darcey asked in concern "But, if we do beat him and all these worlds become restored and disconnected, what's gonna happen to this place? And to us?"Donald stopped to think "Well, uh..." This surprised Jiminy a bit and said "Oh, uh....". Faith and Twitchy didn't know the answer to the question. Goofy simply replied "This is a Heartless world, so maybe it'll just disappear." Darcey, Jiminy, Faith, Twitchy and Donald look back at him in bewilderment. Darcey, Jiminy & Donald said at the same time "Huh?!" Luckily Goofy spoke in a hopeful tone "But no worries. Even if this place goes poof, our hearts ain't goin' nowhere. I'm sure we'll find our pals and families again. Yup, I just know that we will." Donald and Jiminy nodded in agreement with Goofy. Twitchy and Faith both warbled/barked in saying 'yes'. Even Darcey nodded too, "Yeah, you're right Goofy." She said. She slips into her pocket, taking out Raiden's wayfinder and stares at it, holding it tight. Thinking to herself she says "I'll return this. I promise." Faith gestured everyone to get on her back to fly through the world.

Once everyone got on Faith, Darcey and Twitchy were in front, Donald was behind her, Goofy was behind Donald. Jiminy was sitting on top of Faith's head at the far front. They proceed forward over the bizarre terrain, while Faith was flying. As they approach the swirling mist, a large dark orb falls from the sky, unclouding their vision. They are attacked by a Behemoth Heartless and find themselves in a wasteland of snow and crystal. Upon defeating the Behemoth by using their powers, while flying on Faith who helped as well. By combing their attacks and powers together, the force and their weapons, they drop into a Giant Crevasse filled with green web-like structures and crystals scattered throughout. Still on Faith, Goofy wondered "I wonder where that Ansem feller went?" Donald suggested "Dive into the most dangerous place and we'll find him!" Jiminy yelled "And End him for his crimes!". After getting off of Faith at the bottom of the crevasse, they find a portal to a sharply formed cave with a flaming pillar burning in the centre. That portal took them to several familiar worlds that they visited (Traverse Town, Wonderland, Olympus Coliseum, Pachyderm Parade, Passamaquoddy, Kuzco's Empire, Deep Jungle, Agrabah, Star City - Arrowverse, Atlantica, HolloweenTown, Metroville, Monstro, Hogwarts, Earth MCU, Berk - Barbaric Archipelago, 100 acre wood, Central City/ STAR Labs - Arrowverse, Neverland, Hollow Bastion) jumping through different enchanted flames til it leading them in a long tiled hallway with a large Heartless insignia at the end of it.

They defeat the Heartless that appear around them, as usual using their magic, weapons, dragon attacks, the Force and teamwork, and a door opens in the wall, leading to a room with a mysterious device. On the panel of the device a message is written. This caught Darcey's attention and said "Guys look, there's a message written here: Ones born of the heart and darkness, devoid of hearts, ravage all worlds and bring desolation. Seize all hearts and consummate the great heart. All hearts to be one, one heart to encompass all. Realise the destiny: the realm of Kingdom Hearts. The great darkness sealed within the great heart. Progeny of darkness, come back to the eternal darkness. For the heart of light shall unseal the path. Seven hearts, one Keyhole, one key to the door. The door of darkness, tied by two keys. The door of darkness to seal the light. None shall pass but shadows, returning to the darkness. Ones born of the heart and darkness, hunger for every heart until the dark door opens." They looked at each other in worry, Twitchy felt scared and went back to hide in Darcey's bag, Faith heard shaking she lifted her wing and there was Donald shaking with fear. She nuzzled her head against him, calming him down. With everyone regaining their courage, they continued and returned to the hallway and jump into the dark portal in the wall. Returning to the stark cave, the pillar of flame has become a swirling hole in the floor.

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